New Member
Hey, I thought hydro was sweet up to 6.5, with the ideal being 6.3. In DWC I ph to 5.8. I also thought that 5.8 was the lowest you should go in hydro.i've talked to ngt, i've looked through the faq's. some of them need to be nixed, and replaced with valid and accurate info. cugine has a link to one in his ph thread, it states that hydro ph range is 5.1-5.9
that's wrong, it's 5.5-6.2; things like this need to be remedied. he has a defficiency due to lockout, because he read the faq's. we need to be 100% on our info, so as not to mislead our n00bie growers.
also, rollitup, are we not limited to how the faq's look? is it possible to get a different layout or something?
Do we have any NFT growers on the site?
It's fine stealing information from somebody else, but information seems much more substantial when written by a person that actually knows what they're talking about.