Are you better off today, than you were 4 years ago when Trump was POTUS?

I'm reminded of some tips sunni gave for recognizing trolls: "brand new member 2 posts in politics. usually probably not someone you wanna interact with."

Thing is, some trolls know that too, so what they do is post a few nonsense short posts in the grow forums before they come here with their nonsense and need for attention. hint hint...
Sometimes somebody with zero posts, I'm notified they put me on their watch list. Does that happen to anybody else?
I also spent an hour a a a half speaking to the rear guide on a Myan Tour who spoke no English. I had more fun asking questions about his life and his family and work way more than the tour. I forgot I remembered that much Spanish.
Man, I don’t know…. I’ve been to a lot of places on Earth, and Mexico seems to be the largest gate to any other that is not in check… try getting into Canada under the radar.
Have you tried walking in from a neighboring nation though or did you come in through an airport/major crossway?

Im willing to bet I would be able to sneak into pretty much any nation on the planet if I was really motivated to walk thousands of miles to do it.
I stand corrected. SOME documented Immigrants.
I would be willing to bet 'most'.
Well Goddamn…… migrants, legit border crossers, displaced Mexicans, relocated foreigners, Mexican expats… what’s your preferred term bro?….. (insert humor here)
There are two criteria.
1) Does it respect basic human dignity?
2) Is it proof against even possibly being used as grist for the neoliberal/fascist hate mills?

If yes and yes, proceed.

Do you see how “legals” fails point 2? It tribalizes the underlying issue of immigration in the face of an impossible collision of law and necessity, producing an unhealthy us/them impression.

(A conflict maintained and stoked by fascervatives to create the phantom of national/popular threat and induce fear in their voters.)

The words matter. Using tribalized terms allows tribalized attitudes to quietly steal real estate in your beliefs.
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There are two criteria.
1) Does it respect basic human dignity?
2) Is it proof against even possibly being used as grist for the neoliberal/fascist hate mills?

If yes and yes, proceed.

Do you see how “legals” fails point 2? It tribalizes the underlying issue of immigration in the face of an impossible collision of law and necessity, producing an unhealthy us/them impression.

(A conflict maintained and stoked by fascervatives to create the phantom of national/popular threat and induce fear in their voters.)

The words matter. Using tribalized terms allows tribalized attitudes to quietly steal real estate in your beliefs.
The "Fuck your feelings" tribe is demanding to know the meaning of "gratuitous insult"

Their follow up questions are why do you care and why should I?

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Have you tried walking in from a neighboring nation though or did you come in through an airport/major crossway?

Im willing to bet I would be able to sneak into pretty much any nation on the planet if I was really motivated to walk thousands of miles to do it.

I would be willing to bet 'most'.
I was detained in Manitoba (Winnipeg airport) coming in because thier system showed I had a DUI 8 years prior. They held me for about an hour and a half. It was actually an APC , which is not as serious as a DUI, but …. They got it squared away… Canada doesn’t mess around.
I was detained in Manitoba (Winnipeg airport) coming in because thier system showed I had a DUI 8 years prior. They held me for about an hour and a half. It was actually an APC , which is not as serious as a DUI, but …. They got it squared away… Canada doesn’t mess around.
its pretty well known you cannot go into canada with a DUI because its class is considered a felony .. though not the same terminology.

the same is said to coming into the usa, canada and the usa do not recognize each others legal systems for example my mom has been denied access to the usa over a shoplifting charge which was PARDONED by canada since it happened when she was 15 and shes 70 now. and she still cannot cross the boarder.

this is why you call ahead back in the old days or look online, you need a waiver to get into eachothers country.
dont act like america isnt the same it is.

im genuinely concerned about the lies you believe and are being misinformed.
alot of this stuff is not as black and white as you make it.

I know this because i am immigrant, we dont just go and get voting rights thats not how it works.
I think you should genuinely look into things a little more, because i think youre being fed alot of bs you believe that isnt true.
its pretty well known you cannot go into canada with a DUI because its class is considered a felony .. though not the same terminology.

the same is said to coming into the usa, canada and the usa do not recognize each others legal systems for example my mom has been denied access to the usa over a shoplifting charge which was PARDONED by canada since it happened when she was 15 and shes 70 now. and she still cannot cross the boarder.

this is why you call ahead back in the old days or look online, you need a waiver to get into eachothers country.
dont act like america isnt the same it is.

im genuinely concerned about the lies you believe and are being misinformed.
alot of this stuff is not as black and white as you make it.

I know this because i am immigrant, we dont just go and get voting rights thats not how it works.
I think you should genuinely look into things a little more, because i think youre being fed alot of bs you believe that isnt true.
Wow, that’s crazy….. and I definitely didn’t know that. Has she ever been able to come across with a waiver??

And that being the case, why are we not this strict with Mexico?
Wow, that’s crazy….. and I definitely didn’t know that. Has she ever been able to come across with a waiver??

And that being the case, why are we not this strict with Mexico?
Is there any trustworthy indication that we are not this strict with Mexico? It is my understanding (I could be wrong and would welcome a fact-sourced correction) that immigration law regarding Mexico and central America is a high barrier.
Is there any trustworthy indication that we are not this strict with Mexico? It is my understanding (I could be wrong and would welcome a fact-sourced correction) that immigration law regarding Mexico and central America is a high barrier.
Seems the trend of get-a-ways is getting larger.... Gonna see if I can find something on Canada.

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Yeah it is a real shame that Biden and the Democrats were unable to deal with every single issue America would benefit from improving, but since they were busy cleaning up another Republican economic meltdown, and attempted insurrection on day one, and slow rolling appointments, immigration once again got put on the back burner.

Our immigration system would have been far better off if they could have done everything, but the obstructionist GQP won't let it happen.

Repubclains don't want to fix our immigration system, they want to run on scaring their followers with it too much for that.
Great. Now they can also have guns. :dunce:
Republican Study Committee, of which some three-quarters of House Republicans are members, released its 2025 budget entitled “Fiscal Sanity to Save America.” Tucked away in the 180-page austerity manifesto is a block of text concerned with a crucial priority for the party: ensuring children aren’t being fed at school.

Eight states offer all students, regardless of household income, free school meals — and more states are trending in the direction. But while people across the country move to feed school children, congressional Republicans are looking to stop the cause.

The budget — co-signed by more than 170 House Republicans — calls to eliminate “the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) from the School Lunch Program.” The CEP, the Republicans note, “allows certain schools to provide free school lunches regardless of the individual eligibility of each student.”
