Virgin seeking experienced hand...


Well-Known Member
OK so I've been really bummed sitting here watching the (hopefully) gals get seemingly worse & worse as the days go by. Checked my plants this morning & noted Ph up & more of the snot goo on my roots. This sh*t's about to piss me off already!!! <<<<<<<I said to myself;) Went about my errands & such... got CO2 now & 6 12" airstones over in flower res, GRRRRRR Where was I? Oh yes, got home & checked & the snot blobs was now on all...i repeat ALL...of my plants roots. I took immediate action by spraying roots off to remove slime & checking PH & for other signs of illness. PH again up. HMMMMMMMMMM
So what it is boys & gals is algae. That's right algae. There are lots of theories as to cause (nutes, spores, light, city water, etc..) but really no definitive reason for it to show up. SEAWEED IN YOUR RES WILL PROLLY SURELY DO IT YOU CRAZY BITCH!!! However; once you have it almost nothing absolutely kills it for good. H2O2, Hygrozime, beneficials...none of it will kill it. It will keep it at bay but never go away. Also, it will stunt your plants growth & affect the leaves of your plants (hence the short roots now, the new growth being ugly, & no growth hardly in a week). The general consensus on a somewhat currative treatment is to scrap your plants...concesus is their f*cked already anyhow.....bleach everything including pumps, entire grow area...everything (to kill spores...they're very tiny & can withstand most conditions) & start over using beneficials & a product called Physan 20. Even with these measures is is generally felt that you will still battle algae for the life of your grow area. Additionally, they highly recommend wearing gloves when in your grow area or res. I've included a pic ...this really looks like a blob of snot with air bubbles in it and those bubbles are air BTW. Makes perfect sense to me... I added the 2 extra stones last nite to my res. More O2=More algae growth!!

I wanna say thx to everyone who tried to help me.... in some way you were all right. This is often called pythia, it could be helped with beneficials, & getting the carbs out of tank will help. SOOOOOOOO, my plan is this. I will be horribly sad if my plants die. I am watching them slip away already BUT I've said it before & I'll say it again... I'M NOT GOING DOWN WITHOUT A FIGHT!
Tomorrow flower res gets bleached. Incidentily, the sh*t had already started to grow again in my vegatation res & it was just all bleached out 2 days ago!!! I will add H2O2 to res at least every other day to try to prevent as much damage as possible. I will order Physan 20 & speed deliver. When it arrives I will try to combat the problem. BUT if you think about's all up in my plants...from the roots you know? Also, I have recieved the Neem oil & I will again apply safer soap & Neem oil at lites out tonite. If I have to scrap my grow I'm gonna be not a happy camper at all; however, it is a reality I might hafta get used to?!?! For now I fight though;) Damn newbie...go ahead & say it!! That's ok any newbies looking around... keep growing...the harvest will come.

Peace, MJ



Well-Known Member
Hi there!! Dok, you & I are a lot alike... just say what's on your mind & oh well whoever likes it great if not tough!! LOL My friends say... MJ!!! Those of us who know you, we love you!! I read somewhere on here that if we were all sittin around tokin' it up we'd prolly get along fabulously. Sometimes when you only write/type & post you don't get those voice changes, gestures, posture, emotion, etc... that really let's you have a reciprocal conversation with someone. I think it's sweet you gonna build a DWC & grow with me... If you wanna do that then by all mean get after it but I know what my problem is. I found it on another MJ forum with pics & everything... the prognosis isn't good but I will go down fighting. I will have more seeds here in a few weeks if I fail. I do believe in the inherent good in people (I know, a sucker born every minute, right?) & that's not always worked in my favor. In fact, I've been walked all over many times over due to my trusting nature. However; when my rational mind thinks about this I can get it all in perspective: Most of us are growin', right? We're all here to learn & help one another. And we're all scared of being found out, etc... I really don't think anyone is trying to step on anyone else's toes..just trying to help each other help ourselves. Thx for everything Doktor... I trust you & I'm listening. Also glad your inspection went well & that totally sux you had to work so hard for 5 mins. Did you take all your exhaust & scrubber down too? That musta really really sucked BIG TIME. Dear Lord Baby Jesus (that's for you Dewey) thank you I live in my own house MJ :hug:

