yellowing of leaves


Active Member
Hello all and thanks in advance for any help you guys can contribute. Im on my first grow but ive done my research and everything seems to be doing pretty good. I got 2 femenized snow white seeds that are 3 weeks old each under 4 26 watt cfl 6500K. (8 cfls in total). I just noticed today that my first set of pointed leaves (single leaf) are starting to yellow and wither. From what ive read that sounds normal. My main concern is that on my first set of fan leaves im starting to see some yellowing to begin. Im growing these plants in pretty large pots in scotts soil that had 4 months fertilizer so i havent added any nutes. Any advice?


Well-Known Member
Hello all and thanks in advance for any help you guys can contribute. Im on my first grow but ive done my research and everything seems to be doing pretty good. I got 2 femenized snow white seeds that are 3 weeks old each under 4 26 watt cfl 6500K. (8 cfls in total). I just noticed today that my first set of pointed leaves (single leaf) are starting to yellow and wither. From what ive read that sounds normal. My main concern is that on my first set of fan leaves im starting to see some yellowing to begin. Im growing these plants in pretty large pots in scotts soil that had 4 months fertilizer so i havent added any nutes. Any advice?
Without pics its hard to call. Ehen you say single blade leaf, do you mean the cotyledon (the rounded leafs) or the single bladed true leaf(w/serration and point). If its the cotyledon its normal. If its a true leaf its probably just not getting light through the canopy.
Ok as for the upper fan leaf, is it yellowing from the the petiole (base) or the tip of the leaf. If its from the tip is it accompanied by necrosis(browning)?


Active Member
Without pics its hard to call. Ehen you say single blade leaf, do you mean the cotyledon (the rounded leafs) or the single bladed true leaf(w/serration and point). If its the cotyledon its normal. If its a true leaf its probably just not getting light through the canopy.
Ok as for the upper fan leaf, is it yellowing from the the petiole (base) or the tip of the leaf. If its from the tip is it accompanied by necrosis(browning)?
The rounded leaves already yellowed and died so i cut them. The second set of leaves (single blade) are yellowing but i dont see any brown spots. Then my 3rd set of leaves (three blades) are beginning to yellow at the tip as well. The plants are about 5 inches tall but seem to be growing very compact for cfls (from what pics ive seen of others grows), All the other growth above that point seems very green and healthy.


Well-Known Member
Yellowing from the bottom up starting at the tips huh. Ok, is the yellowing on the tips also accompanied by brown crunchy tips, b/c if so this sounds like nutrient burn, look it up in google images. Also if its wilted yellowing from the bottom up shes just thirsty. And finally if they are getting no light (you said its very dense) it could be lack of light, but that usually starts whereever theres no light, not from the tips.
Pictures would help alot.


Active Member
Yellowing from the bottom up starting at the tips huh. Ok, is the yellowing on the tips also accompanied by brown crunchy tips, b/c if so this sounds like nutrient burn, look it up in google images. Also if its wilted yellowing from the bottom up shes just thirsty. And finally if they are getting no light (you said its very dense) it could be lack of light, but that usually starts whereever theres no light, not from the tips.
Pictures would help alot.
Sorry i dont have any pics right now. I was watering them like every 3 days or wehn the soil was crusty and dry a couple inches down. I guess it would make sense they would need more water as the get bigger. It can also be lack of light i guess, there are alot of bigger leaves dwarfing the lower ones. I just gave the some water now and ill see how they are in the morning. Thanks for the help.


Well-Known Member
No prob, one more question though, are you using any nutes, if so i would cut back a tad, if not then you might have a nitrogen deficiency. Hope things work out.


Active Member
No prob, one more question though, are you using any nutes, if so i would cut back a tad, if not then you might have a nitrogen deficiency. Hope things work out.
No nutes. Figured i didnt need them til flowering since my soil had fertilizer mixed in, though in very small doses.
N-P-K 0.07%-0.01%-0.03%


Well-Known Member
You might need nitrogen then, its hard to call without pics. You need to look up pictures of these deficiencies online and make the call yourself if you are unable to provide us with pics.


