250w HPS Club And Help Guide


Active Member
I bought a 250 watt HPS TODAY! And im gonna flower my plants in a week...Im SO fukin pumped to use the HPS. I had three decent grows with cfls (picture) ..but its time to move on up to the big leagues!



Well-Known Member
I bought a 250 watt HPS TODAY! And im gonna flower my plants in a week...Im SO fukin pumped to use the HPS. I had three decent grows with cfls (picture) ..but its time to move on up to the big leagues!
Welcome to the club :bigjoint:.

Cfl bud looks nice, you'll be happy with your results with the hps for sure.


Active Member
Welcome to the club :bigjoint:.

Cfl bud looks nice, you'll be happy with your results with the hps for sure.
...Never been more proud to be in a club :eyesmoke:

Ya man im stoked to see...I got plants that are about to finish flowering and im just gonna put the hps up on them for a week. Maybe itll make a little difference in a week ? lol. Iunno. But next grow is gonna be sick for sure.


Well-Known Member
...Never been more proud to be in a club :eyesmoke:

Ya man im stoked to see...I got plants that are about to finish flowering and im just gonna put the hps up on them for a week. Maybe itll make a little difference in a week ? lol. Iunno. But next grow is gonna be sick for sure.
For the current plants, it may make them a lil' more dense and you will probably see more swell. Depends on how many lumens you were putting out with the CFL's. What strain or strains you got going now?

The next grow is definitely gonna be sweet, what you got lined up?


Well-Known Member
I bought a 250 watt HPS TODAY! And im gonna flower my plants in a week...Im SO fukin pumped to use the HPS. I had three decent grows with cfls (picture) ..but its time to move on up to the big leagues!
Welcome to the club WeGotItForCheap.
Doobs is correct as always.You should see some swelling and maybe a little density.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the club WeGotItForCheap.
Doobs is correct as always.You should see some swelling and maybe a little density.:bigjoint:
Lol thanks Mind :razz:, how long until you get your fogger? Those bastards are sure taking their sweet time pickin' their asses with your package :sleep:lol.


Well-Known Member
Lol thanks Mind :razz:, how long until you get your fogger? Those bastards are sure taking their sweet time pickin' their asses with your package :sleep:lol.
Check this.Called the company today,and the guy tells me that they are back ordered.But does not state this on the web-site.And they are at least 30 days out.Now that sucks,but at least my grow is not down.I need to post some pics,This white berry is not growing like ive read it does.This one has alot of side-branching.:?


Well-Known Member
Check this.Called the company today,and the guy tells me that they are back ordered.But does not state this on the web-site.And they are at least 30 days out.Now that sucks,but at least my grow is not down.I need to post some pics,This white berry is not growing like ive read it does.This one has alot of side-branching.:?
Wow that's a pretty messed up turn of luck there Mind, damn dude I'm sorry :sad:. Maybe the side branching is a different pheno or something? Either way I hope things pan out better for you man.

Like you said though at least you still got your grow and it's not down :D.


Active Member
I am now a part of the 250w HPS Club! Currently have 1 purp bagseed that is on week 3 of veg. The first 2 weeks were under CFL. But i have to say the plant is loving the new HPS. It is in MG soil (yes i know...bad) but i do have Fox Farm nutes going on it. No problems yet..just lush green growth. Cant wait to start flowering


Well-Known Member
I am now a part of the 250w HPS Club! Currently have 1 purp bagseed that is on week 3 of veg. The first 2 weeks were under CFL. But i have to say the plant is loving the new HPS. It is in MG soil (yes i know...bad) but i do have Fox Farm nutes going on it. No problems yet..just lush green growth. Cant wait to start flowering
Welcome to the club idrops.

I think MG is bad personally, I've heard horror stories and have had my own horror story with it. In my experience MG is impossible to flush, lesson learned don't send the spouse out to get your soil lol. However I have also seen and heard really good results from MG, it's just not my cup of tea I guess or maybe I just did it wrong lol. I use FF Ocean Forest, it works well.

