Porch Monkey Ghetto Grow


Well-Known Member
so there are 5 left. 4 right on track. then the 5th thats way behind.

the first pic is of the 2 i brought inside, they seem to be less resistant to cold than the other 2, so i brought em in tonight, i may just bring em all in at night, it will extend my growin season.

the 2nd pic is of the 3 left on the porch. ill get some close ups with more detail soon.

brr! mid 40's tonight.



Well-Known Member
they are pretty, but they are going to fall over from the wait pretty soon, you need to put something up around them, and tie them off to support the weight so your branches don't snap...


Well-Known Member
going into cure.

these are nugs from all the pictures i posted of the ones i cut.

there are 5 remaining. ive been flushing them.

im pretty sure the biggest one, with the most bud sites isnt gonna make it in time. i can cross my fingers tho.



Active Member
I have a few that are right around the same size but I leave them outside. It always seems to take so long at first but they are growing fast now. I get 2 new leaves each day and I rotate the pot to keep the plant growing straight instead of bending toward the morning sun. The only problem I'm concerned with is the timing. I wonder if they will bud this late in the year or if I will ahve to bring them inside for a 12/12 cycle.


Well-Known Member
so fuck yeah the curing helped a lot.

the bud is tasty, the high is much better, long lasting. total amount weighed to be a little more than 2 ounces. we have burn through about a z. hehe

i harvested the remaining plants but 1. its the one thats way behind, it has so many bud sites. im wondering if i should stick in front of my flowering closet with the door open, or just keep it outside and bring it in on the cold nights.

pictured are the 4 i harvested, im guessing there is atleast a z on each of them maybe more! :weed:

these were all flushed for about a week and a half. the trichs were definitely more milky, and id say about 50% reddish.

definitely learned how worth it is to dry correctly and cure. does it really get that much better if you cure a whole month? its like when it wasnt cured it was a little harsh. now that its not harsh i can taste it.

after this im gonna be putting all my attention on my indoor grow. i have a 250hps and 7 plants that started flowering yesterday.



Well-Known Member
I have been silently watching and I just wanted to say congrats salmon. The first day I opened this in the begining I will admit I didnt think it would last. So once again congrats and great job proving the ney sayers wrong!



Well-Known Member
hey thanks!

next update will be pics my lonely soldier sitting on the back porch, and some drying.

right now im heading off to harvest fest, but ill get those pics up later!


Active Member
nice grow man. it's nice to see some mainer's on here growing some good weed! i went to harvest fest this year too, it was a great time.


Well-Known Member
me???? I was just noting the difference of how much has been consumed since the last pic of the jar (a few pages back)...... shrugs....