My one little girl is sick

white boy smurf

New Member
So she is just over 2 weeks since she came through the soil. She is very small and growing slowly. The medium is Bacto soil with some perlite and blood meal blended together. She has been under 24 hr light. Watered every 3-4 days with 6.6 ph water. The temps do get alittle hot in my cab (sometimes near 90's). So im thinking that might be it. Her shell leafs were turning yellow so i snipped them. All new growth is green but now the first set of true leaves is curling upward and one is dipping downward. And it is starting to get a small hint of yellow on the tips. Heres some pics. Please i need help!!!

PS sorry for the quality of some of the pics!!



Active Member
Hmm.. im a newb myself, but mine is about that size and perfectly healthy, i have same size pot and pretty much the same soil.. ya my plant is always around 75 degrees with the fan, and i water a small amount once a day.. i think 3-4 days on such a small plant is a long time w/o water..

white boy smurf

New Member
Hi, Thanks for the reply. When i water i water till it runs out of the bottom a lil so it gets soaked. Mabye it is underwatering but i read it was good to let the soil dry out a few days so the roots will grow better and get its o2 it needs. But mabye i let it dry out too much? Since ive posted it has gotten worse......i guess ill post some more photos, id really like to get this under control asap so if anyone can help me it would be GREAT!!!

white boy smurf

New Member
Also, i did just switch the light cycle to 18/6, starting to give her a lil sleep everynite for a week or 2 before i enduce flowering. So mabye it is some kind of stress? Pics will be up in a few minutes


Well-Known Member
na i dont thik its form the light change
i think it could either be a lack of water 3-4 days is alot specally for a newborn
a day or so not 3-4 days its good how u water until some water comes from the bottom
but when a day or so look at the soil if looks greyish or dryish put ur finge in it like a inch down check if thats still wet or moist if that feels dry wet it up again
and that heat u need to get rid of too much heat it not good geta small fan and use it on the plant face it almost on the plant not so it shacks the shit out of it just so u can see it hiting it some this will help make the stem stronger and thicker plus keep the heat down some what kinda light are u useing and how close is it to ur plant make sure u could put ur hand in between the light and plant without burning ur hand if burning or hot lift the light till its not anymore. and after that nothing works? hten it could be a nute dificiency could be a sulphur dificiency.but if u want to be really sure u could always go to growfaqs up on the top of this page to the left there ull find everyhing u need to know about everything.hope this helps

if u like what i say hook me up with some +rep


Active Member
HEy. I think it could be a early nute burn almost. but from wha you said about the soil and Ph in the water everything seems fine. Ummm 90 degrees is probally causing them to curl up. Get a themometer that has a sensor probe and put it by the plant in the soil so you get a temp on the soil and you will kno wha the plant is feeling from the lights.

Thers is my Baby right now :D:weed:



Well-Known Member
i wouldnt get the kind that probs the soil i would get the kind that just sits there next to the plant cuase the temp could change and be diff when u water it u want the air around the plant the enviorment around the plant cuase with that heat ur going to dry ur soil out alot quicker then normal and u dont water for like 3-4 days thats def not a good thing
ur going to have to water more


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt get the kind that probs the soil i would get the kind that just sits there next to the plant cuase the temp could change and be diff when u water it u want the air around the plant the enviorment around the plant cuase with that heat ur going to dry ur soil out alot quicker then normal and u dont water for like 3-4 days thats def not a good thing
ur going to have to water more

u like what i say hook me up with some +rep


Active Member
Mine works just fine. It's probally matter of opinion. But i understand your point how it oculd change when watered or when it dry's out. i didnt think of that tho thanks :P My grow box use to stay at +80!!! with my small computer fan as exhuast fan cooled my box to 73 :weed: So Might try another fan??

white boy smurf

New Member
ok thanks for the reply. OK to just clear a few things up. I have rather good ventilation in my box. I have a huge fan on the plant constantly always shaking it. The light sim using are 6500k spectrum cfl, about 115watts worth. They are placed about 3 inches away from the plants. The air in the box feels rather cool. The fan is not only blowing right on here but it is also blowing right on my lights also cooling them. I have a good digital themometer that i ahve placed as close to my plant as possible that shows me RH/Temp. Which is at like 80 with my closet dorr open but when it is shut it can get like 84. During the day if it is hott outside which it has been lately the box can get to 90 if the door is shut. (to be clear im growing in a 20gal roughneck inside of a large walk-in closet) Lined with mylar with a computer fan sucking air out of the box (right above the lights) so nohot air is pulled across my plant. Any suggestions to what to do if it is a defficency? I think it is prolly temps and underwatering. Thanks for help guys, keep on coming with the replies, i love constructive help!!

white boy smurf

New Member
Oh also i forgot to ask. Does anyone know anything about Bacto Soil? Thats what im using. Where i live there is no hydro stores and ordering off the internet is not an option atm. And although i know of many ways i could imrove my grow, im kinda jsut working with what i got so any suggestions on mabye an easily obtainable soil thats is commom most places (in United States)? thanks for help again


Well-Known Member
well u should deff water more and i think u should get another fan going in and out still too hot if it gets like 90 dont matter if its going threw ur plant its the matter in general that the air in gen is 90 thats alot for little watering and only a small pc fan blowing not enough air in and out


Well-Known Member
im useing this plantation products soil mix
seed starter professional growers mix
it has sphagnum peat ,horticultural vermiculite,perlite,wetting agent and lime for ph balance and the bag was only like 5-6$ and i got it at rockeys hardware store,and u cold go to walmart and get some ok soil mix too and alot of other stuff

white boy smurf

New Member
All new growth is green, but lets face it, the leafs that are damaged aint too old themselves. I agree with you clowdy. I am in the market for an additional pc fan. Im going to start wateings every other day and see what happens. Thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
is it good enough for some good rep? lol just joking wit ya
good luck on this ill be around im always online here
ill help with whatever i can bud

white boy smurf

New Member
Also, if the problem is underwatering. Then when i correct the problem should i expect those leafs to heal or will they just stop geting worse?


Well-Known Member
ull have too pray for either one either way if the underwatering is the prob u wont have it anymore plus losing a set of leafs aint to bad specilly so early in ur grow alot of times people lose set aint too bad as long as the plant dont strech on u