I like FF nutes, some naturalists don't like it, because I believe it's somewhat synthetic but I like it and haven't had problems with it.

Can't wait to see some pics of the grow :bigjoint:.


Active Member
For the current plants, it may make them a lil' more dense and you will probably see more swell. Depends on how many lumens you were putting out with the CFL's. What strain or strains you got going now?

The next grow is definitely gonna be sweet, what you got lined up?
I was putting out about 16000 lumes with the cfls, but it was a pain in my ass havin 4 of them and moving them around. Plus the HPS is on right now for the first time and light distribution is definetly more even and deeper. Its sick. AND ITS NOT EVEN AS HOT AS MY CFLS (its seems), and i got the plant like 6 inches away and its not even hot. So maybe ill supplement with CFLS.

Im doin dwc right now for 2 or 3 plants with 4 bubbles disks. However i have a 4 gallon tan now and im swtiching to a much wider container, so the plants arent trying to friggen eat each other. The more spacing along with the HPS is gonna be a sick grow. My strain is white widow feminized.


Well-Known Member
I was putting out about 16000 lumes with the cfls, but it was a pain in my ass havin 4 of them and moving them around. Plus the HPS is on right now for the first time and light distribution is definetly more even and deeper. Its sick. AND ITS NOT EVEN AS HOT AS MY CFLS (its seems), and i got the plant like 6 inches away and its not even hot. So maybe ill supplement with CFLS.

Im doin dwc right now for 2 or 3 plants with 4 bubbles disks. However i have a 4 gallon tan now and im swtiching to a much wider container, so the plants arent trying to friggen eat each other. The more spacing along with the HPS is gonna be a sick grow. My strain is white widow feminized.
CFL's are good as supplemental lighting for sure, the 250 only has about 3-4 feet of light penetration so the CFL's would provide lighting for the lower nodes/buds.

Glad you like the HPS Wegotit, even with the 16k lumens you had with the CFL's, the HPS has better light penetration than the CFL's so I think you'll still be impressed regardless of lumen output honestly.

3-4 plants under a 250 is fine, especially if you plan to put in supplemental lighting, just watch your heat and humidity.

WW is a good strain, I'm actually smoking on some WW as I type this up lol. Nice smoke, nice taste and good high.

Can't wait to see some results and pictures :bigjoint:.


Active Member
CFL's are good as supplemental lighting for sure, the 250 only has about 3-4 feet of light penetration so the CFL's would provide lighting for the lower nodes/buds.

Glad you like the HPS Wegotit, even with the 16k lumens you had with the CFL's, the HPS has better light penetration than the CFL's so I think you'll still be impressed regardless of lumen output honestly.

3-4 plants under a 250 is fine, especially if you plan to put in supplemental lighting, just watch your heat and humidity.

WW is a good strain, I'm actually smoking on some WW as I type this up lol. Nice smoke, nice taste and good high.

Can't wait to see some results and pictures :bigjoint:.
Haha ya for sure im gonna post them. I got my HPS going from 10 pm to 10 am, and i checked the temp out this morning after the first full 12 hours and guess what? my 4 cfls were significantly hotter. The temp in the room is 21 C (im canadian, lol so i dont know farenheit) and with the cfls it was around 25. So that was a very pleasant surprise cuz i was worried about it. But ya, ill post pics soon of my young's and keep updated. its only been one day and switching from cfls to hps maybe have been the best idea ever lol.

Ya and i think your right, The "light" itself is much better, like just by looking at it. The light is much redder and suitable for flowering. and GODDAM BRIGHT. jesus, cant even look at the bulb.


