First Grow - Hydro/Organic/Stealth Hydro--> FEM "Snow White" & FEM "Venus"


Well-Known Member
Definitely man. I'd like to check out that setup at some point... and vice versa... lol. I forgot you're in T-Town too. Hmm... we may have to meet up. I'll PM you and we'll go from there. Yeah man, Mike is the shiznit... Be sure to tell him the dude with the Snow White's who comes in and bugs him says 'hey'... He'll know. I always call him about different questions and he's always willing to give advice. Killer dude. I'm inviting him to our next big party.. .which is going to be in possibly a month maybe more... we'll see how it goes. We just had a big engagement party so a small break is needed. I'll have to send you an invite. :leaf: Peace.
Yeah hit me up with a pm and I will see whats up. I love parties. I haven't told Mike what I was growing. I didn't know if he was cool about stuff like that.

Yeah we can exchange setups. I'm interested in the DWC grows. I'm thinking about changing everything over to a areo/NFT system though. It seems to run smoothly without alot of maintenance. I'm thinking of going with Stinkbud's setup.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Yeah hit me up with a pm and I will see whats up. I love parties. I haven't told Mike what I was growing. I didn't know if he was cool about stuff like that.

Yeah we can exchange setups. I'm interested in the DWC grows. I'm thinking about changing everything over to a areo/NFT system though. It seems to run smoothly without alot of maintenance. I'm thinking of going with Stinkbud's setup.:bigjoint:

Just sent you a PM... we'll go from there I guess as far as meeting up.

Oh, and Mike knows!!! haha... if you're in that section, it's pretty much a dead giveaway and it being the ONLY hydro store in town. (...hmm... lightbulb... idea ?... if I only had the money....haha).

I'll have to take a look at Stinkbud's setup... sounds interesting.

Talk to ya' soon.


Well-Known Member

Well, I can say one word that can describe this grow at this point... RIDICULOUS.

These things have so many bud spots on them, I really have to move them because I'm literally breaking branches just to get nutes in there or switch out the res's which I did yesterday.

Good news, we got a camera replacement which is a new video camera that takes better pics but I don't know if it has a flash. I'm going to have to play around with it, just got it about an hour ago and went and took some shots of the mutants.

What's neat to me is that at the top of each plant there are nugs everywhere, and throughout the plant too but they're really concentrated at the top. I have a feeling I'm going to be getting some decent nugs when this is all said & done.

Oh... and about 7 days ago, all of a sudden I saw crystals everywhere. Again, I'm going to be working towards getting GOOD or GREAT pics but I can't right now. Please bear with me.

So, check out the pics if you're here and please say hello. And sorry if I haven't gotten to others grows in a bit, I haven't been online. We just switched our internet lines at the house so I was down for about a week and jumped on my wife's wireless broadband card in her laptop but that doesn't last long when she's home because she needs it.

THANK YOU, thank you, THANK YOU.




Well-Known Member
Nice pics. They look fat now, your going to be happy come harvest my friend.
Thanks Bro...
I really think it's those organic nutes man, plus I'm using like 4 products, though I slowed it on the foliar spray with the DiamondNectar. I am putting it in the res's though.

I'm hoping for a good harvest because I'm running out of BUD!!! I promised myself I wouldn't spend anymore money on it til harvest...

CHEERS & Thank you for coming by again. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I feel ya on the running out of bud. I'm sick to death of paying for it. 5 or 6 more weeks with a bit of luck. And the end of paying for smoke.


Well-Known Member
I'm hoping for a good harvest because I'm running out of BUD!!! I promised myself I wouldn't spend anymore money on it til harvest...

I didn't get a chance to promise myself. My wife made that decision for me. I'm harvesting next weekend so I don't have too long.. Who am I kidding.... Over 2 weeks without bud is a super long time.:cuss:


Well-Known Member
I didn't get a chance to promise myself. My wife made that decision for me. I'm harvesting next weekend so I don't have too long.. Who am I kidding.... Over 2 weeks without bud is a super long time.:cuss:
I'd go mental if I had to go more than a few hours. Lol

You mush have gone nuts by now.

The first J you smoke will knock you on your back. cool.


Well-Known Member
Man, Thanks Fella's !!

Seriously, it keeps me going.

Yeah, my wife put a hold on the funds too... especially since I'm looking for work at the moment regardless.

Thanks Roc1977, Thinkhigh and Greeneyed for coming by. I can't freakin' wait.

