Like the people have the choice to decide who they want for President. That's like asking the Godfather, you decided which of his daughters you wish to boink! Itza not happenin'!
But seriously, who ever runs is usually decided by a select few and only a few compared to the society, and have the backing of the corporate elite. Those that don't, they get massively ripped into oblivion, to the point they never existed, and if you do happen to succeed, ask JFK the outcome.
Oh, Obama, get serious! He's just another puppet for the maestro, or should I say bistro, cause at the end of the day, the garbage gets takin out and another fool jumps in to eat. But he’s nothing more, nothing less.
What really needs to be done, is the people need to take back their government, as the Constitution relates to, when the government is no longer for the people, but for the greed of their selves, and those likeminded corporate individuals, fabricating wars and atrocities, that only create more wars, and a divided nation. And yes, the Constitution allows for such things, read it, know it, and understand it. But the way it looks, the constitution is becoming more and more irrelevant, because some people feel they have nothing to hide, LMFAO! Those who think that, good luck when the party crashes down, and you ask, WTF! It’s a little too late then amigo.