What is going on?? Help!!


Well-Known Member
I water with a 5gallon sprayer. But I’ll double check with a scope
If you are overspraying on the leaves with the lights on, the water droplets will act like a tiny magnifying glass and burn a hole right in the leaf. The pattern looks like water damage, but also looks exactly like mite damage.


Well-Known Member
looks like you’re very nutrient rich, considering the burnt tips and dark green color.. I’m not an expert but I believe certain toxicities can block other nutrient uptakes.. looks like a possible micro def. Caused by a lockout due to a nutrient toxicity.

Billy the Mountain

Well-Known Member
If you are overspraying on the leaves with the lights on, the water droplets will act like a tiny magnifying glass and burn a hole right in the leaf. The pattern looks like water damage, but also looks exactly like mite damage.
A water droplet acting as a magnifier is an old-wives tale and easily refuted.


Well-Known Member
Someone else had a good idea for checking for bugs, put a leaf in a baggie for a day.
Easier to spot when dead, and look for eggs also.
Damage sure looks like mites, very localized at the bottom and spreading upward.



Well-Known Member
Either treat, or trash. There are a lot of options to treat them. Since they are all autos, you don't have to worry about losing genetics. I would scrap the veg plants, and treat the flowering g ones. After harvest, bleach the shit out of your area and start again.

This stuff works well. 17175051514771433343641309870029.jpg
It's only $10. Good luck