Setting up dtw coco 2.5x5 tent

A quick search says bti doesnt get killed with chlorene per manufacture. I have a bad gnat issue enough to kill plants but also a bacteria bloom issue as fast as 24hrs. My veg res in basement with cooler temps dont have this issue.
It's a gram positive rod, chlorine should kill it. BMC seems to think so although if you are only using the tiny amount found in tap water the BMC can re-establish but you aren't. You should be using more to keep a warm reservoir sterile so that's why I suggested using one or the other. So maybe give one or the other a 2 week trial? Good luck on this whatever you choose to do.
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Crap well there goes my shotty research lol. Thanks I appreciate it youre most likely right. After all the chlorene lock suggestion helped. I just added clorox in morning and before bed. It expires really fast it dont smell like bleech like my veg rez does in basement because the cool temps less work for the clorox.

Maybe another option is use Hmiles bugs I seen them work and continue working. When gbat population low so is the hmile count. Doesnt seem to be effected against clorene and clorene it says should kill gnats.
Omg quick search says they get killed too. Idk wtf to do lol. Maybe make a small rez and move rhis down stairs and refill a 10gallon rez every day bringing it from down stairs but I can imagine the challenges of ph and perpetuating bacteria not swapping all water out.
Crap well there goes my shotty research lol. Thanks I appreciate it youre most likely right. After all the chlorene lock suggestion helped. I just added clorox in morning and before bed. It expires really fast it dont smell like bleech like my veg rez does in basement because the cool temps less work for the clorox.

Maybe another option is use Hmiles bugs I seen them work and continue working. When gbat population low so is the hmile count. Doesnt seem to be effected against clorene and clorene it says should kill gnats.
I forget (sorry I already dabbed this morning) but aren't you running DTW? That's why I moved from NFT I couldn't keep my res cool. Essentially if you have a hot (77-84) res you need to run sterile. Any biological in your res will blow up. So get a bag of Pool Shock (Calcium Hypochlorite) and use that for your chlorine. That way instead of having a Na ceiling you'll be adding Ca, which the plants use.

This is what I use:

I have a 26,000 gallon pool running on a Hypochlorous loop and I use that shock once a week. It's good and cheap. Get 1 bag and it will last you a very long time.
I forget (sorry I already dabbed this morning) but aren't you running DTW? That's why I moved from NFT I couldn't keep my res cool. Essentially if you have a hot (77-84) res you need to run sterile. Any biological in your res will blow up. So get a bag of Pool Shock (Calcium Hypochlorite) and use that for your chlorine. That way instead of having a Na ceiling you'll be adding Ca, which the plants use.

This is what I use:

I have a 26,000 gallon pool running on a Hypochlorous loop and I use that shock once a week. It's good and cheap. Get 1 bag and it will last you a very long time.

I hqve 6 lbs I bought then realized one said and can verify in a shotty quick search that calcium rich water like my city tap will cause chlorene lock and it may of. Im starting to forget how it went down but it seemed to stop working but could be the bti spending it. You may be on to something Il try just clorox daily unless it reaks lile bleach which it never has since this problem happened.

Yea I do dtw coco I thought about other methods but this one is the only one I have experience in and do well in.
I hqve 6 lbs I bought then realized one said and can verify in a shotty quick search that calcium rich water like my city tap will cause chlorene lock and it may of. Im starting to forget how it went down but it seemed to stop working but could be the bti spending it. You may be on to something Il try just clorox daily unless it reaks lile bleach which it never has since this problem happened.

Yea I do dtw coco I thought about other methods but this one is the only one I have experience in and do well in.
Then get rid of the bennies and go sterile. Basement is fine with bennies but I'd consider either a chiller for your res or use more chlorine and an RO filter for your water.

