Big P
Well-Known Member
did they? my pops got pretty rich by studying and working long hours his whole life and creating his own respectable business bringing all his employees to wealth with him.Vi,
First of all you used the word libertarian in your defination of conservative.
To me the defination of conservative means "I must conserve what is mine by exploiting everyone else".
As for beng a liberal. You make it sound like they want to rob the rich and give to the poor. Well didn't the rich get that way on the backs of the poor? I see Liberals as people who want to even the score.
Why is it OK to give free money to huge corporations who mismanaged themselves into the ground, but we can't give free money to people who bust their asses but only get paid minimum wage?
A person that makes minimum wage falls below the poverty level. That means they are willing to work for what they want, so they are unable to qualify for services that they pay for through their taxes (I.E. food stamps, medicaid etc.) They don't get health insurance and paying for it privately would take 75% of their income.
The raise that congress just voted for theirselves ($4700) is equal to about 1/3 of the yearly income of a person who makes minimum wage.
he started out in an apartment where his father died when he was only 9 years old which unfortunatly left him and his 3 brothers and mother to fend for themselves
I dont get why it seems a lot of people who are bitter about thier state in life, whether its thier own fault or not (which it usually always is) and want to blame others for all thier problems.
and they seem to like to blame the ones who made it in life (most if which work hard all thier lives)
im pretty sure its not jealousy but almost bitterness because they know deep inside that "you get what you put into it", but they try to convince themselves its not thier fault, this is why they blame others instead of actually "putting into it" so they can "get somthing out of it" its a great excuse to be lazy too,
ill be honest me, i dont deserve a good job, i dropped out of high school, got my GED and went to a shitty technical colledge. I knew what i was doing when i dropped out, I knew not going to a good college would most likley mean a harder existance meeking out a life and trying to raise a family, but I did it anyway. and guess what? it was my own damn fault
if I didnt have the privilage to have an opportunity to show what I can do at the family business,
then I would prolly still have some shitty paying job, and i wouldnt blame anyone else for it but myself,
but i garanfuckintee I would be slangin dope till i paid some shit off
I love Mishester this is not an attack just an argument