Active Member
You might need nitrogen then, its hard to call without pics. You need to look up pictures of these deficiencies online and make the call yourself if you are unable to provide us with pics.
From what i looked up seems like maybe a N deficency. What can i add to increase the Nitrogen? If i get pics tomorrow i will send them to you. Once agains, thanks.


Active Member
From what i looked up seems like maybe a N deficency. What can i add to increase the Nitrogen? If i get pics tomorrow i will send them to you. Once agains, thanks.
I put an attachment of a pic i found. I know this is indicative of over watering but this i what my lower leaves are looking like without the droopiness of the leaves as pictured.


Well-Known Member
Anytime mate, glad to help. Anyhow for nitrogen, pee in a bucket add water and, give that to your plants, LOL, im not kidding your piss has plenty of ammonacial nitrates. If you dont want to do that anything that is green and a plant, eg leaves, can be made into a tea by letting the leaves sit in a bucket of water for 2 days(stir occasionally) Alfalfa is in my opinion. But you can use grass, as long as there are no pesticides on it.


Active Member
Anytime mate, glad to help. Anyhow for nitrogen, pee in a bucket add water and, give that to your plants, LOL, im not kidding your piss has plenty of ammonacial nitrates. If you dont want to do that anything that is green and a plant, eg leaves, can be made into a tea by letting the leaves sit in a bucket of water for 2 days(stir occasionally) Alfalfa is in my opinion. Buy you can use grass, as long as there are no pesticides on it.
I believe your theory of adding nitrogen. I will give it a try tomorrow but are there going to be any adverse effects on the plants if i do this and it turns out it wasnt a nitrogen deficency?


Well-Known Member
If its nutrient burn, then it will make them worse, otherwise no. Look at nute burn again and rule it out first. Nute burn yellowing is more of a curling, crispy yellow. While lack of nitrogen is more like a droopy yellow.


Active Member
If its nutrient burn, then it will make them worse, otherwise no. Look at nute burn again and rule it out first. Nute burn yellowing is more of a curling, crispy yellow. While lack of nitrogen is more like a droopy yellow.
They arent brown or crispy at all by any means so i think i can rule out nute burn. The lower leaves that are yellow are kind of droopy but the 3 bladed fan leave that is starting to show signs of yellowing is fine. It just loks likes it losing its color, not burning.


Well-Known Member
Ok then having you said that, and on top off that there are no nutes. Sooo, i would go ahead and add nitrogen also using the tea method would be best bet, since its organic and there would be next to no chance of burning.


Active Member
Ok then having you said that, and on top off that there are no nutes. Sooo, i would go ahead and add nitrogen also using the tea method would be best bet, since its organic and there would be next to no chance of burning.
I can use any green leaves off any plants that dont have pesticides to make the tea? And do i just use cold water?


Well-Known Member
Yup and add a tsp of sugar per gallon of water. This will give any beneficial bacteria some food to help them multiply, and speed the breakdown of the leaves. The darker green the more nitrogen it will have. Ever walk by a pile of grass, and smell nothing but ammonia. Thats nitrogen breaking down.


Active Member
Yup and add a tsp of sugar per gallon of water. This will give any beneficial bacteria some food to help them multiply, and speed the breakdown of the leaves. The darker green the more nitrogen it will have. Ever walk by a pile of grass, and smell nothing but ammonia. Thats nitrogen breaking down.
How much should i be watering my plants at this stage? (There on the 8th set of leaves from the first single bladed leaves)
Would that be considered like the 7th node?


Well-Known Member
8 set of leaves is 8 nodes. Also you should completely saturate the soil and then let it dry out. Just like in nature, it rains, they get soaked, then is dry for a while.
The best way to tell when they are dry is when they are about half the weight they were when they are saturated with water, or when you stick your finger in the soil and the top two layers have no residual moisture