as much as we disapprove of what LEO does ................

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Well-Known Member
GrowTech it is like any other job. You are rewarded when your performance is excellent...What is excellent performance within their field? Arrests and tickets. They do have their stats every month so the dept. heads can see how you are performing. If you perform well you get rewarded, it can be anywhere from a good detail to a new car. There are rewards! If you don't perform up to their par, then you are giving shitty details and shitty cars. It is very much this way in Maryland, and, I don't know why it wouldn't be like that elsewhere...Call it what you like, but, they do have pressure to make arrests and give tickets. By the end of my honeys career he was on the 4-12 shift. It was expected that he should make atleast one arrest during this shift. He always went to a drug corner busted the first crackhead he would see and then come home and nap until he got a call. He hated his job because of the bad apples that were there. Unfortunately there were more bad then good.


New Member
it depends on where you are. There are a lot of stops here for DWB (driving while black). You can see those stops from a mile away too. Every person clear down to the children are lined up on the side of the road on their knees with their hands on their heads. You don't see it so much in the winter as in the summer because the cop always has to call in the other city and a county and sometimes a state for good measure and one of them has to stand out there and "guard" the suspects.

I'm gonna start taking pics of that shit. It's a digital world and I'm a camera girl.

I find caution prevents issues with police.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't try that... pulling over on the road to take a picture of an officer could result in consequences for you :(

i might be wrong about wherever you are, but i know 100% sure that LA county, and our northern and souther counties do not operate in this fashion... I am pretty sure most others dont either.
they do it here. every sat morning. cop stands up on the overpass with his radar gun. he's right there as you come at the bridge. you see someone standing up there but never think it would be a cop. he hits you with the radar. if you are speeding then the cruiser parked 1/4 mile down the freeway will let you know. he'll be pulled out just about the time you get to him. California Highway Patrol. :hump:


New Member
Reminds me of when i was living on the beach near St. pete florida. Cops got tired of folks speeding on Gulf blvd. so they parked a squad car on the side of the road in plain sight. Only thing was they had placed a mannequin in the drivers side, cause they didn't want to waste the man hours... The next day i drove by and someone had left a box of doughnuts on the hood. :lol: They took the car away the next day!! beach cops... gotta love'em.

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
Ours are much more sneaky, he sits and from the interstate you can't see him because he's actually under the bridge. He doesn't make his own stops either. He has a team to do that.

We have those airplane spotters here too, they run the speed traps. It's nice living right by the speed traps, I always know when they're working them so I don't get caught. :hump:

they do it here. every sat morning. cop stands up on the overpass with his radar gun. he's right there as you come at the bridge. you see someone standing up there but never think it would be a cop. he hits you with the radar. if you are speeding then the cruiser parked 1/4 mile down the freeway will let you know. he'll be pulled out just about the time you get to him. California Highway Patrol. :hump:


Well-Known Member
Ours are much more sneaky, he sits and from the interstate you can't see him because he's actually under the bridge. He doesn't make his own stops either. He has a team to do that.

We have those airplane spotters here too, they run the speed traps. It's nice living right by the speed traps, I always know when they're working them so I don't get caught. :hump:

god, i wonder what it costs an hour to have a plane clocking speeders?


Well-Known Member
I could care less, it comes with the job. If that guy killed 3 of them and also injured another, all those cops are at fault, those cops did something wrong to allow themselves get into that situation.


New Member
It's a much larger operation than just the plane.

Have you ever been on the interstate and noticed really wide white lines that run across the road, then 1 mile down the road is another wide white line running across the road? (they usually go across all lanes) That's an ariel speed trap. They time you and if you get from line 1 to line 2 in a time faster than their designation of how long it takes to travel one mile at the speed limit, then the cops sitting about 2 miles down the road are going to get you.

When they run the ariel speed trap there is usually about 8 state cars, lined up along the road with their victims. They fly a little cessna around in circles timing people.

Downstate government really knows how to waste money, have you ever seen the porkchopper with the long infared thing sticking out of the front? That's the corn field pot chopper.

god, i wonder what it costs an hour to have a plane clocking speeders?

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
I could care less, it comes with the job. If that guy killed 3 of them and also injured another, all those cops are at fault, those cops did something wrong to allow themselves get into that situation.
they put themselves between that shooter and you ,me and all the people we love and care about,without thinking of themselves or the people that they left at home that day


Well-Known Member
Think about what you wrote. You really have no compassion for them, their families? You must be filled with hate to be so cruel.
Well I don't know If they all had families, I do feel sorry for the kids if they had any. It sounds too "fishy", they were all Sgt's gunnin for this guy and he pops all four of them before they realized what happened. Cops are trained for this type of situation and it's their fault that they are dead. I don't hate cops, keep in mind my three cousins are cops and I worked Custody with a local Department for a few years, I know the biz.


New Member
Well I don't know If they all had families, I do feel sorry for the kids if they had any. It sounds too "fishy", they were all Sgt's gunnin for this guy and he pops all four of them before they realized what happened. Cops are trained for this type of situation and it's their fault that they are dead. I don't hate cops, keep in mind my three cousins are cops and I worked Custody with a local Department for a few years, I know the biz.
You have spoken freely, you just didn't like the responses to your hate. It is quite obvious that you are a insensitive person. See, I can speak freely too.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Well I don't know If they all had families, I do feel sorry for the kids if they had any. It sounds too "fishy", they were all Sgt's gunnin for this guy and he pops all four of them before they realized what happened. Cops are trained for this type of situation and it's their fault that they are dead. I don't hate cops, keep in mind my three cousins are cops and I worked Custody with a local Department for a few years, I know the biz.
Your original post sounded a bit harsh. Glad you could clarify. peace
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