The real Obama


New Member
OK, but whom is to "issue it wisely?" Have you ever heard the term "Brain Drain?" That's what happens when a government gets too onerous with their tax rates. If you would raise taxes too high, thereby reducing the incentive to produce, two things would happen. First the best and brightest will look for greener pastures, and second, the economy will collapse. At that point we would start seeing REAL poverty, as the Golden Goose has been destroyed in the name of "compassion." In that case, "compassion" would be seen for its true colors ... greed!




New Member
OK, but whom is to "issue it wisely?" Have you ever heard the term "Brain Drain?" That's what happens when a government gets too onerous with their tax rates. If you would raise taxes too high, thereby reducing the incentive to produce, two things would happen. First the best and brightest will look for greener pastures, and second, the economy will collapse. At that point we would start seeing REAL poverty, as the Golden Goose has been destroyed in the name of "compassion." In that case, "compassion" would be seen for its true colors ... greed!

Compassion to greed, you are a piece of work. That train just keeps goin down that one way track and no amount of dynamite will derail it. How does it feel to have a head made of concrete?


Active Member
Like the people have the choice to decide who they want for President. That's like asking the Godfather, you decided which of his daughters you wish to boink! Itza not happenin'!
But seriously, who ever runs is usually decided by a select few and only a few compared to the society, and have the backing of the corporate elite. Those that don't, they get massively ripped into oblivion, to the point they never existed, and if you do happen to succeed, ask JFK the outcome.
Oh, Obama, get serious! He's just another puppet for the maestro, or should I say bistro, cause at the end of the day, the garbage gets takin out and another fool jumps in to eat. But he’s nothing more, nothing less.
What really needs to be done, is the people need to take back their government, as the Constitution relates to, when the government is no longer for the people, but for the greed of their selves, and those likeminded corporate individuals, fabricating wars and atrocities, that only create more wars, and a divided nation. And yes, the Constitution allows for such things, read it, know it, and understand it. But the way it looks, the constitution is becoming more and more irrelevant, because some people feel they have nothing to hide, LMFAO! Those who think that, good luck when the party crashes down, and you ask, WTF! It’s a little too late then amigo.;)


New Member
Compassion to greed, you are a piece of work. That train just keeps goin down that one way track and no amount of dynamite will derail it. How does it feel to have a head made of concrete?
On the other hand, Med, how does it feel to have your brand of "compassion" called greed? To take the fruit of the labors of the productive, AGAINST THEIR WILL, and call it "compassion" or "charity" is neither. It is theft, plain and simple. The Constitution is supposed to protect against that type of "charity." Again, you have never pointed out the section or article in the Constitution that affords the federal government the power to PROVIDE for the welfare of the people. Please point it out, Bro ...



New Member
Hey Vi and Dank, good 2 see ya around as well.;)
Boy, are you a pessimist. I thought I was bad. Geeze you want to throw the whole bunch out and start over, like throwing the proverial baby out with the bath water. I think we need some kind of governence to keep any more chaos from happening. I'll admit I don't quite know what kind, and throw the bums out sounds appealing, but as Vi says (and I hardly ever agree with him) the state of mankind is in such a sorry state, you'd be hard pressed to find adequate replacements, Unless you're for a free market free for all chaotic firefight among the masses,which I think is his way, you'd have to have some control or the strong would devour the weak! Which I suppose if your one of the strong, might be appealing! And I also welcome you to the site, although I haven't been here that long myself.


New Member
"you'd have to have some control or the strong would devour the weak!"

That's what we have cops, courts and jails for.




New Member
"you'd have to have some control or the strong would devour the weak!"

That's what we have cops, courts and jails for.


I don't see enough guys from Enron type operations going to jail so I don't think Jail is much of a deterrant for corporate robbers.


New Member
I don't see enough guys from Enron type operations going to jail so I don't think Jail is much of a deterrant for corporate robbers.

While you're looking at those corporate robbers, Med, take a good look in the mirror. What you'll see reflected back at you is a person who espouses theft in the name of compassion. Robbery is robbery and theft is theft.



New Member
I don't see enough guys from Enron type operations going to jail so I don't think Jail is much of a deterrant for corporate robbers.

While you're looking at those corporate robbers, Med, take a good look in the mirror. What you'll see reflected back at you is a person who espouses theft in the name of compassion. Robbery is robbery and theft is theft.

Robbery is robbery, Theft is theft and assholes are assholes! I'm in complete agreement!


Well-Known Member
I like to watch them fight, I think it is funny. I would love to see these two people get together to smoke with. I could just see it now; "Vi - now I know the color of the ocean is turquoise. Med - thats bull, I know it is aquamarine." lol. I would love to smoke with you two. It would be the pinnacle of my toking and talking.

I'm with Allmeat.
I'd love to toke up with the both of you, and listen to you argue, LOL. :joint:


Well-Known Member
What? No one is talking about how one person is a racist and the other is a race-baiter?

It's almost like watching a "Leave it to Beaver" version of (insert RIU Democratic Sympathizer) vs (insert RIU Republican Sympathizer) !

And still no one has gone to jail for anything after this, either.


Well-Known Member
What? No one is talking about how one person is a racist and the other is a race-baiter?

It's almost like watching a "Leave it to Beaver" version of (insert RIU Democratic Sympathizer) vs (insert RIU Republican Sympathizer) !

And still no one has gone to jail for anything after this, either.

Old thread, dude 11/28/2006 was last post, before yours.
It was a different time in history. In the year 2013 we are a extremely divided nation.


Well-Known Member
Old thread, dude 11/28/2006
It was a different time in history. In the year 2013 we are a extremely divided nation.
But that's what I am trying to figure out with this exercise.
Is there a root cause for the shift in "intellectual priorities", or is it a culmination of several elements working in conjunction?

However, I don't know if this division you perceive is really any wider than it was back then. It may just be of slightly different focus, but no less in magnitude (i.e. different vector, same scalar).


Well-Known Member
But that's what I am trying to figure out with this exercise.
Is there a root cause for the shift in "intellectual priorities", or is it a culmination of several elements working in conjunction?

However, I don't know if this division you perceive is really any wider than it was back then. It may just be of slightly different focus, but no less in magnitude (i.e. different vector, same scalar).
too small a sample size.