*Why are you c@nts such hypocrates?


Well-Known Member
They got rich off the backs of the poor, the people they keep poor. Minimum wage didn't increase for 16 years, I bet the CEO's and owners of companies sure saw raises in the same 16 years. It's just a step above slavery......

If the CEO or owner is entitled to such an amazingly larger share of the pie, then why aren't they made to sell their own personal pies before getting government money? Why are workers who are being paid under poverty level being expected to hand over tax dollars to bail out people who make more in one year than the under poverty level people will make in their lifetime?

Do you feel it is fair and just that the person working at McDonalds for minimum wage should help bail out the big 3? The CEO of GM made 14 million in salary and bonus last year, yet people who are making 17 thousand a year are supposed to be the ones to suck it up and help out?

It's all about greed, gimme, gimme, gimme, it's sickening really. Elderly people having to choose between food and medicine. Familys having to choose between meals and gas to get to work. It's a sad state this country is in and I'm amazed at you guys who think it's just all good and happy land.
No worse then when I'm forced to pay for idiotic bureaucrats, and stupid bitches who weren't able to keep their legs closed. I'm against that waste of money too.

For a country built around individuality we have lost our way. While there certainly are some people who have the chutzpah to revolt, I don't think they are in the right, being entirely too concerned with bullshit (Global Warming), idiocy (Socialism) and gross incompetence (violation of Personal Liberties through forced Atheism)

There was a quote that I've thrown around a few times by Alexander Hamilton (who admittedly was the pawn of international bankers, quite possibly the Rothschilds specifically), but that doesn't mean he was an idiot.

"Inequality of Property will exist as long as Liberty Exists."

There's nothing that can put it more succinctly. As long as Liberty Exists, then there will be Inequality of Property. There is no way around it, because not everyone is motivated by the same things.

The problem is that there are jack asses (mostly on the left) who insist that everyone share their goals, and then have the audacity to pretend they are for the little guy, and for the independent. They aren't. They're for lining their own pockets at the expense of the little guy, at the expense of the independent.

The wealthiest individuals in the country are all liberals, Gates, Soros, Buffett, who are entirely incompetent, and only made their fortunes on the back of better people. (Well, except Soros, I don't know how he made his money.)

Gates bought the rights to DOS from a independent programmer, he didn't program it himself (I doubt he could program his way out of a paperbag actually.)

Buffett made his money through investing. Investing in companies filled with competent, hard-working individuals that probably would rejoice if the government took a lot less out of their paychecks.

Hardly sterling examples of individuality.

Apple, Apple's not innovative. Touch Screens are not a "new" technology. I-Pods are not a new technology. Apple's strength is that it has a lot of fan-bitches that place too much stock in the Apple Brandname as a sign of individuality, failing to realize that through their decisions they are just conforming to the designs of another group. Of course, Apple isn't about to make a commercial where it's Apple on the Big Screen with Microsoft's new CEO hurling a hammer at the talking head of the CEO of Apple. That'd be a mockery of their customers.

Speaking of Conformity though. It's even more rampant on the left. You all spout the same bullshit, in the same words, in the same exact way. There's no individuality in your responses. I can rattle off your empty words backwards, forwards, sideways, and mirrored.

Ceos are Evil,
Ceos Make too much,
Government is going to save us all,
We need more regulation,
Government will protect us,
Military force is evil
Waterboarding is torture

So much idiocy.

CEOs aren't evil, no more so than the workers under them. Of course there are some on the left that think corporations are evil from the bottom up, but their nut cases, and few and far between, and thus not worth mentioning.

CEOs might make too much, but that's really no one's business but
1. The CEO
2. The Board of Directors
3. The Shareholders

It is not the government's business, nor any one else's that does not have a real ownership stake in the company.

What's the next point? Ahh yes, Government is going to save us all. You mean like it's doing right now? By totally destroying our economy through gross incompetence, an idiotic fiat money system, a banking system that is designed to loot the pockets of every American out there while maximize returns from the "creation" of money out of thin air, and the collection of interest?

The government could have stacked the 700 Billion dollars into a giant pile and used it to roast marshmallows and the banks probably would have just been fine with that action, because they are going to reap interest on that 700 Billion, and that's a lot of interest. At 5%/year it's 35 Billion. Sure, it gets divided by a lot of banks, but it's still a shit load of money. Enough that the government could have just handed it all out (preferably to people who actually PAY taxes, but that's another argument.)

Then on top of those three items there is the fact that the government stole the only truly honest money system we ever had (Gold/Silver) and made its use illegal. Then, when the government came up with an alternative, the bankers stepped in, and put a stop to its use (Lincoln Greenbacks).

