as much as we disapprove of what LEO does ................

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stays relevant.
you need to understand that the nature of our media focuses on bad experiences with cops more than good experiences, so the majority of the work you hear about is actually going to sound negative. this doesn't mean the police work is poor, this just means people are apparently not interested in hearing how the cops DO help... maybe that will change with this economic crisis.


New Member
He was a violent offender that had no business being out on the street.

Police: Alleged Shooter Had A History Of Street Violence

We know he had an extensive history of violence,” Jordan said. “He been committed to the state penitentiary for shooting someone. He had a no-bail warrant (out) for a parole violation at the time of the shooting. That’s all we know at this time.”

The alleged gunman had served five years in state prison for an armed assault during a carjacking. He was back behind bars last year for a parole violation.

Let me guess, they go ahead and let violent offenders out of prison so they have room for non violent marijuana offenders. :roll:

I know a guy who got 14 years for meth, no weapons involved, no people hurt.

Yet carjack and shoot somebody, you'll be on the street again within 5 years.

It's a sign from the universe to cops around the world. Stop wasting prison space on marijuana offenders, let's save that space for people who really deserve it.


New Member
I agree Miss, but it's a sign to the politicians, not the police. Obama needs to speak up about this specifically. From the top down is the only way... :peace:

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
The cops are fully able to make the decision to look the other way. If they find someone has a bag on them, they can choose to ignore it, or they can haul them in. How many choose to ignore?

Cops do preverted things to "search women" "pull your bra out away from your body and jump around so I can see if anything falls out" I need to rip my fingers through your hair catching half of them on tangles and pulling out a big wad of your hair, just incase you have a pound hidden up in there. .... :roll:

My friend had a vase of roses in her car when she got pulled over. the cop trashed her flowers looking for something that wasn't there.


New Member
Yes, but folks with bags don't end up in prison.

I've been caught twice with weed and never been charged. The last time I practically shotgunned the guy with my exhale, he caught me that red handed. No ticket, no nothing. I am charming however... :lol:

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
You are lucky, cops here have a hard time filling their quota, not much action in these parts. They aren't willing to let much of anything slide. Unless it's a cop getting a DUI in a COP CAR, that incident just "went away".


Well-Known Member
Cops don't have quotas.
No they don't have quotas...what they have is competition amongst their peers. If you are in a squad of 10 cops and 9 of those issued 50 tickets that month and you only issued 2....well, you know what will happen. Also, police have under cover cars (we all know this) well, in order to get one of these cars you have to make a certain number of arrests and tickets....So no that is not a quota but it sure is an incentive!


New Member
Cops don't have quotas.

Really? You should drive the interstate here on the last 2 days of every month and say that again. That is, after you pay your ticket.

That's one thing about always living in the same area, those speed trap locations are in the same place they were when I was a kid.

The cop sitting on the 5 gallon bucket underneath the overpass with his radar gun resting on the side of the overpass is my personal favorite, maybe this summer I can get a pic of him for you.


Well-Known Member
Really? You should drive the interstate here on the last 2 days of every month and say that again. That is, after you pay your ticket.

That's one thing about always living in the same area, those speed trap locations are in the same place they were when I was a kid.

The cop sitting on the 5 gallon bucket underneath the overpass with his radar gun resting on the side of the overpass is my personal favorite, maybe this summer I can get a pic of him for you.
Miss they really don't have quotas. I used to go through this every month with my husband....What they have is basically the same as a quota but they don't call it that. At the end of each month Rick's stats would come in. If they were not good he would get shit detail, no undercover car, and being treated like shit. So they say no quota but in reality there is incentive to pump those tickets out...Just another trickery.


stays relevant.
No they don't have quotas...what they have is competition amongst their peers. If you are in a squad of 10 cops and 9 of those issued 50 tickets that month and you only issued 2....well, you know what will happen. Also, police have under cover cars (we all know this) well, in order to get one of these cars you have to make a certain number of arrests and tickets....So no that is not a quota but it sure is an incentive!
Competitions of this nature are frowned upon by most all depts... In fact, I don't think you could get a written statement about one of these contests anywhere as of the most recent years. As you get promoted you might be entitled to different equipment, but prizes for performance are not how departments are run. Longevity, good reports, etc yield pay raises. Which is why there is crooked cops... not because ALL cops are greedy and some are extra greedy. :lol: Besides, if you're not doing anything shady on the road you're less likely to get pulled over, and if you're not holding- there's nothing to worry about... and if you are holding, you might get a ticket.

but seriously, all of that stuff about incentives, quotas, etc is myth... Getting promoted as a cop can be as hard as doing the work, or as easy as getting in good with the boss... just like any other job. bongsmilie


New Member
Yes, the days of the Kingfisher tactics are long gone. there is far too much oversight to get away with that sort of thing.

out. :blsmoke:


stays relevant.
Really? You should drive the interstate here on the last 2 days of every month and say that again. That is, after you pay your ticket.

