starting small to see whats hapnin


Well-Known Member
o yeah that molasses had my res looking crazy too...they say thats more of a soil use then anything
Yeah, paperfetti, no molasses in hydro without a sticky goooooooeeey messssssss, imo.
There's some good stuff for the gnats that I used and it worked great!! It's called goGnats and most hydro shops should have it---and it's posion-free and for hydro.:hump:



Well-Known Member
they have so many diff shits,my hydro man said they have gnat off!..sounds like a knock off to the mosquito shit "off",but w/e..we will see


Active Member
wassup fetti, was just checkin out your grow job :)
I'm thinkin that those tubs might not be light proof, I have tubs like those but smaller, and when I hold them up to the light I can definately see light glowing through the plastic. Dunno if this is adding to your root problem or not but I know I've seen people paint their reservoirs to make them light proof.
Good Luck Buddy


Well-Known Member
yea i was thinking of that money,and im gonna do that..not sure bout painting now (cause of plants in there already),but i was gonna use electric tape until i can paint tubs...ok i will put pics up tomm. i did a k-neem oil foilage drench and let them sit for 10 mins (literally disconnected plants from pump and put pot lid btwn 2 chairs and a humidity dome catching excess water dripping from roots and foliar fed k+neem oil let it sit for 10 and did a straight water drench after,i brought new nematodes cuz i think i fucked over the 1st ones,applied them...o yeah,i caught 1 of my "fungus gnats" and brought him into the store for further identification and get this!..they said its not like your typical fungus gnat,but he said the k+neem oil will work for most flying creatures and nematodes for there larvae,so wish me luck


Well-Known Member
hey whats up paperfetti i took care of my fungus gnats with neem oil in the rez and on leaves and stuff and they get wiped out that bucket i was workin on yielded 1 1/2 ounces of premium nirvana ppp got another 6 or 7 buckets goin now (blooming) and have actually been seeing a buddy of mine have great results with soil ..he took some dying hydro plants of mine and put em in soil and within a week they were nice and rich green ...he used black gold with 3 month fert in it has worm castings ...i use foxfarm soil myself tho but he does it on a budget and i got to say he gets very good results anyway i think i have some pics of some that i chopped down good luck bro

bongsmiliehmm guess i dont have any photos they on my other computer i will update you with my pics of buckets and how long they take to grow and stuff


Well-Known Member
AHHHH,if u guys only knew...BUT IM BACK! and trust me im bigger than before and alot of typing to do,but cant do it way to beat...shout out to the ladies!!,cuz man-o- man what a night!..i promise i will have pics they will change everything tomm. and of course my PERSONAL newbie review on the bubbleponics setup


Well-Known Member
AIGHT ("HERE I AM" Rick Ross Feat. Nelly)
well i was needing you guys help like crazy with this "bubbleponic setup" i ended up shutting down the bubbleponic and went and spent like another grand and brought a 3 x6 ebb n flow system that will be my flowering room and i now have my PLANTS in DWC buckets and will keep them as mothers and i will be doing SOG from hear on out...i dont know what i was doing wrong with the bubbleponic setup,but it just wasnt working for me..i was doing everything right and would do it again 2 or 4 days later to make sure they stayed at the levels they were suppose to (going through so much solution,it was ridiculous)..i honestly think that the "blue 6 gallon tank was to light in color and covering it with something to block light is important.that was the only thing i didnt do,so i said let me just see something and decided to put all my plants in my DWC buckets(2 out of 4 are female so far,tossed 1 and 1 is looking like female,but gonna give it a lil more time to be sure..i see hairs but they are really short in length).now 1 out of the 2 i "I.D'ed" as female has been stripped naked..i mean she is bald..the reason she is naked cuz right b4 the transplant to DWC she was all lower leves were completely thinking to let her go and start new mother for that strain (ppp),but the min. i put them in DWC they took off,the ones that are cut at the bottom were the ones that were going through all my RIU problems (gnats and so forth),the 1 in RIGHT back has started to comeback nicely..i also figured out something that works well for we know dealing wit hydro your PH can go up after a day or so (well at least it was for me,because i under nute so i wont go over,cuz like they say its better to under than to when my ph raises,i would bring it down with my grow nutrients (in this case "foxfarm grow big") every other day or so and ph it normally in btwn (so if i topped on monday and by wed. the ph went up..i would bring it down with grow big and by fri. i would just ph the water)..mannn,by me doing this my YOUNGEST plant took off (back left at 4 weeks).im really loving DWC as a newb because i can actually do my own thing with one plant (as far as seeing what they can and cant take) without interrupting anybody else SWEET!! without further a do...the new setup



Well-Known Member
I LOVE that table and res!!! And the pics are fine! Do you only need to support it at the ends with those blocks??
This is getting great! What's your plan for the table?? You going to run pots or RW blocks? How many you think you could get in there??
Well, it looks great(clean too). I sure hope you get your ph where you want it this time around........ You running a 396gph pump??


Well-Known Member
I LOVE that table and res!!! And the pics are fine! Do you only need to support it at the ends with those blocks??
This is getting great! What's your plan for the table?? You going to run pots or RW blocks? How many you think you could get in there??
Well, it looks great(clean too). I sure hope you get your ph where you want it this time around........ You running a 396gph pump??
thanx mannn,im still gonna need all you guys support..ts a 3x6 table and the blocks on the end alone should be fine,if not i have 2 more i can put in middle for more 18 flowering plants can go in there comfortable,but imma stretch for an even 20...and im using 6 inch pots for the plants because i was worried if i use RW blocks that the plants would fall over after a certain height (imma see if i can let them get 2 feet tall w/o any problems) not sure bout the pump,it says 1000 on it so not sure if thats what u running short on funds so i have to wait like a week or so to get light mover,no worries though cause i havent even started to take cuttings or anything so ...BTW,anybody know where i can get a light mover for good price? store wants 265..also i went and got a new cloning system (just the basic heat mat and dome) instead of that mistic cloner i got from stealth hydro..i cant seem to get it right with that thing,so imma try the dome and see if that helps my cloning problems..i will also be using 6' air coolable reflector with a 1000 watt hps


Well-Known Member
yeah thats exactly it..but under feeding will not lead to those fatal words "DEAD" that why i say its better to under than over


Well-Known Member
.......was thinking I got mine for even less than this $179 +ship and a lot of people dont like them or think they help you out at all. I move mine about a foot each way and it definately helps the angle of the light which never actually moves enough to 'lose' light to the canopy but, IMO, helps the light get all around the bud sites..........and with a 3 x 6 and a dont need to move it much either, if at all.
And I agree that your better off in 6" pots too, more for the sake of not having to worry about the blocks becoming too saturated with nute solution.......if your using hydroton in the baskets you can flood/drain more often too.
So what are you going to root your clones in?? Peat? rw? I went back to using my bubble cloner as it has always given me 95%+ and I was having prob with Al B's way..........couldn't get them to root in rw...........



Well-Known Member
you started a journal two months ago and never told me? lol shits lookin good tho nice job remember i was asking how do i post journal in ya quote thingy?..i couldnt get people to come cuz i couldnt post...anyway thanx homie imma definately need you guys on this its a family affair and my cuz are business partners :hump:...ITS ONNNNNNN!!!


Well-Known Member
i just got a 60 site ez i was thinking if i put ez cloner on a timer (say like spray for 1 min. every 5 mins)..will i still need to use airstone for oxygen??..i was reading somewhere that somebody doesnt even use the airstone that comes with ez cloner..any help woukd be appreciated