Everyone talks about our money supply being backed by the Federal Government, but it's not. It's backed by the slavery of the entire country to bankers, who loan out money, and then collect the principal plus interest. Typically reaping the benefits, because they are playing a game that's nothing but positives for them, and nothing but negatives for their clients. (The best place to store your money is in fact in a Bank, but not in its vaults, at least during normal times when there is not a collapse of the credit markets.)

No, government isn't going to save us, it just makes everything worse.

The three laws of government interference
1. If it moves, tax it
2. If it's still moving, regulate it
3. If it's no longer moving, subsidize it

Then there's the entire debate about the morality of military force. I don't even see how there is a debate. Maybe all you clowns forgot about 9/11, maybe the Kurds in Iraq aren't real people to you. So much for your vaunted compassion...

Of course, that's just the life you keep on telling yourselves to justify your idiotic world views that require the theft of the product of the productive for the consumption of the incompetent.

Military Force isn't immoral, no more so than a gun is evil. Military Force is a political tool, just as a fire arm is a personal tool designed to kill people at a distance (preferably before they have a chance to steal from you.)

Ah, yes, and my favorite, waterboarding is torture. Having not had any personal experience with waterboarding, I can't really offer anything other than my opinion that it really is a piss-poor torture. When I think torture I think racks, hanging some one by the wrists from the ceiling, flaying them alive, using them to put out cigarette buts, maybe taking a metal pail, putting a giant Norwegian rat in it, and then applying heat to the outside of the pail until the rat starts burrowing in their flesh. Now that's torture.

Peace Through Superior Fire Power, and He who laughs last, thinks fastest.


New Member
Maybe less absintence only education and more actual sex education might help those bitches learn to keep their legs closed, but you have to remember it takes a penis to make a baby as well. Maybe someone should teach those little bastards to keep their pants zipped........

When the CEO's fly to DC on their private jets with their hands out asking for tax payer dollars, their salary becomes everyones business.

He who laughs first thinks fastest.........


Well-Known Member
Maybe less absintence only education and more actual sex education might help those bitches learn to keep their legs closed, but you have to remember it takes a penis to make a baby as well. Maybe someone should teach those little bastards to keep their pants zipped........

When the CEO's fly to DC on their private jets with their hands out asking for tax payer dollars, their salary becomes everyones business.

He who laughs first thinks fastest.........
He who laughs last, the other guy is dead, can't laugh if you're dead, thus he who laughs last, thinks fastest.


As far as the pricks who can't keep their cocks in their pants, theyre bitches too.

Big P

Well-Known Member
Maybe less absintence only education and more actual sex education might help those bitches learn to keep their legs closed, but you have to remember it takes a penis to make a baby as well. Maybe someone should teach those little bastards to keep their pants zipped........

When the CEO's fly to DC on their private jets with their hands out asking for tax payer dollars, their salary becomes everyones business.

He who laughs first thinks fastest.........
He who laughs last, the other guy is dead, can't laugh if you're dead, thus he who laughs last, thinks fastest.


As far as the pricks who can't keep their cocks in their pants, theyre bitches too.

well if you gurls put them in your mouth more often we wouldnt have this problem:-P


Well-Known Member
They got rich off the backs of the poor, the people they keep poor. Minimum wage didn't increase for 16 years, I bet the CEO's and owners of companies sure saw raises in the same 16 years. It's just a step above slavery......
your idea of slavery and mine must be vastly different. freedom of choice, freedom of movement and a host of other freedoms can't be taken away by mere money. it takes the sort of power wielded by governments and our own complicity to enslave us.

the complicity of the enslaved is the most germane to the point at hand. while it may be considered cool to blame those who succeed for the plight of the indigent, no one is forced to take what they are given here. those who depend on governmental interference to raise their standard of living and then blame their employers for their own lack of initiative hardly deserve more than the pittance that is minimum wage.

If the CEO or owner is entitled to such an amazingly larger share of the pie, then why aren't they made to sell their own personal pies before getting government money?
this current batch of bail-outs has nothing to do with conservative ideology. as i stated previously, conservatism has a savage face. it embraces the fact that a certain amount of failure is natural when risk is involved. by not allowing those failures to happen, the liberal establishment only strengthens its hold on the citizenry and emphasizes government's role in the marketplace.