Oh, I almost forgot. I've been battling a smell problem for about a month or so because although mine is an indoor grow, it's setup kinda ghetto and in an outdoor shed that's semi-exposed. I sprayed this and that and it would work but not last. So, I purchased one of those Airwick deodorizer things that spray every 9 or 18 or 36 minutes and went with a neutral 'cool breeze' kind of scent. (not exactly sure what it was cuz I threw the freakin packaging out)... and not a vanilla, berry or whatever scent and it works like a charm. Nice & clean smell, no bud smell. I couldn't believe how well it worked and the whole thing was like fifteen bucks at wally-world.



Well-Known Member
Nice setup! Wish I could have my shit in the open so I could do it like that. Plants look gooood.

You know, that's a good point. They're not in the open, but sharing the outside fresh air and I really didn't think about it until now.
I bet that helps with growth, especially because they're vegetation everywhere outside, and not just tree's. They're not getting recirculated machine-type air from say a bedroom or whatever. Good point Sir.

Thanks man, and I'll throw you some REP when I can... I'm all out. Gave out too much today.



Active Member
for your smell problem, I've heard that you can plant things like rosemary and other plants outside of the shed that will mask the smell of your bud really well.


Well-Known Member
Nice plants

Hey man! Thanks for coming by.
The pictures do the buds justice, but if you try to look at the forest pic in the last one it's freakin' ridiculous. I'm going to try and move them today... so they can freakin' breath.

PEACE BRO. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
for your smell problem, I've heard that you can plant things like rosemary and other plants outside of the shed that will mask the smell of your bud really well.

I heard that too... But, I think that you'd have to have a fair amount of 'other' plants to really mask the smell. You're right though... I really think it's the Venus Flytrap (that's what Nirvana is now calling this strain on their website), which is a 'new production skunk' as they call it, is what's smellin' lovely to me but to my neighbors... lol. Nah, they're too far away to smell, but I want it masked nonetheless...

I don't want to tell you what happened when we hosted my wife's family from out of town over here a couple weeks ago... Holy Shit! I was scared SHITLESS.

Another story... another time...

Later fella's! :-P


Well-Known Member
Hey nas hows it going just checking in dude gonna have to skim back and see whats been going on.

Hey Bro...

Things are going pretty freakin' well. I am currently in the process of expanding the grow room from 3x2x5 to a whopping 6x6x7. Which for me, is a huge improvement. I think it will aid in their growth as they've kind of leveled off at this point, aside from the buds & crystals.

The plants are ridiculous. There's literally so many freakin' branches & bud sites I wish I had a 1k HPS. The layers of crystals are insane as well, especially towards the top of the plant. Once I get everything setup in the new room (hopefully late this evening), I'll be able to

For a friend, I cut some clones, and set them up in a separate CFL room, but it being like a stones throw from 5 weeks of flower, I don't know if they'll take off or not. I'll give them a couple of weeks and if they do, it'll be time to get them into flower, I'll just start 'em smaller.

Just an experiment... if it works great, if not, oh well.

I should have some much better pics tomorrow once I have the room to take some decent shots.


Well-Known Member
Looking forward to the new grow design and porn shots man. Its great to hear things are going so well for u bro.
Hahah I always told people be carefull what u wish for. DWC has a tendency of just getting jungle on ya. Even with strains that dont tend to jungle haha.
Good stuff man. Keep me posted bro. Im really interested in how ur nutes are treating u. From the sounds of it they are treating u well.
Organic grow club NIZE.


Well-Known Member
Looking forward to the new grow design and porn shots man. Its great to hear things are going so well for u bro.
Hahah I always told people be carefull what u wish for. DWC has a tendency of just getting jungle on ya. Even with strains that dont tend to jungle haha.
Good stuff man. Keep me posted bro. Im really interested in how ur nutes are treating u. From the sounds of it they are treating u well.
Organic grow club NIZE.

Cool beans... I will put forth my best effort. (as I write this, I'm in a class and the chick next to me is peering over my shoulder... too funny).

You're totally right about being careful about what you wish for... it came on pretty quick.

My nutes are doing pretty freakin' well. I just bought some Botanicare 'Sweet' and am going to switch out the FloralNectar for the last stretch here, and see what happens. Just bored and want to mess with it and that's probably the worst thing I could do. But, with Botanicare, I don't think you can go wrong.

Yeah, the Organic Grow Club... I threw the original DWC logo in photoshop and threw some letters on it but it didn't take. No biggie... I actually started an "Organic DWC Grow Club" thread that's somewhere in the DWC section of this forum. Hell, maybe I'll post on it and revive it if I can. Help me out bro!!! LOL...

PEACE. :bigjoint: Buds soooooooooooon !