Are you better off today, than you were 4 years ago when Trump was POTUS?

Auto sales.... perspective..

View attachment 5379032
You're employment chart only goes back to the Biden Admin.....and is actually decreasing.
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Im guessing it was a little late so not sure what this chart you posted is even measuring, and in percentage it could really be anything. Also the one chart I think you might be talking about with the shortest time period is this one:


I'm guessing it was just a mistake, but if not 2020 Trump was still POTUS watching the world lose its mind while sitting back trying to figure out how he could manipulate it into his grift.

I decided to go fishing to try to find what they were measuring in your chart and think it is a per capita employment,

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With the FED still applying the breaks on our economy and the Republicans not being able to get their shit together to do anything other than threaten shutdowns since they took control of the house, it is not surprising.

We are in a weird time there is no question in the post pandemic meltdown. But with wages up, changes in the need for daily travel thanks to all the innovations in e-commerce, we are defiantly in a shift. I am with Bernie on this and think it is time we stop feeling the need to kill ourselves with labor. We can easily produce everything we need and the working class should start to enjoy the benefits that the leasuire classes have forever since our production is more than at any point in human history.

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I was curious though, how much it could be due to families being able to have more 1 income households like we were able to back in the 'good ole days' and things like long covid/deaths we are still dealing with as a society. I would also be curious about kids and the impacts of covid on their education and how that is going to impact their employment. I don't think we are through the impacts of the recession though by any stretch, those will take decades to see what they will be.
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But there really is no question how much better off we have been with Biden and the Democrats at the helm.
I don't think we are through the impacts of the recession though by any stretch, those will take decades to see what they will be.
Unlike many other nations the US prevented a much expected actual recession. Ok, except for about a month when covid started.

we are defiantly in a shift.
Yes you are, "defiantly", as it was despite economic projections being so negative that it almost becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Among others, the Deutsche Bank recently changed their projection to a more positive outlook too:

The economic resilience and recovery of the US will be written about for decades to come.
As far as why we need to send money to UKR?.... Nutshell that for me.
To not let Putin steamroll a neighboring country that is valiantly standing up to his murderous ass?

Do you really think that we should not help democracies that are being attacked by their neighboring dictatorships?

Unlike many other nations the US prevented a much expected actual recession. Ok, except for about a month when covid started.

Yes you are, "defiantly", as it was despite economic projections being so negative that it almost becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Among others, the Deutsche Bank recently changed their projection to a more positive outlook too:

The economic resilience and recovery of the US will be written about for decades to come.
We really stuck to what the (credible) economists were saying we needed to do back in the Great Recession in '08, but Obama was determined to work with the Republicans here and they stalled the crap out of the recovery bills and they ended up severely watered down which prolonged the recovery.

Biden and the Democrats learned from this and plugged every hole they could and steamrolled the GQP obstruction for the first year (until Manchin/Sinema showed their true colors and started stalling things in the senate).

I'm such a bad speller that it always gets spellchecked that way lol.
Maybe? It would prob be a World in which you would not want to live. Im kinda glad I'm in the later part of my life honestly. Im afraid.... well, not afraid.... but I think I'd be a bit freaked out if I ever saw what the World will look like in another 30 years.
Which is why we’ve GOT to get our butts off this rock.*

If we’re distributed among the asteroids, a total catastrophe scenario is far less likely — absent something like a data pathogen that can crash every network. But I am wandering off into science fiction.

*Just not with Skum ruling Mars with an iron fist! Echoes of Total Recall
I noticed that. The thing is Democrats don't want a secure border. They want the votes. They made that bill they knew wouldn't pass the House to try and blame Republicans which is typical. If they wanted a secure border they would've passed H.R.2.
It would have passed the House if That Russian Asset had not commanded his thralls to scuttle the bill for the purpose of having a grievance to carry into the coming campaign.

