
Well-Known Member
Yeah, I worked my ass off the first year I was here, all for a 2% raise... Bullshit.

Hahaha, if I get fired I can't collect unemployment... Only if I get laid off, there's a big difference. And they have been laying people off lately, not in my department, but all the same.

So, are you single yet mane? ;) ;)

Really though, I got this job for the insurance and because I knew I'd have some down time without a garden going, I'm harvesting in a few weeks, I'm cashing in my pension, and finding work elsewhere...

I'm really going to focus on getting my furniture/sculpture buisness going... I'm tired of working for the man. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Well, moreover tired of paying the man's taxes... Taxes that are spent on shit I completely disagree with, international warfare, the war on drugs, police and national security... Etc, etc, etc...

I don't hate my country, I love it more than all the oppresive tyranic assholes that run the show. Our country was founded upon a mistrust of government power, and now we have the most powerful government in the world...

The US has way less than 10% of the world's population, but is responsible and pays for more than 60% of the world's wars... Doesn't make sense to me. Our country is like a hungry rabid pitbull running around a daycare without a collar and leash... I'm not proud to be an american, but am proud of it's conception and ideals that have long, long passed.:roll:


Well-Known Member
We consume 60 percent of the worlds tangible goods also.This is a bad scenario for America doomed just like civilizations before us.


Well-Known Member
i think you people just need to smoke 2 joints before you smoke 2 joints and then smoke 2 more and you might feel better!!


New Member
when my computer acts up...there is hole in the back that I stick a long phillips screwdriver and I poke it all makes sparks and carries on, but that usually fixes it...


Well-Known Member
Hahaha, yeah tips... Thanks for the laugh... :lol:

Does it matter if it's a phillips or flat head?

Maybe if you try a butter knife it won't act up so much... Just jam it in there and leave it in place...

If that doesn't work, then get out the jumper cables and fire up the impala.


New Member
Hahaha, yeah tips... Thanks for the laugh... :lol:

Does it matter if it's a phillips or flat head?

Maybe if you try a butter knife it won't act up so much... Just jam it in there and leave it in place...

If that doesn't work, then get out the jumper cables and fire up the impala.
flathead wont work...:)


New Member know how computers are like big dust magnets?? I keep the side off mine and I keep a spray bottle of water close and a good misting will keep the dust down in your computer. don't do the screw driver thing when its wet though...


Well-Known Member
My last 010100101 box died an untimely death when it crashed about 11 hours into an unsaved civilization game... 11 hrs down the needless to say I was kicking ass.... so I started beating on it and it never worked again... talk about shooting ones self in the foot....... took 2 months to get another one......


Well-Known Member
My last 010100101 box died an untimely death when it crashed about 11 hours into an unsaved civilization game... 11 hrs down the needless to say I was kicking ass.... so I started beating on it and it never worked again... talk about shooting ones self in the foot....... took 2 months to get another one......
I hate that....:fire:


Well-Known Member
If my computer gets dirty, I just throw it in the dishwasher... If the dishwasher is full, I just put it in the washing machine, and dry it in the oven...

If you get one of those industrial strength magnets it's get all those little bits of metal dust outta there... :evil:


Well-Known Member
I put machines together when I am too toasted for human contact.
My Main machine looks like a meth head robbed radioshack(tandy).
It has one of them strobes inside it so when you talk or noise is made it flashes faster. It can run with no memory and no hard drives. the net is a pretty good HDD...Linux rules the DAY and it is FREE!!! Linux sceptrum dies