*** Online Growing School 101 ***


Well-Known Member
I'm with macwmv that pump is a good idea. dude you need to stop by and share cuz it's to early in the am to start my brain spinning on a vac pump idea.


Well-Known Member
hey, do you prefer a passive or active intake? I am using an active air 65cfm squirrel fan for my intake and a 175 cfm vortex 4 inch inline for my exahust. The intake fans raised my temps to 83 because the motor runs really hot. Can you reccomend a cheaper alternative to that combination? Meaning, a replacement for the squirrel fan so that my temps drop a little bit?


Well-Known Member
let me run something by you guys i was talking to this guy and he told me that when im growing from seed i should NOT give the seeds a optimal environment instead to give them a bit of a harsh environment (within reason) he said by doing so only the strong will survive and turn the strongest one into your mother plant and get rid of the rest. Then place the mother in an optimal environment and take clones and then grow them in a optimal environment, by doing so he said your plants would be stronger! What do you guys think about that?


Well-Known Member
let me run something by you guys i was talking to this guy and he told me that when im growing from seed i should NOT give the seeds a optimal environment instead to give them a bit of a harsh environment (within reason) he said by doing so only the strong will survive and turn the strongest one into your mother plant and get rid of the rest. Then place the mother in an optimal environment and take clones and then grow them in a optimal environment, by doing so he said your plants would be stronger! What do you guys think about that?
Its definitely an interesting concept, but I dont think its necessary. Its literally impossible to replicate the outdoors, therefore any indoor grow isn't perfect ideal. I would say scratch the idea. You are trying to find the best plant that MATCHES YOUR GROWING ENVIROMENT. Meaning why give it a harsh enviroment that is not similar to your own, when you could find the best plant that grows in your enviroment.


Well-Known Member
i can see that being ya want the strongest one from the pack. But ya shouldn't have to stress the plant to see who's queen bee.On me chemo cindy strain I seen one that was doing way better than the rest and cloned that one.All of the plants where dialed in for sound but still 1 stood out from the rest.You'll know your queen when ya see her, trust me.:weed:


Well-Known Member
I haven't been alternating nutes and water since i started my girls about 2 months ago. 6 weeks into flowering. G13 Haze. Showing signs of a deficiency even though they got all those nutes. Is this a salt buildup causing a lockout? I have yellowing everywhere.



Well-Known Member
I haven't been alternating nutes and water since i started my girls about 2 months ago. 6 weeks into flowering. G13 Haze. Showing signs of a deficiency even though they got all those nutes. Is this a salt buildup causing a lockout? I have yellowing everywhere.

where is your ph at?? also fan leaves will start to yellow in flower. mine mostley start yellowing at the bottom and works up. I belive that is due to lack of n2 and that is normal. hope that helped a little.


Whew, That was one heck of a read, I am glad I made it to the end! Got lots of good info out of this thread and now I know what I will do differently on my next grow. I guess its a learning experience. If you guys want to take a look at my MMJ thread (first time grower) and toss me some hints I would appreciate it!


Well-Known Member
Quick question for all of ya'll. I picked up some Indonesian Bat Guano for my G13xHaze plants which are 6 weeks into flower. Should I supplement my Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom with the full dose of the Bat GUano? Or 50/50?


Well-Known Member
hey my tap water is 250 ppm (only water i can get right now) when im adding my nutes do i subtract that from the ppm(so 250 + 100 ppm nutes = 350 - 250(water ppm)=100 is that right?) and also do i use the ecx500 scale or the ecx700 one? pls help


Well-Known Member
I started at 187 ppm water and went to 250 with nutes. up 50 each feeding I toped out at 950 and now add 75ppm molasses at the end for 1025 pmm's. plants seem to like it. If you read this thread it says someware


Active Member
i am getting ready to havest..maybe in a week just to make sure its ready. can i take a clone off of it before i harvest or is it too late...only got one plant (surviver)...and i want mORE...:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I think if you take a clone now it would be to late. The clone would be the same as the mom ready to finish up. I could be wrong. give it a try if you don't get more replys soon.