First Small Grow


Well-Known Member
Lookin sweet bro, how old is the little baby?

Also, I did not have time to send the lights, but will send in the morning.

Oh I will join those sites, but give me a minute, I need to put my baby to bed.


Well-Known Member
Well I burnt one of them. It was only on the fan leaf about an 1/8 of the way to the stem. Moved the light up a little bit higher so that would not happen agion.


Well-Known Member
looking good man how old you say your oldest is?
can you post pics of all of the plants you have right now together, i am kinda confused which is which


Well-Known Member
As of right now I only have one that is in soil. Because of a security risk. (mentioned in previous posts.) But I have three that I am germinating right now in a humidity dome. (2.00 at walmart.) Here is a most recent picture of her. I took this one about ten min ago.



Well-Known Member
I have been contimplating weather to do that or not. Now cents its only a week old would it be ok to do that? Or should I wait a little bit longer?


Well-Known Member
now that its got its first set of 5 leaves its fine just pinch that new growth in the middle out and you will have two new full blown colas in the next two weeks


Well-Known Member
Tha plant is lookin good there 8! As far as topping goes- you can do it now if you want to- it looks healthy enough- but you generally want to wait until it has 4-5 node growths on it before you top it.. choice is yours tho....
If ur gunna top it you wanna use scissors and cut it a lil above the node below it.... that will give you two new tops.....
What dude is talkin about isn't really called topping it if u just pull it off... I can't remember right off hand what it's called, I always just called it pinching... But it'll make it so that you have like 3 or 4 new tops growing....
I pinched the shit out of my outdoor girl and she got big as hell! She was 5 ft tall and about 8 ft round- big ass bush! Got 1.2 lbs off of her- very happy with that......


Well-Known Member
I was thinking of making a box so that I would have more room to grow and have more plants.

Good to know Thadon, I am still diciding on weather or not to do it. I just want this grow to go all the way.