Well-Known Member
Haha ya for sure im gonna post them. I got my HPS going from 10 pm to 10 am, and i checked the temp out this morning after the first full 12 hours and guess what? my 4 cfls were significantly hotter. The temp in the room is 21 C (im canadian, lol so i dont know farenheit) and with the cfls it was around 25. So that was a very pleasant surprise cuz i was worried about it. But ya, ill post pics soon of my young's and keep updated. its only been one day and switching from cfls to hps maybe have been the best idea ever lol.

Ya and i think your right, The "light" itself is much better, like just by looking at it. The light is much redder and suitable for flowering. and GODDAM BRIGHT. jesus, cant even look at the bulb.
25C is about 77F so you're good even with the supplement lighting, nice!

Yeah don't look directly into the bulb or try not to, shit can ruin the eyes if you like stare into it lol.

Glad you made the switch, seems like you're enjoying it a lot, well as much as you can enjoy a light anyway lol.


Active Member
Welcome to the club idrops.

I think MG is bad personally, I've heard horror stories and have had my own horror story with it. In my experience MG is impossible to flush, lesson learned don't send the spouse out to get your soil lol. However I have also seen and heard really good results from MG, it's just not my cup of tea I guess or maybe I just did it wrong lol. I use FF Ocean Forest, it works well.

I like FF nutes, some naturalists don't like it, because I believe it's somewhat synthetic but I like it and haven't had problems with it.
Whats up fellow users. I to run a 250W HPS. Its used in a ~2*2*6 area. There is four (hopefully girls) goin underneath on a 18/6 photo-period. All were placed in MG soil. I wont use it again but i am not noticing any real issues yet. Maybe that it seems pack down a bit. I am using Maxicrop and Neptune organics and stays between 70-80F. They are about 5 weeks and all are unknown bag seed. Smells good though lol..


Well-Known Member
Whats up fellow users. I to run a 250W HPS. Its used in a ~2*2*6 area. There is four (hopefully girls) goin underneath on a 18/6 photo-period. All were placed in MG soil. I wont use it again but i am not noticing any real issues yet. Maybe that it seems pack down a bit. I am using Maxicrop and Neptune organics and stays between 70-80F. They are about 5 weeks and all are unknown bag seed. Smells good though lol..
Welcome Mr.W :bigjoint:. So you're switching to bloom soon or are you vegging it out a bit more?


Active Member
whats up. I am a fairly new to personal growing and have started out with a full line of botanicare nutes, plus a few additives.

Nutrients I Run - For a 250w Conversion (MH flower/HPS Bloom) 14gallon, DWC rubbermade tote w/two 15" air stones with a water rez level of 9 gallons for 3 plants. in a 2x2x6 Homebox S. 4" 170cfm carbon filer exaust, two 4" 80cfm inline fans for air intake straight from humidifier, and two 6" clip fans for interior air movement. temps 67 night - low 84-87 high day with a low - 35% humitity all times. RO or Distilled Water

how can i improve or got any ideas on helping me with better flowering nutes or somthing you have used or have noticed benifits from.


PBP Grow - From 5ml pre-soaking rockwool for seeds - end of week 2 15ml grow/bloom of flowering

PBP Bloom - week 1 of flowering 10ml grow 15ml bloom till buds start to form the only bloom - 1 1/2 week before harvest

Calmag - 2.5ml gal presoaked rockwool for seeds - harvest never going higher than 8ml

Liquid Karma - 15ml presoaking rockwool for seeds - 12ml gal veg 15ml gal bloom - harvest

Sweet - 5ml presoaking rockwool for seeds - 10-12ml for veg, 12-20ml bloom to harvest - Dont care great for seed germination and all the way through imo helps keep plant nice and compact during veg use both calmag and sweet keeping it close to 60 - 40 sweet-calmag

Silica Blast - Start adding at 2.5 ml a gal after fist set of tru leafs. Great natural ph Up No more than 5ml a gal at any given time.

