All the CHEESE!

conor c

Well-Known Member
They look cracking although very different characteristics. I like the cheese dipz potentially would be a better plant for my style of growing (I like to scrog).
I'm in all soil atm, I'd say my attempt at living soil but essentially all organic as it can be. I was looking into coco but still in two minds. Was in SIPs for a while which was a great experience. Now in the 10gal grassroots pots hand watering, I like this method as I feel in more control, can add bits when needed easier. But yh the UK thread is proper busy I was quite surprised. I've only been growing a relatively short time (5yrs) and had a massive help from an experienced guru. He's taught me a hell of alot and I've followed his style/ lead since the beginning who is on that thread.
Aye theres lots of good folk on here bud ya stick around ul see for yourself

conor c

Well-Known Member
Yh for sure. I float in and float out rather a fly on the wall than anything and if I can share any knowledge but seems to be allllooottt of experience on here so I shall be the student haha.
Dont matter if you been growing 6 months or 30 years you can always learn something new and improve or do better next run im sure ul pick up plenty from on here bud