I need to apologize to everyone for the scattered complexity of my thread... another grower read it & said Wow!! So much complexity...just relax & grow!! I have been very distracted lately for lack of a better word & sometimes it takes me a while to get my thoughts together enough to put them down here. I promise I'm working on it!! Now, a puffy break for me & then I'M gonna tell everyone what's wrong with my plants;) Stay tuned!! MJ
hi mj im glad to see your still hanging in there, i also thought cannabis was easy to grow, i stand coerected . it gets easyer to grow with time. be persistent and u will win.

u must be confused about me leaving? like i said we spent all this cash to have a turn key self sustaining system and thats what i have. i set it and leavit for five days. im not able to over care for them. ( as we know we can ) i aim for the easeyest and most reliable method .the last two harvest were with only AN ( advance nuireants) bloom a & b , b52, carbo load ,over drive and hygrozime. i really think the hygrozime is what kept my plants healthy. harvest was good and the buds were grate. this time i want my plants biger. so im moving out of the box and into the bathroom.( for thous of you who havent read the entire post i have the exact system as MJ and i have had it just over one year. and experienced the same problems .) im making 5 separate DWC systems and making the 400w mh lamp remote in a new reflector . hoping that the problems stay in the box. i have used the system all winter long and it works grate when its cold out, but not when it is hot.


Well-Known Member
One thing I neglected to say is this... most growers who've had this problem cured it by ditching DWC & going to ebb & flow or soil. Anyone wanna break it down for me bout this ebb & flow business? If it'll save my plants I'm all ears. MJ kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
Hi Fishen;) The other day you asked if there was a sh*t smell in my grow room. I've noticed a definite obnoxious increase in a skunky odor in there & creeping into the rest of the house... is this what you were speaking of? I just thought it was cause my plants were so potent, LMAO Oh yahh, & that Neem oil is a joy to smell, huh? Is yours thick like a paste? Kinda odd to work with...I'll never get it out of my spray bottle, LOL Much obliged if you'd break it down elementary style on the sh*t odor for me. THX, MJ


Well-Known Member
Hi Fishen;) The other day you asked if there was a sh*t smell in my grow room. I've noticed a definite obnoxious increase in a skunky odor in there & creeping into the rest of the house... is this what you were speaking of? I just thought it was cause my plants were so potent, LMAO Oh yahh, & that Neem oil is a joy to smell, huh? Is yours thick like a paste? Kinda odd to work with...I'll never get it out of my spray bottle, LOL Much obliged if you'd break it down elementary style on the sh*t odor for me. THX, MJ
hi MJ yes that smell that is permeating threw walls and into other rooms is the smell of rot.

i had the same thing happens . when u get a build up of dead root mater collecting inside root ball or inside rockwool. when roots grow there will always be some mater that dies off that die off needs to be processed and turned into energy for the plants. that is were the enzymes come into play. when we grow in dirt most of these microbus and bacteria are in the dirt already. they help matain and convert root systems into ubsorbable nutrients.
the first time i seen the slime in my roots , i was already into flower by 3 weeks. i did the natural thing , take the system apart , clean , flush and rinse off the roots with water . i went down and got 35% h2o2 and added 10 mill per gallon. 10 gallons of ro water and left for the week. came back next friday ,whin i opened the front door to my house i just knew there was something wrong. the slime was worse than ever the roots even started turning red once again i cleaned flushed and this time i tried sm90. that was a wast of time. i was suprised to see the plants was still maturing, un fortunately i new these were not going to make it full term. i had to harvest early. i used bcnl grow support and i have to say some of the guys know what they are talking about . but they are somuch better than everybody else, they dont really give u useful info.

for example , i was told that that rollitup was started as there grow support system. i know for a fact that some of the BCNL employes read this forum. like the guy that sold me my system , im not going to mention names. but i would be really suprised if thay havent read this thread , because it talks about there bloom box. after all this thread has gotten biger than i suspeced .with all this bad rep u would think that one of them would have joined in and tryed to help.

at one point i thought about becoming a distributor i have lots of friends that were interested in blomboxes and producers, but not after thay sean my problems.

and that neem oil, it is just like it sounds oil, u can use the safer soap just like soap. it will emulsify the oil. and the spray bottle will still be safe to use. its late , im tired and my wife is telling me to go to bed. i probably should, ill talk to u tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
OK, so I just passed through my grow cause the smell was unbelievable through about 3 rooms & well that's unacceptable, LOL Dealt with!! Anywho, as the day has progressed this snot gel goo is now on a few of my plants roots...see first 2 pics. Sorry still using the crackberry for pics:( Also, my plants look bad to me today....leaves really curling under, etc.... Also I've noticed that new growth from top & bottom has yellow color (I know HPS light doesn't help in pics to see this, GRRRRRR) Am really wanting to conquer DWC but if I hafta put these plants in soil to finish the grow I will... this is kinda getting ridiculous. I know I am at fault for F*cking them up but did I really do all of this damage? Is is reversible? Kinda seems like I'm losing the battle & I'm none too happy bout it. +rep for any & all advice even if you tell me to take them to the dump!! Peace, MJ
That is just bacteria in your reservoir not algae. Algae is green and can be eliminated by limiting light (needs light like a plant). I saw you were going to use Physan 20 with the beneficials.