Advanced Nutrients:

B52 - 1ml a gal for presoaking rockwool for seeds - 2-4ml a gal veg to transistion of 12/12 stop for 3 weeks and back to 2-4ml a gal bloom

Voodoo Juice - From start to finish/flush Great ****ing Stuff dont care whtany one says. its all in how you apply it i think. Granted i wasted a good chunk of change but i feel now every crop could benifit. I took some trial and error but imo there are a few ways one can benifit from it. at first
i went with the 30ml a gal for the full res and went half stength on nutes worked great no **** 3 hours i noticible root growth the next day double.
But 30ml a gal is way too much. i could explain this prosses of trail an error but that is for a diferent post. In the end i mix 1-2ml PER PLANT in a liquid siringe and then suck up some rez (filling the 60ml siringe) water after a day of the nutes sitting in the tote mixing - make sure pH is between 5.5 - 6.3 I then shake siringe and inject 20ml directly to the base of plant and rockwool. after this i usully add 10 - 15 ml a gallon based on total rez gallons not the number of gallons with mxed nutes so for me 90ml every rez change - for me 3 times a grow. baby-veg, veg-end of first month bloom, and bloom to flush

Sensizym - Next purchase and will use with every rez change, when needed, and for flush

pH Up
pH Down

Nutes I am going to purchase:
Collosal Bud Blast or Wet Betty Organic
Big Bud.

Nutrients must be mixed i a certin order so as to not lock other nutes out.
THIS IS THE BIGGEST AND BEST THING I HAVE LEARNED IN HELPING ME MAINTAIN MY LEVELS. If mixed in the right order very little pH up or down will be needed. For me after mixing I have to use a couple drops of pH up because of PBP Grow or Bloom when added lower pH significantly.

This is my mix and order for current veg and transition: Last two gallon mixes

RO Water - pH 7.1/75f/.32ec/220ppm/TDS 7
then add
10ml Liqiud Karma- ph 5.9/75f/.46ec/320ppm/TDS 226
10ml Sweet - forgot to get readings
7ml Calmag- pH 5.91/75f/1.38ec/960ppm/TDS 713
2ml B52- pH 5.8/75f/1.5ec/1040ppm/TDS 753
2ml Silica Blast- pH 6.5/75f/1.5ec/1070ppm/TDS 771
15ml PBP Grow- pH 5.35/75f/2.71ec/1890ppm/TDS 1440
my gallon mixes before transition

Transition Mix: Best Mix Yet
1 Gallon RO Water - ph 7.27/76f/.16ec/120ppm/TDS 12
12ml Liquid Karma- pH6.38/74f/.48ec/330ppm/TDS 241
12ml Sweet- pH 6.02/74f/.94ec/660ppm/TDS 487
6ml Calmag- pH 6.04/74f/1.47ec/1020ppm/TDS 763
10ml PBP Grow- pH 4.99/74f/2.38ec/1660ppm/TDS 1220
3ml Silica Blast- pH 5.73/74f/2.41ec/1680ppm/TDS 1310
12ml PBP Bloom- pH 5.23/74f/3.18ec/2220ppm/TDS 1790
2 drops pH Up- pH 5.51/74f/3.18ec/2220ppm/TDS 1790
Final Readings.

I start my rez with low nutes and add 1/2 - full strength nutes premixed in gallons as the water level lowers to my add back and if i feel the plants are getting to manny nutes i just take out a 1/2 - 1 gal rez water and add some pH balanced RO water then go back an hour later empty a gl of rz water add some pH down and dump it back in.

this is what i am working with hope it helps i will throw some pics up soon


1)Tap water is also a great way yo add natural ph up to your rez.

2)In which order and how do you mix your nutes? I read that the best way to take full advantage of your feeding program was to manage your nute mixing. So you would mix your additives/macros LK Sweet Carbo Load B52 ect, then your NPK Nutes PBP grow/bloom then your benificials voodooo, taranjula, pirana, sub -b sub-m ect. In doing so you will not lock any nutes out in the mixing process. also benificals should be added after the rez and nutes have had time to mix properly. I have had great succes with this and RO water statrting at ph 7 ending in 5.3-5.9

3)Also true you should definitally use PBP Grow in the first 3 weeks of bloom or till buds start to form. To get over the phos problem i was told using B52 after buds start to form will help this problem.