The entire “Democrats are soft on national security” riff gets stale fast in the light of That Russian Asset’s having stolen and then shown off classified documents pertaining directly to national security.

So yes. I did, do and will speak to the disinformation designed to abet Republicans who obey their defendant-in-chief who obeys his master in Москва.
It would have passed the House if That Russian Asset had not commanded his thralls to scuttle the bill for the purpose of having a grievance to carry into the coming campaign.

The entire “Democrats are soft on national security” riff gets stale fast in the light of That Russian Asset’s having stolen and then shown off classified documents pertaining directly to national security.

So yes. I did, do and will speak to the disinformation designed to abet Republicans who obey their defendant-in-chief who obeys his master in Москва.
That bill never would have passed even without Trump. Like I said before Biden and the Democrats don't want to enforce the border. They want all the illegals here for political gain.
Anyone who says “illegals” tips his hand.
What do you mean by that exactly mate?.....If I had a DUI in the past 10 years as an American, I couldn't even get in to Canada. Yet migrants/immigrants just crossing the Southern border are cool to cross and get free housing and healthcare?......and voting rights?
He doesn't need a new bill to enforce the border. Just reinstate some of Trump's policies that Biden nixed on day one. And it's funny now that it's an election year all of a sudden it's a crisis.
So... you are saying the fact that a bill was even proposed was the issue? The crisis is that R's demanded border deal for Ukraine funding, and D's played ball. Now R's saying no deal needed after they get what they demanded - and you believe Democrats put a poison pill in the bill?

What do you mean by that exactly mate?.....If I had a DUI in the past 10 years as an American, I couldn't even get in to Canada. Yet migrants/immigrants just crossing the Southern border are cool to cross and get free housing and healthcare?......and voting rights?
“Illegals” is a bigoted term for undocumented immigrants. It has a built-in negative value judgment.

It is different from the n-word in scale but not type.

I wonder why you neglect the fact that seasonal migrants add far more to the economy than they take. They generally do not get either housing or healthcare for free.

If you have data otherwise, please link.
What do you mean by that exactly mate?.....If I had a DUI in the past 10 years as an American, I couldn't even get in to Canada. Yet migrants/immigrants just crossing the Southern border are cool to cross and get free housing and healthcare?......and voting rights?
You forgot guns

I noticed that. The thing is Democrats don't want a secure border. They want the votes. They made that bill they knew wouldn't pass the House to try and blame Republicans which is typical. If they wanted a secure border they would've passed H.R.2.
You have a long conversations without you digging into those hate radio filled commentary?

The use of 'Democrats' too as some all encompassing bad guy that the Right wing propagandists use to demonize anyone they decide they disagree with is a pretty good conversation ender too. It ranks right up there with 'illegal'.

The bill didn't pass the house because Republicans wouldn't pass the Republican bill after Trump stopped it because he didn't want the Democrats to get a 'win' and needs his cult to be scared of all those non-white people trying to make it to a place they can be safe and build a good stable life for them and their families.

He doesn't need a new bill to enforce the border. Just reinstate some of Trump's policies that Biden nixed on day one. And it's funny now that it's an election year all of a sudden it's a crisis.
Ripping kids out of the hands of their parents, muslim and African bans, and a lot of the loaded racist language was just cruel and ineffective. It was right that he ended that.

Here is what his bill was trying to do (day one of his presidency).
DAY ONE IMMIGRATION BILL: U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021
On his first day in office, President Biden sent the Biden-Harris immigration reform bill to Congress, outlining his transformative vision and commitment to building a 21st century immigration system that welcomes immigrants and refugees. While the legislative text has not been made publicly available, the White House released a fact sheetrevealing key provisions of the bill, known as the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021. The members of Congress leading the introduction of the Biden-Harris immigration bill are Rep. Linda Sánchez (D-CA) in the House and Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ) in the Senate.