Pysan 20 is a bactericide, algaecide, virucide, and fungicide. So it kills pretty much everything except your plants if used properly. This also means that it kills beneficial bacteria as well. So it will be a waste to add beneficials with Physan.

I had the same problem about a week ago with my plants, I treated daily with a small dose of Physan and hygrozyme. Now my roots look great and the plants are recovering fine.

My reservoir is about 15 gal and I treated for about four days with 1ml of Physan 20. I'm not sure your reservoir size but that might help you determine dose.

Other options would be to change out your res and just run the beneficials with hygrozyme. Or eliminate both the hygrozyme and beneficials and just run 35% H2O2 @ 1.7ml/L.

Good luck! And who said women growers are not taken seriously? I happen to think women make BETTER growers than men and I'm a guy . . . . Women pay more attention to details and nurture things with more care IMO :peace:


Well-Known Member
Plants still sleeping for now but I'm headed out so wanted to make a quick post. YES Fishen....that smell is permeating my house. I can go in grow closet for like 5 mins come out smelling like a skunk. It's bad....what's worse? That's my closet, LOL All clothes will have to be washed & there's lots of em, GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Like you said with all the negative vibe on this thread I figured BCNL would be here too. I've seen on other threads how they try to nip the negative in the bud & offer phone numbers for assistance. My experience with their support is that it's well you could do this or that...blah blah, & then will just tend to agree with whatever to be done with you. Thing is they are marketing these boxes to new growers who don't have a clue what they're getting into so when we call you BCNL we need definite answers!! Maybe they think everyone who buys their product is already a master grower, LOL Hadn't seen many masters here growing in a Bloombox, LOL. And I specifically called about beneficials while I was cracking seed & they were just like well, I could sell you some products but you don't need them really. Why me?!?!?! My husband is not a happy camper & of course feels all of this is user error. If he were here he'd be beside himself too I can assure you. I really wanna save these plants but I don't know how much more of the smell I can take.

Hi NewGrowth;) Thanks for stopping by. See you've been having the same troubles. I'm sorry but I do have was growing on my stones, on the pump, etc in res. Mine isn't green it's brown & kinda furry lookin' in the water. I had put some seaweed extract in my veg res a while back ...I know...STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES (Run Forrest Run, LOL) !! Seaweed is an algae is it not? Am assuming the plants brought it with them over to flower res. I've read that the spores alone can wreak havoc. I know I can't use H2O2 with beneficials etc... BTW, been using 35% H2O2 1.7ml/gal the whole grow. The plan is to use Physan 20 & Hygrozime (once they arrive). Just not sure as to amounts. My flower res starts off with about 6 gal of water for nute soup. I am currently using AN Sensi A & B grow nutes. My res & everything in it has been bleached. Physan 20 should be here in 48 hrs. I will wash the snot off of the roots daily & keep adding H2O2 is all I know to do for now. As for the light ....the two small holes where air lines come in were sealed. My pots are snug in place & rockwool is covering all holes in pots so I really don't think light is getting in there except when I do daily checks. I too have read it needs light to survive ....maybe I'll just get some heavy duty black trash bags & cut them to fit around edges of res just to be sure. NewGrowth do you have that stinky smell too? I tell you I just can't take that's terrible bad. How bad did your plants get? I didn't see any pics on your thread. Mine look like limp dishrags with lots of leaf edge discoloration & snot goo on the roots. I'm afraid I'm going to lose this crop... Anywho, I'm watching your grow...very nice;) You're a very precise person & I can tell you really pay attention to things...I like that;)

Quick thought....I was kinda thinking of cloning to try to salvage something but I'm assuming that the algae bacteria stuff is in the cells of the plant so it would just bring the problem with it? This just makes me could I have been so stupid?!?!?!?