4)Side Note Try Sweet in veg i think you will like it. Just use a little less calmag. i use both together - sweet because it says if used in veg it will help keep plants from becoming soft stemed and lengthy. And my plants are short stocky bushes.

Like i said i start low and add high. My res is not that high that was the total of my add back mixes my rez sets at

Currently :

Bloom Box - Sprouted 3/8 - pH 5.78/74f/2.34ec/1630ppm/TDS 1330

Veg Box w/2- 2 week old plants from seed started 4/1- pH 5.91/71f/1.51ec 1050ppm/TDS 828



Well-Known Member
whats up. I am a fairly new to personal growing and have started out with a full line of botanicare nutes, plus a few additives.

Nutrients I Run - For a 250w Conversion (MH flower/HPS Bloom) 14gallon, DWC rubbermade tote w/two 15" air stones with a water rez level of 9 gallons for 3 plants. in a 2x2x6 Homebox S. 4" 170cfm carbon filer exaust, two 4" 80cfm inline fans for air intake straight from humidifier, and two 6" clip fans for interior air movement. temps 67 night - low 84-87 high day with a low - 35% humitity all times. RO or Distilled Water

how can i improve or got any ideas on helping me with better flowering nutes or somthing you have used or have noticed benifits from.


PBP Grow - From 5ml pre-soaking rockwool for seeds - end of week 2 15ml grow/bloom of flowering

PBP Bloom - week 1 of flowering 10ml grow 15ml bloom till buds start to form the only bloom - 1 1/2 week before harvest

Calmag - 2.5ml gal presoaked rockwool for seeds - harvest never going higher than 8ml

Liquid Karma - 15ml presoaking rockwool for seeds - 12ml gal veg 15ml gal bloom - harvest

Sweet - 5ml presoaking rockwool for seeds - 10-12ml for veg, 12-20ml bloom to harvest - Dont care great for seed germination and all the way through imo helps keep plant nice and compact during veg use both calmag and sweet keeping it close to 60 - 40 sweet-calmag

Silica Blast - Start adding at 2.5 ml a gal after fist set of tru leafs. Great natural ph Up No more than 5ml a gal at any given time.

Advanced Nutrients:

B52 - 1ml a gal for presoaking rockwool for seeds - 2-4ml a gal veg to transistion of 12/12 stop for 3 weeks and back to 2-4ml a gal bloom

Voodoo Juice - From start to finish/flush Great ****ing Stuff dont care whtany one says. its all in how you apply it i think. Granted i wasted a good chunk of change but i feel now every crop could benifit. I took some trial and error but imo there are a few ways one can benifit from it. at first
i went with the 30ml a gal for the full res and went half stength on nutes worked great no **** 3 hours i noticible root growth the next day double.
But 30ml a gal is way too much. i could explain this prosses of trail an error but that is for a diferent post. In the end i mix 1-2ml PER PLANT in a liquid siringe and then suck up some rez (filling the 60ml siringe) water after a day of the nutes sitting in the tote mixing - make sure pH is between 5.5 - 6.3 I then shake siringe and inject 20ml directly to the base of plant and rockwool. after this i usully add 10 - 15 ml a gallon based on total rez gallons not the number of gallons with mxed nutes so for me 90ml every rez change - for me 3 times a grow. baby-veg, veg-end of first month bloom, and bloom to flush

Sensizym - Next purchase and will use with every rez change, when needed, and for flush

pH Up
pH Down

Nutes I am going to purchase:
Collosal Bud Blast or Wet Betty Organic
Big Bud.

