First Grow


Active Member
Woah Nelly, these plants back on track. Thanks to your helps. Im playing around with Epsom Salt, Tiger Bloom, and purchased measuring spoons and 1 gallon pitcher to have fertilizer mix on hand.

*Week 6 Veg Complete*

** Switched to 12 hours on 12 hours off FLOWERING **
6 weeks from harvest


Active Member
Howdy there, neighboreeno. Those plants are gonna take a lot longer than 6 weeks until harvest (doodley) ! Be patient and you’ll be enjoying em soon enough.

View attachment 5403893


Can you clarify?

Photos of current progress
- Mixed epsom salt and 24oz spray bottle of de chlorinated water; plants slowly re gaining more vibrant green color.
- Fed with a careful, (less is more) dose of tiger bloom
- Bought prune tool; clipped very poor dead ones robbing nutrients
- More LST done,

- I keep 2-3 gallons of clean tap water in the blue bucket
- I bought measuring spoons to gauge dosage of nutes, as well as measuring cup, and 1 gallon pitcher. I will use the pitcher and measuring cups to create nutrient feed every other day, or every two days, whichever is better as I gauge their health

Learning and slowly making progress.



Active Member
* 2 weeks in to 12/12 lighting timer*

Got a meter for PH , goal is to get my water ph to 6.8 , feeding them eod, also have TDS/EC meter although Im not sure how it will be useful.


Well-Known Member
There plenty of info on tds/ec. The instructions may help ya understand it better. Good tool to learn.

How's them homemade drippers working for ya?


Hey man. Can you do me a favor? Could you please take more pictures but this time target closer to the nodes. I'm not sure if it's distance + lighting but I cannot see pistils on the stem.Please and thank you.


Active Member
oh Dear Lord, thank you for the small forest. Love, Ned.

You guys were NOT KIDDING, when you said flowering would x2 it’s size. Phew…..

Excuse the droopiness, I lost power for 36 hours, and just fixed the issue. It was a loose wire from my dongle. Fed them today, lights come on in 5 hours. But ive found a good feeding dosage with Tiger Bloom, and @Fatjoe said to spray it with epsom and water so doing that every 2 days. Love it.



Well-Known Member
Lights off means it should stay as an un-interrupted dark period there, neighboreeno. It’s ok to take a pic and a peek right after lights out of before lights on, but they really don’t like light in the dark period. It can create havoc with “normal” flowering



Active Member
Lights off means it should stay as an un-interrupted dark period there, neighboreeno. It’s ok to take a pic and a peek right after lights out of before lights on, but they really don’t like light in the dark period. It can create havoc with “normal” flowering

View attachment 5408721
Yeaaa, about that. I lost power and while I did maintenance thought I grab a quick pic. Normally I take photos during light on cycle. Its def looking good now, with the exception of the lower leaves at the base which have died.