That's one thing about always living in the same area, those speed trap locations are in the same place they were when I was a kid.

The cop sitting on the 5 gallon bucket underneath the overpass with his radar gun resting on the side of the overpass is my personal favorite, maybe this summer I can get a pic of him for you.

I wouldn't try that... pulling over on the road to take a picture of an officer could result in consequences for you :(

i might be wrong about wherever you are, but i know 100% sure that LA county, and our northern and souther counties do not operate in this fashion... I am pretty sure most others dont either.


New Member
Yes, so see, they do have incentive to write up everything. I tell you the end of the month is a police circus in these parts. Sometimes we see the city cops sitting out on the interstate in the turn around things, radaring people. Strange thing is, the interstate is technically out of city limits. That's the area the state police patrol. They are breaking the law of their jurisdiction just being there.

When we see them there, we instantly take our bikes out and drag race around town. 2 cop cars in town and both are in the interstate, time to raid and pillage. :mrgreen:


New Member
I wouldn't stop, I'd drive past for the pic, he's not actually on the interstate when he's doing that. He parks his car under the overpass on the side of the highway (so people above him on the interstate can't see it) and then he walks up the conctrete slope with his 5 gallon bucket. He turns the bucket upside down and sits on it. If you're on the interstate there is no way you could see him, just the end of the radar gun with his beady little eyes looking over the side.

We go through and see him and we rev our bikes up real loud, might leave him deaf for a few so he can't call in his speeders.

Then they have a bunch of cops chilling just down the road to stop the speeders.

I've seen him there all day long before, I think he only leaves for lunch.

I wouldn't try that... pulling over on the road to take a picture of an officer could result in consequences for you :(

i might be wrong about wherever you are, but i know 100% sure that LA county, and our northern and souther counties do not operate in this fashion... I am pretty sure most others dont either.


New Member
Small town antics... :lol:

I can still remember going up to our lake house in upstate NY years ago and going through all the tiny towns with two traffic lights. I get pulled over going 4 mph over (4!!). I'm like what's the problem to my wife. Well, this Police Officah gets off his bike and he is wearing the FULL regalia. ballooned out pants, full white helmet and a six shooter cowboy western holster. When he pulls off his helmet as he slooowly walks over, I can tell he is at least 60. I turned to my wife and murmured..."Oh, that's the problem". :mrgreen: It takes all kinds!!

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
My husband was a cop for many many years. I am telling you there ARE incentives, and I witnessed it every month for almost 13 years....I can also tell you that after something like this happens that all bets are off. Every cop that likes being a dick, can be a dick for the weeks to come. You will see it, there will be more police brutality than ever. Mine worked in Baltimore City, so needless to say I have been to many police funerals. It is the same scenario each and every time, a cop gets killed and then the police go out in full force and are on edge....They will now beat, tazer and maybe even kill you first, then they will ask what you are doing. Unfortunately I have been in this family for a long long long time.

Your are fooling yourselfs with the incentives! Our buddy got so many arrests and tickets just last month he got a brand new cruiser!! I just laughed, and told him.."It will never change" He said, "I hope Not" This was 2 months ago.....


stays relevant.
My husband was a cop for many many years. I am telling you there ARE incentives, and I witnessed it every month for almost 13 years....I can also tell you that after something like this happens that all bets are off. Every cop that likes being a dick, can be a dick for the weeks to come. You will see it, there will be more police brutality than ever. Mine worked in Baltimore City, so needless to say I have been to many police funerals. It is the same scenario each and every time, a cop gets killed and then the police go out in full force and are on edge....They will now beat, tazer and maybe even kill you first, then they will ask what you are doing. Unfortunately I have been in this family for a long long long time.

Your are fooling yourselfs with the incentives! Our buddy got so many arrests and tickets just last month he got a brand new cruiser!! I just laughed, and told him.."It will never change" He said, "I hope Not" This was 2 months ago.....
I dunno... I'm inclined to believe what I know from officers... on the other hand things may be very different wherever you're from. I doubt you stand to benefit in any way by telling something that isnt true. :lol: Either way, I find caution prevents issues with police.
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