It's all about greed, gimme, gimme, gimme, it's sickening really.
avarice knows no political bounds. it is not restricted by economic ideology, class or any social outlook. when we see greed in the poor we excuse it, but when it rears its ugly head amongst the wealthy we splash it across the front page. such unenlightened self-interest is an ethical failing that merely shows our accelerating trend toward a total lack of personal responsibility, a trend spearheaded by a liberal establishment intent on forcing the population into a role of subservience to the state. their give-aways and do-nothing social programs have helped to create this cult of entitlement that has led to a complete denial of the reality of failure.

This is a rather poetic and nostalgic interpretation of "conservatism". It is, however, rather inconsistent with today's version of "conservative" boots on the ground...the Republican Party.
conservatism isn't about the political animals that we pay to rape us. it's not about party or class, it's about the ideology of personal responsibility and the belief that liberty is worth the price of failure. one of the many reasons that the term "conservative" has been so vilified is the mistaken idea that politicians or big business may represent the true conservative base. while the republican party may pay lip service to conservative values, it long ago betrayed what it claims to represent. war, injustice and bigotry are not conservative values. they are the tools of small minds and the labels the liberal establishment have used to slander those who believe in the personal liberties that are the most important of our traditional american values.

the only reason that conservative america flocks to the republican banner is that the alternative is the socialist corruption of the democrats. perhaps it's time to relabel these opposing viewpoints and call them what they really are. perhaps it's time that the conservatives embraced the term "libertarian" and brought that party out of the shadows of american politics. then maybe we could allow the democrats and republicans to join forces and label themselves the "scapegoating apologists" they truly are.


Well-Known Member
You are my hero, Undertheice.

My disappointment in the republican party truly dawned when all the so-called conservative leaders around the country marginalized and ridiculed the libertarian party. I did not agree with all of Ron Paul's ideologies seamlessly, however, having the government contained within constitution parameter is not outdated.

The path of liberal philosophies is somberly clarified by the popularized radical actions of its new generation leaders. The socialistic goals of the left will only gain momentum as the first, more subtle "changes" are enacted. Obama will not disappoint, and the current accepted mindset of today is "change is good", and there will be visible alteration varying from labor laws to taxation. Americans will perceive this as Obama acting on his word by slightly modifying our infrastructure that has always been constantly modified, and he will be praised for it.

What is troubling of Obama's destined popularity success is the road being paved toward future expanded government and socialism. Already, Hillary is trying to expand the secretary of state's power. There is a liberal goal, and it is starkly more radical than a conservative goal. Most don't even know, just chant away as you were taught to, and be prepared for your change.


Well-Known Member
You are my hero, Undertheice.

My disappointment in the republican party truly dawned when all the so-called conservative leaders around the country marginalized and ridiculed the libertarian party. I did not agree with all of Ron Paul's ideologies seamlessly, however, having the government contained within constitution parameter is not outdated.

The path of liberal philosophies is somberly clarified by the popularized radical actions of its new generation leaders. The socialistic goals of the left will only gain momentum as the first, more subtle "changes" are enacted. Obama will not disappoint, and the current accepted mindset of today is "change is good", and there will be visible alteration varying from labor laws to taxation. Americans will perceive this as Obama acting on his word by slightly modifying our infrastructure that has always been constantly modified, and he will be praised for it.

What is troubling of Obama's destined popularity success is the road being paved toward future expanded government and socialism. Already, Hillary is trying to expand the secretary of state's power. There is a liberal goal, and it is starkly more radical than a conservative goal. Most don't even know, just chant away as you were taught to, and be prepared for your change.
I agree with libertarian being the way to go but you have got to be shitting me complaining about Hillary and Sec. State powers!?! Dick Cheney has redefined the art of the power grab and there is nothing Hillary can do to touch that act.


Well-Known Member
I agree with libertarian being the way to go but you have got to be shitting me complaining about Hillary and Sec. State powers!?! Dick Cheney has redefined the art of the power grab and there is nothing Hillary can do to touch that act.
I'm no fan of Cheney, but at least he had the job when he went for his power grab. Hillary hasn't even started and already wants more.

Bush done many things that were not conservative, same with Cheney, same with many leaders in the republican party and they do not deserve to be called conservative.

The republican party has long strayed from its roots. It needs to get its act together.

Big P

Well-Known Member
tomorrow the death of the white race shall begin

all hail the all powerful and mighty Obama


Big P

Well-Known Member
i guess its a good day to be brown:-P

finally i dont have to be an arab livin in a white mans world anymore, we beat the whites!! its finally all over for them:fire:



New Member
Have you not noticed that the country is already in the toilet? Wake the fuck up already and take off your official "Bushie the kid rose colored glasses".

Good grief.........:dunce:

And i'll be rolling up my doomsday blunt. I might as well as be high while my country goes down.