Afghan Dream

dj crane

Well-Known Member
hey m8, thought id have a quick look at ur grow.

nice bushy plants. you should get some nice smoke from them, all look nice and healthy
Thank you! It's been difficultbecause i didt have all the right equipment, though i am on my way now


Well-Known Member
Lookn sick, cant believe how fat those mamas are in veg. thick an heavy, 9 leave stacked. are u in 12/12 yet?

dj crane

Well-Known Member
Lookn sick, cant believe how fat those mamas are in veg. thick an heavy, 9 leave stacked. are u in 12/12 yet?

Thank you very much!! i hope more people come on and make comments on my grow. i just started 12/12 about 8 days ago now, here are acouple pics from right now

P.S the plants look droopy because they were in night cycle.



Well-Known Member
How many ladies u have in there under wut kinda light, maybe u posted it and i missed didnt wanan go back thro the pages...

wut u hopn for in yield when there done?:joint:

Thank you very much!! i hope more people come on and make comments on my grow. i just started 12/12 about 8 days ago now, here are acouple pics from right now

P.S the plants look droopy because they were in night cycle.


Well-Known Member
Hey man I just read your whole journal so far, looks like you're just starting to get some people to follow! Well count me in, I am subscribed.

First off, let me say I can be long winded.

Second, I think you are doing excellent man! Your plants look lush, healthy, and pretty much just awesome! I don't see any signs of a pH problem myself. What is the soil pH at?

A couple of comments. I really think 45 days of flower is UNREALISTIC. You will need more time than that my friend, to have the results you want. I am like 100% sure. No offense!

Second, can you get some pH UP from a head shop? If you can, they should also have a pH test kit. It comes with a little plastic container and a dropper bottle of testing solution. You can then mix up your nutes and test the pH. Then, you can use the pH UP to correct it to 6.3 - 6.8, as Fox Farm suggests. I use their COMPLETE line, from soil on up myself!

Do you feed with nutes each watering, or every other? Well get back to me. Awesome job and rep +

dj crane

Well-Known Member
How many ladies u have in there under wut kinda light, maybe u posted it and i missed didnt wanan go back thro the pages...

wut u hopn for in yield when there done?:joint:
i Don;'t mind running through my setup again, i have a 400w hps main light and a t-5 floresceint 4-ft long for support. i have 6 plants and i can say with 90% cerinty 3 at least are males( i SOOOOOOO hope i'm wrong) but hey thats just the breaks. i have NO idea what to expect for yeild, thats to far away, i do have most factors under control now, temp , ph, but with summer coming my temps could sky rocket if i dont get a blower and soon.

dj crane

Well-Known Member
Hey man I just read your whole journal so far, looks like you're just starting to get some people to follow! Well count me in, I am subscribed.

First off, let me say I can be long winded.

Second, I think you are doing excellent man! Your plants look lush, healthy, and pretty much just awesome! I don't see any signs of a pH problem myself. What is the soil pH at?

A couple of comments. I really think 45 days of flower is UNREALISTIC. You will need more time than that my friend, to have the results you want. I am like 100% sure. No offense!

Second, can you get some pH UP from a head shop? If you can, they should also have a pH test kit. It comes with a little plastic container and a dropper bottle of testing solution. You can then mix up your nutes and test the pH. Then, you can use the pH UP to correct it to 6.3 - 6.8, as Fox Farm suggests. I use their COMPLETE line, from soil on up myself!

Do you feed with nutes each watering, or every other? Well get back to me. Awesome job and rep +

First of all let me say i enjoy long comments,lol. And thank you very much for reading my journel and giving those comments, thats the reason i started this. my runoff was at 5.0 so there was a big problem there but i have just bought a ph pen and i have begun putting all water on 6.4. YAY!! i was also thinkiong 45 days would not be possible, but i hoped,lol, i guess i'll have to take it as it comes. I do not feed with every watering, i do it with every other, i was afraid to burn my plants, though i did think about feeding with the liquids every time and the solids ever other time but like i said i didt want to ruin anything, less is more i say. thank you again for your comments, i will now expect a longer flower time on your advice, + rep to you my friend


Well-Known Member
First of all let me say i enjoy long comments,lol. And thank you very much for reading my journel and giving those comments, thats the reason i started this. my runoff was at 5.0 so there was a big problem there but i have just bought a ph pen and i have begun putting all water on 6.4. YAY!! i was also thinkiong 45 days would not be possible, but i hoped,lol, i guess i'll have to take it as it comes. I do not feed with every watering, i do it with every other, i was afraid to burn my plants, though i did think about feeding with the liquids every time and the solids ever other time but like i said i didt want to ruin anything, less is more i say. thank you again for your comments, i will now expect a longer flower time on your advice, + rep to you my friend
No problem bro. Yeah, you don't wanna rush the flowering!