Essentially my pool is a large reservoir, during weather above 84 I have to shock weekly to keep it biofilm/algae free. Under 80 and my HOCl generator will handle it. So it's a function of the temp catalyzing growth. I'm so sorry I didn't see you were using both earlier, my bad.
Damn youre on point today! I think my abandoned effort to a water chiller was the way I frantically missed. I mean, my veg res is crisp and fine. You did it again! Also the advocate of indeed figuring out how to get people to spend more money. I doubted you could convince me of something else to buy I thought I had everything.
I know JUST where to put it to. I got $300. I dont make much I just save because I live with people. I think about having my own place all the time though.
indeed figuring out how to get people to spend more money
I'm a female, spending money is my super power :eyesmoke:

You can get this dialed. You might consider BMC downstairs and your chlorine upstairs. I'd also raise the price of your cannabis. You need a little more money to support your helping others. Your grow is a gift to them of under market prices. Explain it to them if you feel badly but if you're in it with them to help they need to be in it with you to help them get better cannabis! Group effort here
Any recommendations? Starting look into it now and want something like the 1/4HP $600 active aqua something that can bring it lower than needed for robust performance. Something quiet and low watts and long lasting. Im looking at the 1/10HP one but want it to perform better than that.

Willing to run a lead cord in for this Il just use my tv/console as needed and have the chiller running 24/7.
Its just got to be one of those things, pay more for long lasting or pay less and replace as needed because they all dont last a reasonable time. Im liking the active aqua but lots of 4 star reviews where as the other two brands seem to have better reviews for cheaper cost too.
The AI bot is helpin me lol the robots takin over. Starts with convenience. Lol baked on edibles this oo shit. I just realized this is my fresh processed edibles meaning decarb straight off the plant my experiment might be valid. Heavier effects.

Shit Im postin in all the wrong places. Uh. People had their chillers for 2-5 yrs and Im only using it 6 mo a year I realized I dont need to grow full time. Just half the time so my rosin is nice and dank. So I might get away with any of them.
Either way, whether you get the 1/10 or 1/4HP chiller, insulating your collapsible reservoir could make a big impact on how efficiently they'll perform. Won't kick on nearly as often, and save quite a bit more on power. Basically, set it on a foam pad, and wrap it up with some kind of thermal blanket or something. Maybe box it in with a few more rigid foam panels all the way around, and tape to hold the seams and corners together, etc. It helps!
Holy shit these edibles. Even givin me creative buzz. What if I boxed it up and ran a fan that grabs air from outside and cool the box to 60F. Only will work in winter though. Yea I been seeing it work in reviews with 80F temps so I think this will do but shit why everything gotta be made so poorly. Thats another topic though.
Experimenting is cool I done doubled my hash yield doing it, learned how to chop at 10 wks with a pheno if it can do it in all happy conditions. These edibles being kickass. Im gonna do a test like I already did bu doing clorox once in rez down stairs but next time no clorox.

If this is temps in theory according to my sophisticated calculations I should be able to run bennies and also solve the gnat issue. Maybe the bti is working so damn good despite being murdered with clorox daily that theyll show their value soon. If down stairs water dont go bad with no clorox than boom baby!
Use a stainless steel wort cooling coil :
..and submerge it down in the res. Then, connect a hose from one of the tubes to a pump and then run it all the way out to a little radiator/fan that sits outside the window (or wherever has the coolest air). Then connect the return line from the radiator back into the coil again, to complete the loop. lol bongsmilie
Are you basically saying what I just said but with that coil sitting outside in freezing temps maybe with a fan to help the heat exchange? That makes sense maybe would make more sense when its 30F outside.
1/4 hp ActiveA I might get that one. Said FL summer cooled to 50f a hundred gal. But struggled to do 68 in a hot garage whatever that means. Im dealing with 80-85F 30-50 gal whatever works. 3k btu 460w what yall think. Want to be able to do 50 gal 6 and half days worth. Might as well make use of the money its about to cost.

Not so sure it will last very long. Growing 7 mo on 6 mo off.
Shit what if I just try clorox only abundantly save 600$. Or cave in and do it but would you have both tubes submerged at bottom of rez or have one fountain in from up top? To avoid it recycling the same water.