Well-Known Member
Plants still sleeping for now but I'm headed out so wanted to make a quick post. YES Fishen....that smell is permeating my house. I can go in grow closet for like 5 mins come out smelling like a skunk. It's bad....what's worse? That's my closet, LOL All clothes will have to be washed & there's lots of em, GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Like you said with all the negative vibe on this thread I figured BCNL would be here too. I've seen on other threads how they try to nip the negative in the bud & offer phone numbers for assistance. My experience with their support is that it's well you could do this or that...blah blah, & then will just tend to agree with whatever to be done with you. Thing is they are marketing these boxes to new growers who don't have a clue what they're getting into so when we call you BCNL we need definite answers!! Maybe they think everyone who buys their product is already a master grower, LOL Hadn't seen many masters here growing in a Bloombox, LOL. And I specifically called about beneficials while I was cracking seed & they were just like well, I could sell you some products but you don't need them really. Why me?!?!?! My husband is not a happy camper & of course feels all of this is user error. If he were here he'd be beside himself too I can assure you. I really wanna save these plants but I don't know how much more of the smell I can take.

Hi NewGrowth;) Thanks for stopping by. See you've been having the same troubles. I'm sorry but I do have was growing on my stones, on the pump, etc in res. Mine isn't green it's brown & kinda furry lookin' in the water. I had put some seaweed extract in my veg res a while back ...I know...STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES (Run Forrest Run, LOL) !! Seaweed is an algae is it not? Am assuming the plants brought it with them over to flower res. I've read that the spores alone can wreak havoc. I know I can't use H2O2 with beneficials etc... BTW, been using 35% H2O2 1.7ml/gal the whole grow. The plan is to use Physan 20 & Hygrozime (once they arrive). Just not sure as to amounts. My flower res starts off with about 6 gal of water for nute soup. I am currently using AN Sensi A & B grow nutes. My res & everything in it has been bleached. Physan 20 should be here in 48 hrs. I will wash the snot off of the roots daily & keep adding H2O2 is all I know to do for now. As for the light ....the two small holes where air lines come in were sealed. My pots are snug in place & rockwool is covering all holes in pots so I really don't think light is getting in there except when I do daily checks. I too have read it needs light to survive ....maybe I'll just get some heavy duty black trash bags & cut them to fit around edges of res just to be sure. NewGrowth do you have that stinky smell too? I tell you I just can't take that's terrible bad. How bad did your plants get? I didn't see any pics on your thread. Mine look like limp dishrags with lots of leaf edge discoloration & snot goo on the roots. I'm afraid I'm going to lose this crop... Anywho, I'm watching your grow...very nice;) You're a very precise person & I can tell you really pay attention to things...I like that;)

Quick thought....I was kinda thinking of cloning to try to salvage something but I'm assuming that the algae bacteria stuff is in the cells of the plant so it would just bring the problem with it? This just makes me could I have been so stupid?!?!?!?

dont beat urself up . it is a lerning proses. we all have made mistakes, and lerned frome it.


Well-Known Member
Plants still sleeping for now but I'm headed out so wanted to make a quick post. YES Fishen....that smell is permeating my house. I can go in grow closet for like 5 mins come out smelling like a skunk. It's bad....what's worse? That's my closet, LOL All clothes will have to be washed & there's lots of em, GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Like you said with all the negative vibe on this thread I figured BCNL would be here too. I've seen on other threads how they try to nip the negative in the bud & offer phone numbers for assistance. My experience with their support is that it's well you could do this or that...blah blah, & then will just tend to agree with whatever to be done with you. Thing is they are marketing these boxes to new growers who don't have a clue what they're getting into so when we call you BCNL we need definite answers!! Maybe they think everyone who buys their product is already a master grower, LOL Hadn't seen many masters here growing in a Bloombox, LOL. And I specifically called about beneficials while I was cracking seed & they were just like well, I could sell you some products but you don't need them really. Why me?!?!?! My husband is not a happy camper & of course feels all of this is user error. If he were here he'd be beside himself too I can assure you. I really wanna save these plants but I don't know how much more of the smell I can take.

