Good Gawd, and obesity tax? WTF is next???


Well-Known Member
I'm talking about things like, expense accounts. Do government officials really need hotel suites? Wouldn't a regular room serve just as well? Do governement officals need to fly first class or on private jets (barring the pres and vp)? Couldn't your local senator get there just as fast in a coach seat? Do they really need limo's and drivers? Couldn't they rent and economy compact car and still make it to their destination?

Do government workers really need to charge interent dating services to their expense accounts? Do they need to charge lacy panites from victoria secret? The last time I check underwear didn't matter for your job unless you're a hooker.

TBT, you and VI make me laugh, you don't care how the government pisses away your tax dollars, as long as they don't give it someone less fortunate than you. One of these days you may be old and alone and be glad for some of the socialist programs that you seem so venomous about.
Oh, no, I object to all government waste, but the best solution to that is to CUT GOVERNMENT COMPLETELY instead of trying to make it into the end all be all solution to everything.

Big Government Breeds Big Corruption (and the breeding is where those lacy panties from Victoria's Secret comes in, only they put them on the public backwards so they can bend us over and rape us that much easier.)

Or maybe that's the socialists... nah, they wear the panties backwards voluntarily.


Well-Known Member
Yeah but Republicans only do it if they think they read it in the bible. Then they claim to be beyind criticism because they get their morales stright from god and the rest of us are just sinners. In fact, bible thumping republicans are no different than the taliban in my book.
Your views on Christians are blown way out of proportion. You might be listening to the radicals and convincing yourself that that is the everyday Christian. I know alot of Bible thumpers that are not what you claim they are. Beisdes, like VI said, the gays and other groups are just as bad at pushing they're agenda onto others and using bullshit to justify it. As for prop 8 in Cali, I wouldve voted NO, because I sincerely beleive that gays should have they're rights, but I had to vote yes because I know that in 10 yrs theyll be like "hey gay marriage is legal so you (the churches) have to marry gays or we will take away your tax exempt". This is another pathetic attempt to attack the Christians by the Progressives, thus making them just as intolerant and ignorant as those they accuse of being so. It just seems to me there are some bullshit cliches on this site and everywhere. When a rightie says something and a leftie doesnt like it, they accuse the other of being "ignorant", and conversely righties will accuse lefties of being "socialists". Interestingly, they never come with an explanation.


Well-Known Member

This obesity tax would be slapped on unhealthy foods. Now what about those of us who aren't obese? I know how to moderate what I eat so not to become obese. Why should I have to pay an extra tax because other people are fat asses ???
because the sheeple want government to think for them...and look at how much the lard ass's in america cost the tax payers to treat them for ailments they wouldnt have if they were not FAT...if you want have to take the good with the bad...the good thing is ..the government supplys everything you need..the bad thing is..they take everything from you to supply it:eyesmoke:


New Member
believe or not, years ago the government actually paid for a study to find out how much methane gas comes out of cows when they fart, talk about a waste of time and money.


Well-Known Member
alot of these so called bernie madoffs of the world...are in government...there is a group of so called scientists in oregon they were studying big foot....the government gives them millions every year for the research and study of bigfoot...these scientists swear and be damned there is a big foot too..if the US tax payer was giving me a mill a year to say there was a swear and be damned there was a big foot too..but just so you know..THERE IS NO FUCKING SUCH THING AS BIG like scientists are paid to research global warming...if they every come and said he..we cant really find any global warming ..then they will get their welfare checks cut damn many people in this country on welfare..especialy the banksters....:joint:


Well-Known Member
alot of these so called bernie madoffs of the world...are in government...there is a group of so called scientists in oregon they were studying big foot....the government gives them millions every year for the research and study of bigfoot...these scientists swear and be damned there is a big foot too..if the US tax payer was giving me a mill a year to say there was a swear and be damned there was a big foot too..but just so you know..THERE IS NO FUCKING SUCH THING AS BIG like scientists are paid to research global warming...if they every come and said he..we cant really find any global warming ..then they will get their welfare checks cut damn many people in this country on welfare..especialy the banksters....:joint:
Any one want to join me in studying Big Foot in Ohio? :-)


Well-Known Member
im in indiana,,lol,,,maybe we could get a three million dollar guvment welfare check...uhhhh..i mean grant to study big foot..

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I'm in Iowa, and my ex looks kinda like Bigfoot.We could tie him up and say we found him, imagine the money we'd get then.It's not like the ex could deny it, he only speaks Duh.
Well if we can find some one in Indiana we can pretend to be studying Big Foot through out the Mid West, lol.


Well-Known Member
There's a fantastic book out by Thaler, a behavioral economist advocating what he calls paternal libertarianism, called Nudge. It covers subjects like this, and he'll probably be receiving a Nobel soon, like Kahneman did. Ah, how sweet it is to see the demise of neoliberalism.


Well-Known Member
a nobel prize..especialy in economics or peace prizes are meaningless...the nobel commitee is run by european communists ..


Well-Known Member
Ohio has "Grassman" I would not be surprised if there was a bigfoot but I'll be damned if the Government should be handing out money for it. Someone just needs to shoot one and bring it in, if there is one. If your stupid enough to wear a monkey suit in the fuckin' forest with bigfoot romours all over the place you deserve to be shot.


Well-Known Member
I have a different take on the NY Gov's taxation proposal.

People you have crossed the line of well fed to obese gross me out.
All I have to do is go to the mall, yuck.
So I am somewhat inclined not to care, besides I don't live in NY.

But when I catch myself in this attitude I remember what a man who lived in Hitlers Germany wrote after the war.

"When they went after the Jews, I didn't pay much attention, I wasn't a Jew.
Then they went after the socialist, but once again I wasn't a socialist.
Then was the Catholics turn, but I wasn't catholic either so I did nothing.
Then they came after me, I looked around for some support, but there was no one left to help me."

Divide and conquer works even with punitive taxation.


New Member
Al righty, I've got it. We can get government grants to study the effects of obese humans on the bigfoot population. Yippee, OK so we have , IA, OH, IL and IN covered, anyone from MO or KY that wants to help? How about WI or MI?


New Member
TBT, you and VI make me laugh, you don't care how the government pisses away your tax dollars, as long as they don't give it someone less fortunate than you. One of these days you may be old and alone and be glad for some of the socialist programs that you seem so venomous about.
And, "one of these days," miss ... perhaps you will open your mind far enough to see exactly what we are talking about.



New Member
And, "one of these days," miss ... perhaps you will open your mind far enough to see exactly what we are talking about.

Typical right wing rhetoric. Fuck poor people, give me more, let me be, the government bad, where's my stick, Ugg.