Select Key Provisions
In a dramatic shift away from the prior administration’s harsh immigration rhetoric, the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021 promotes inclusion. The bill removes the word “alien” from immigration law and replaces it with “noncitizen.” This bill is a welcome departure from the racism and xenophobia of the Trump era and provides funding to promote integration and inclusion, increasing English-language instruction, and providing assistance to individuals seeking to become U.S. citizens.

Core to this bill is the creation of new pathways to U.S. citizenship for millions of undocumented immigrants who live, work, and are an essential part of the United States. Undocumented individuals are permitted to initially apply for temporary lawful status with the ability to apply for lawful permanent residence after five years, whereas DACA recipients, people with temporary protected status (TPS), and farm workers are eligible to apply for lawful permanent residence immediately. After three years, qualifying lawful permanent residents under this bill are permitted to apply for citizenship.

According to the outline, the bill also:

  • Includes provisions from the NO BAN Act, which, among other things, seeks to prevent any president from issuing future bans such as the discriminatory Muslim and African bans — bans the Biden administration rescinded on Day One — by limiting dangerously overbroad executive authority to suspend people from entering the U.S.
  • Aims to reduce the ballooning immigration court backlog by improving technology and expanding training for immigration judges. In an effort to make immigration court proceedings more fair, the bill provides immigration judges with discretion to review cases and grant relief to certain individuals. The bill also authorizes funding for legal orientation programs and counsel for children and vulnerable individuals.
  • Supports asylum-seekers by eliminating the one-year filing deadline for asylum claims and allocating additional funding to reduce asylum application backlogs.
  • Protects vulnerable populations by raising the annual cap of U visas from 10,000 to 30,000.
  • Removes barriers to family-based immigration, repealing the three- and ten-year bars, as well as the permanent bar on admission for individuals unlawfully present in the United States from adjusting to lawful status.
  • Seeks to reduce lengthy visa backlogs by recapturing immigrant visas lost to bureaucratic delays.
  • Improves protections for immigrant workers, ensuring that victims of serious labor violations are afforded an opportunity to apply for relief from deportation without fear of retaliation.
  • Creates a $4 billion four-year interagency plan that would provide assistance to El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras to address the underlying causes of migration, and creates new systems for Central Americans to initiate the process — from within their countries — of seeking protection and resettlement to the United States or other partner countries.
  • Calls for the deployment of improved technologies at U.S. ports of entry and in between ports of entry. While the bill’s fact sheet mentions that the DHS inspector general is authorized to conduct oversight of this technology, the fact sheet does not address to what extent it will include robust privacy laws to prevent the sharing of data between local, state, federal, and foreign agencies for use in immigration enforcement. Mass data collection of personal information and the storage of sensitive information is increasingly vulnerable to misuse by government employees and foreign actors.
The fact sheet does not specifically address immigrants’ access to health care and nutrition supports for those obtaining lawful immigration status under this bill. Current law denies many types of immigrants access to such programs, leading to harmful effects that have been profoundly exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic, in particular because of the high number of immigrants who are essential workers. Given the importance of addressing these access barriers, we will closely analyze and advocate for immigrant-inclusive proposals in this and other legislation.

So... you are saying the fact that a bill was even proposed was the issue? The crisis is that R's demanded border deal for Ukraine funding, and D's played ball. Now R's saying no deal needed after they get what they demanded - and you believe Democrats put a poison pill in the bill?

It really is Lucy and the football over and over again with the MAGA Republicans.
Growing up i always wanted to support 11 million illegals wilst sending a trillion bucks to defend the money laundering Ukrainian dictator.. get to work peasants; free loaders depend on you!!
That bill never would have passed even without Trump. Like I said before Biden and the Democrats don't want to enforce the border. They want all the illegals here for political gain.
That's a circular argument. Republicans blocked any votes on that bill and then say it could not pass. It's not false, just bad logic. There are plenty of merits in both the downsized bill and the one that the unelected leader of the Republican party ordered his Republican Senators to kill for a personal political favor to himself.
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