Hi NewGrowth;) Thanks for stopping by. See you've been having the same troubles. I'm sorry but I do have was growing on my stones, on the pump, etc in res. Mine isn't green it's brown & kinda furry lookin' in the water. I had put some seaweed extract in my veg res a while back ...I know...STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES (Run Forrest Run, LOL) !! Seaweed is an algae is it not? Am assuming the plants brought it with them over to flower res. I've read that the spores alone can wreak havoc. I know I can't use H2O2 with beneficials etc... BTW, been using 35% H2O2 1.7ml/gal the whole grow. The plan is to use Physan 20 & Hygrozime (once they arrive). Just not sure as to amounts. My flower res starts off with about 6 gal of water for nute soup. I am currently using AN Sensi A & B grow nutes. My res & everything in it has been bleached. Physan 20 should be here in 48 hrs. I will wash the snot off of the roots daily & keep adding H2O2 is all I know to do for now. As for the light ....the two small holes where air lines come in were sealed. My pots are snug in place & rockwool is covering all holes in pots so I really don't think light is getting in there except when I do daily checks. I too have read it needs light to survive ....maybe I'll just get some heavy duty black trash bags & cut them to fit around edges of res just to be sure. NewGrowth do you have that stinky smell too? I tell you I just can't take that's terrible bad. How bad did your plants get? I didn't see any pics on your thread. Mine look like limp dishrags with lots of leaf edge discoloration & snot goo on the roots. I'm afraid I'm going to lose this crop... Anywho, I'm watching your grow...very nice;) You're a very precise person & I can tell you really pay attention to things...I like that;)

Quick thought....I was kinda thinking of cloning to try to salvage something but I'm assuming that the algae bacteria stuff is in the cells of the plant so it would just bring the problem with it? This just makes me could I have been so stupid?!?!?!?


Yes my reservoir smelled like a dirty fish tank for a couple days. Nothing got too bad just some burnt leaves on the bottom. I need to add a pumps and drip lines to my set-up. Physan 20 is a good product when used properly. I would try a daily dose of 1/2 ml for about four days and then give it a break. You should notice the smell go away and the snot will go away as well. I would also clean the air stone really well and soak it in some physan 20 solution for a bit. Don't get discouraged if the results are not immediate. I would also recommend Hygrozyme to help break down any remaining organic matter. Let me know how it goes:peace:

Ps- Cloning may or may not work but it's worth a try.

PPS- Physan 20 foams up like dish soap so don't be alarmed if you see a little foam.


Well-Known Member
hi mj yea i know everyone on here really is just tryin to help i wish we could all sit down and smoke a fatty ....and talk shop ...but until our government gets its head out of OUR asses we cant .......yea i am gonna take a 35 gallon rubbermaid tote and cut 6 ....6" holes in it ..because i can veg em in that size net cup in my rainforest .....omg that is one of the most expensive things i have 300 dollars ....and is the best veg machine ..i have ever used .....

so basically i will be using a tote with just water and airstones drips ...although i may baby them with hand water from the top if they start to get fussy

the only real prob with this is ...i have a proven veg process and ..that will make it a little diff then yours
but when it comes to the flowering part i will be very close to your method

o and mj there always is the last resort of gettin you some gold , or foxfarm soils and i know it would kinda be stupid but i am pretty sure they would recover in some soil ....with just water...and not too much

of course soil is slower ...and i would only use as a last resort ...but it could/would/should pull em out of that slump

o yea and if you need to know about ebb and flo that is my main cup of tea

i got buckets and homemade aerocloners and rainforest ...

but my main setup is 2 4x4 trays and 2 3x3 trays ...ebb and flo ...i use coco coir as a medium

here is a pic of my pride and joy rainforest by general hydroponics .....
the pics are four days apart ...nice growth huh

if i were to search thru my pics a little more i could show you what a seedling does in this .......2 week lapse of time ...its unreal

i will chant for you mj

positive karma headed your way watch out



Well-Known Member
o got my room back up and will be makin that dwc system tomorrow ....i am also gonna do a stinkbud system also ...his aero/nft design is pic of room back up and runnin little stress on plants but i have changed stuff around a little



Well-Known Member
Quick post & then I'm off running again today. As you can see my plants look like sh*t. There has been no new growth...stunted. Also you can see I've lost most of my big fan leaves & the majority of bottom growth. Keep going like this I'll just have stems, LOL Yesterday PH continued the rise (PH down x 2 yesterday). Large thick black trashbags were draped around res and over top of lid....bags go to floor, kinda looks like a casket (no punintended). H2O2 10 ml was added to res yesterday & I don't see any slime but haven't checked them today yet. The smell was a lil less yesterday but still quite strong. Am still hoping for the best... Here's pics from yesterday. Talk soon, MJ



Well-Known Member
yeah. buy more! lol

hey if you have to start over hun, its not a big deal. many if us killed plenty of plants before we got the first smoke.

think of it this way. take all you have learned on killing this plants, and grow some better ones. its not a failure, just a step closer to success!