Nutrients must be mixed i a certin order so as to not lock other nutes out.
THIS IS THE BIGGEST AND BEST THING I HAVE LEARNED IN HELPING ME MAINTAIN MY LEVELS. If mixed in the right order very little pH up or down will be needed. For me after mixing I have to use a couple drops of pH up because of PBP Grow or Bloom when added lower pH significantly.

This is my mix and order for current veg and transition: Last two gallon mixes

RO Water - pH 7.1/75f/.32ec/220ppm/TDS 7
then add
10ml Liqiud Karma- ph 5.9/75f/.46ec/320ppm/TDS 226
10ml Sweet - forgot to get readings
7ml Calmag- pH 5.91/75f/1.38ec/960ppm/TDS 713
2ml B52- pH 5.8/75f/1.5ec/1040ppm/TDS 753
2ml Silica Blast- pH 6.5/75f/1.5ec/1070ppm/TDS 771
15ml PBP Grow- pH 5.35/75f/2.71ec/1890ppm/TDS 1440
my gallon mixes before transition

Transition Mix: Best Mix Yet
1 Gallon RO Water - ph 7.27/76f/.16ec/120ppm/TDS 12
12ml Liquid Karma- pH6.38/74f/.48ec/330ppm/TDS 241
12ml Sweet- pH 6.02/74f/.94ec/660ppm/TDS 487
6ml Calmag- pH 6.04/74f/1.47ec/1020ppm/TDS 763
10ml PBP Grow- pH 4.99/74f/2.38ec/1660ppm/TDS 1220
3ml Silica Blast- pH 5.73/74f/2.41ec/1680ppm/TDS 1310
12ml PBP Bloom- pH 5.23/74f/3.18ec/2220ppm/TDS 1790
2 drops pH Up- pH 5.51/74f/3.18ec/2220ppm/TDS 1790
Final Readings.

I start my rez with low nutes and add 1/2 - full strength nutes premixed in gallons as the water level lowers to my add back and if i feel the plants are getting to manny nutes i just take out a 1/2 - 1 gal rez water and add some pH balanced RO water then go back an hour later empty a gl of rz water add some pH down and dump it back in.

this is what i am working with hope it helps i will throw some pics up soon


1)Tap water is also a great way yo add natural ph up to your rez.

2)In which order and how do you mix your nutes? I read that the best way to take full advantage of your feeding program was to manage your nute mixing. So you would mix your additives/macros LK Sweet Carbo Load B52 ect, then your NPK Nutes PBP grow/bloom then your benificials voodooo, taranjula, pirana, sub -b sub-m ect. In doing so you will not lock any nutes out in the mixing process. also benificals should be added after the rez and nutes have had time to mix properly. I have had great succes with this and RO water statrting at ph 7 ending in 5.3-5.9

3)Also true you should definitally use PBP Grow in the first 3 weeks of bloom or till buds start to form. To get over the phos problem i was told using B52 after buds start to form will help this problem.

4)Side Note Try Sweet in veg i think you will like it. Just use a little less calmag. i use both together - sweet because it says if used in veg it will help keep plants from becoming soft stemed and lengthy. And my plants are short stocky bushes.

Like i said i start low and add high. My res is not that high that was the total of my add back mixes my rez sets at

Currently :

Bloom Box - Sprouted 3/8 - pH 5.78/74f/2.34ec/1630ppm/TDS 1330

Veg Box w/2- 2 week old plants from seed started 4/1- pH 5.91/71f/1.51ec 1050ppm/TDS 828

Nice going.Is your nutes making your roots brown like that.Or do you have some light getting into the res?:!:


Well-Known Member
Welcome Plantman :bigjoint:, that's a lot of info but my one suggestion is to get that high temp lowered to around 78-ish.

As far as everything else, Mindmelted will definitely help you. Mind knows his stuff, and he's hydroponics.

Nice going.Is your nutes making your roots brown like that.Or do you have some light getting into the res?:!:
This one's on you Mind I have very little experience with hydro :dunce:, lol.

Edit: I think Mind's a he but I could be wrong lol.