Everything sounds spot on. I will be watching!

Post some pics of the potential males.

dj crane

Well-Known Member
so today i confirmed what i already knew...i had three males out of six plants, an even 50/50 ratio of males and females, so i bit the bullet, cried alittle, then destroyed the three male plants, i wish i had the time to do a seed run with them, but i need some product coming up soon, so no seed run fopr me, i'll have to wait till i get my second room going next time!! so now my room is cut in half and down to three plants, still though, i am very optimistic and still expect a decent yeild. here are the pics of the males i gopt rid of, pics aint the best so you'll have to take my word that they are males

Pics of the remaining three females will be going up in a day, once they situate to thier bigger spaces,lol


Well-Known Member
dope grow journel and keep up the good work.... im not sure about the soil question. i would think if the the government wont let it through sale wise how the hell are you gonna stealth mail a bag of soil? lol just get the nutes and soil now, keep everything sealed and stored properly and you wont ever worry about needing materials for a good period of time, can never have enough product! lol nutes, soil or buds

dj crane

Well-Known Member
dope grow journel and keep up the good work.... im not sure about the soil question. i would think if the the government wont let it through sale wise how the hell are you gonna stealth mail a bag of soil? lol just get the nutes and soil now, keep everything sealed and stored properly and you wont ever worry about needing materials for a good period of time, can never have enough product! lol nutes, soil or buds

I think you missunderstood or i misspoke, what i meant was the Fox Farm Nutes are not available in Canada, not the soil. i agree with the stock pile suggestion, i am in the process of getting enought cash to purchash the 4 lt or 1 gallon bottle of each now, grow big, tiger bloom and big bloom, plus i have enough of the solids to do a nice while.Thank you for your comments!!

dj crane

Well-Known Member
great thread i would love to see them in flower. and see their yeild. thier very healthy!!!

Thank you!! Flowering has just begun a week ago, so abit to go thier, but stay tuned and i will have lots of pics. as for yeild, i cant wait to see, even with the three males i just cut down i think i will do ok.


Well-Known Member
Your 'check my grow' thread worked. I'm here, I read, and will be along for the ride. I don't do soil and an only about 3 weeks ahead of you on my first grow, but the more the merrier, right? I was also expecting more pics... give that camera a workout when you take pics.... I just pretend I am doing a photoshoot with my girls... you should see how many pics are in my journal. No film to waste so why not.

Plants look beautiful by the way. They have some Fat leaves.

And yeah, it sucks you have 3 males, but now your girls have all that extra room to grow into monsters. :bigjoint:

dj crane

Well-Known Member
Your 'check my grow' thread worked. I'm here, I read, and will be along for the ride. I don't do soil and an only about 3 weeks ahead of you on my first grow, but the more the merrier, right? I was also expecting more pics... give that camera a workout when you take pics.... I just pretend I am doing a photoshoot with my girls... you should see how many pics are in my journal. No film to waste so why not.

Plants look beautiful by the way. They have some Fat leaves.

And yeah, it sucks you have 3 males, but now your girls have all that extra room to grow into monsters. :bigjoint:
Thank you!! more the merrier is right, i want everyone to see my ladies, lol, i will certainly take alot more pics next time, that is certainly not an issue, should i attach them or put them on the page( i find putting them on the page takes alot of room) i love the fat leaves on this strain, i only wish i had a second room right now to keep a mother and such, oh well. More pics n acouple hours when the light shuts off!!


Well-Known Member
just attach... works for me, then you can just use the 'next' button to see them all. Looking forward to the next batch... nice work so far.


Well-Known Member
dj I think this will be a good one looks as though your doing it all the right way. Good luck. I'll be watching your grow. Should be some good yield.

dj crane

Well-Known Member
dj I think this will be a good one looks as though your doing it all the right way. Good luck. I'll be watching your grow. Should be some good yield.
Thank you!!i am SOOOO interested in yeild as well, though that is prob about 50-60 days away, lol, more pics tonight but here are some with the light on


dj crane

Well-Known Member
nice log, looking great.
how often are you watering thoes plants?
Thank you!! They seem to need water about every 3rd day, so 3 days then nutes with water, then 3 days with just water, and so on and so forth, but i mainly keep checking them in case they need more or less