Well-Known Member
Quick post & then I'm off running again today. As you can see my plants look like sh*t. There has been no new growth...stunted. Also you can see I've lost most of my big fan leaves & the majority of bottom growth. Keep going like this I'll just have stems, LOL Yesterday PH continued the rise (PH down x 2 yesterday). Large thick black trashbags were draped around res and over top of lid....bags go to floor, kinda looks like a casket (no punintended). H2O2 10 ml was added to res yesterday & I don't see any slime but haven't checked them today yet. The smell was a lil less yesterday but still quite strong. Am still hoping for the best... Here's pics from yesterday. Talk soon, MJ
How many times have you changed out your reservoir mary?


Well-Known Member
Hello... Hygrozime arrived today;) Spoke with the maker's of Hygrozime & it appears that H2O2 & Hygrozime work very well together. Here's what I did:

Res changed 48 hrs ago after being bleached with 3 changes of water for rinse. 4 New air stones placed in res. H2o2 10 ml added initially & again today. Ph continues to rise daily requiring adjustment twice a day. Temps running 70 -/+ 5 degrees F constant. Humidity `40%. I am not sure how to use the truncheon EC meter (digital). Top drips have been back on for 48 hrs & I've kept roots suspended close to soup in res. No new slime has appeared ... soup seems clear; however when I put Hygrozime in 10ml/gal the soup fizzed. IDK:shock: Automated CO2 is now being injected. I basically have lost all first fan leaves but there is a lot of tiny growth at these intersections/nodes...these would be the second nodes on what were side branches. They look lollipopped, LOL They look pitiful for 41 days from seed. I would like to see them get a bit more growth before another week goes by so that I will have greater success with cloning them. The odor is much milder... kinda like a greenhouse now. Not completely obnoxious. Don't expect much more than maybe some clones so anything else would be a bonus. Learning experiences suck!!!


Well-Known Member
h2o2 does kill bacteria from like subculture tho ..that is what i have been led to believe ......what is hygrozime mj .....i might need to get some if i get mr. slimo monster yea what slammin said is tru tho every failure is a step closer to success i know this from lots of ...well i consider them failure grows .....example .25 grams per watt and stuff like that .....that is a failure to me ....we all really learning and if anyone thinks they know it all they are prlly the one actually with less wisdom

the only true knowledge is knowing that you know nothing at all

...soil is mess but it might pull em out of that rutt ...and let you work on other new ones ..

o do you have seeds or anythin to start new ones with of the best things that helped me learn ..was the ability to have lots of plants to kill or mess up lol .....when i finally got my mother plant thrivin (bucket system) and my little clonin machine goin i had all kinds of material (plants) to experiment with ...well got to go i hope you the best and i will be makin the aero/nft system today ill post \some pics ....cause i will be makin that dwc tote so i can learn with ya



Well-Known Member
I posted the full Hygrozime info a few pages back...basically Hygrozime is a sterile enzymatic that devours dead organic material. In other words the goal is to sterilize everything as opposed to those who use beneficial bacteria to colonize their roots that do the same thing. Personally I think beneficials is prolly the best but I didn't start on that route so I will continue on with this way. I am interested to hear about grows using beneficials though. PH required lowering again this evening. I have some bag seeds...I should have played with those first before pissing away 20 seeds from Sensi. I should have some Sensi seeds on the way but I wouldn'tmind growing out these bagseds either. I've seen some awesome bagseed grows. IDK Expensive lesson. Like I said if they don't recover over the next few days I will likely attempt cloning the best few plants...I will take the tops & clone. They are so stressed I doubt any will be female. Thx for your encouragement!! MJ


Well-Known Member
o cool so i c hygrozime isnt alive .....sounds like good stuff was it expensive ......just got back from store am gonna build stinkbud's aero/nft system ..and a dwc system ill post pics when done ....


Well-Known Member
Hi Dok..It was midrange but you have to use a lot of it 10ml/gal. If you change res weekly you'll need a bottle a grow. The Physan 20 was ridiculous expensive...still waiting on it. I've been reading lots & the general consensus is to clone these plants & let them go. I will battle this the whole grow even if they go to bloom but it will be a bad experience & bad harvest. As long as the leaves I take for clones are green do you think they'd do ok? My husband is hatin on me something fierce. I'd really like to do something right LOL Have a great nite, MJ