Virgin seeking experienced hand...


Well-Known Member
Hi Fishen;) :hug::hug:I've missed you!! Your clones look great. I'm jealous've got a new grow room, fab plants, a full line up of goodies & so much root growth overnight?!?!?! How awesome is that?? Am stoked for you, LOL I would love to see how you have things set up in the bathroom. Show me those roots!! I think this growing is twisting my mind a bit, LOL The strangest things are beginning to excite me!! LOL I'm in the 12/12 now so mine have been in bed a while...maybe I'll start calling them little ole (hopefully) ladies! Thx for the heads up on the airflow & airstones. I was contemplating putting in some bubble curtains in place of the stones but if I can just use the ones from the other side that would be perfect actually. Tell me how you did it? Also, I have no clue how to turn the pump off in the res over in veg. I bleached it...pumped it all through there on override for a day then just let it bubble a day. Got it all out of there now but I wanna cut the pump off & have no idea how>>>>please no laughing<<<<<< I had the same problem with the one in flower being on while I was using the veg side. Christ!!! Girls!!! I know... tell me once & I won't forget...promise. BCNL manual doesn't cover this, GRRRRR LOL, I'd already figured the foam stripping comes out & was using that to my advantage for fan cords etc... I have my flower res raised up like you taught me but my darn tub is right in front of the middle latch. So I've just been making sure I get everything closed up and a towel under the closet door before 8...too bad both doors don't have the option of using those sliding pins at the top of the veg door;) Should see my ghetto exhaust system for the 400W...holy mother of God is all I can say!!! I actually tied it into the AC exhaust. Like watching a one legged man in an ass kicking contest I bet it was that evening I worked in there LMAO Hope your weekend was great. Talk soon, MJ


Well-Known Member
Hi Fishen;) :hug::hug:I've missed you!! Your clones look great. I'm jealous've got a new grow room, fab plants, a full line up of goodies & so much root growth overnight?!?!?! How awesome is that?? Am stoked for you, LOL I would love to see how you have things set up in the bathroom. Show me those roots!! I think this growing is twisting my mind a bit, LOL The strangest things are beginning to excite me!! LOL I'm in the 12/12 now so mine have been in bed a while...maybe I'll start calling them little ole (hopefully) ladies! Thx for the heads up on the airflow & airstones. I was contemplating putting in some bubble curtains in place of the stones but if I can just use the ones from the other side that would be perfect actually. Tell me how you did it? Also, I have no clue how to turn the pump off in the res over in veg. I bleached it...pumped it all through there on override for a day then just let it bubble a day. Got it all out of there now but I wanna cut the pump off & have no idea how>>>>please no laughing<<<<<< I had the same problem with the one in flower being on while I was using the veg side. Christ!!! Girls!!! I know... tell me once & I won't forget...promise. BCNL manual doesn't cover this, GRRRRR LOL, I'd already figured the foam stripping comes out & was using that to my advantage for fan cords etc... I have my flower veg raised up like you taught me but my darn tub is right in front of the middle latch. So I've just been making sure I get everything closed up and a towel under the closet door before 8...too bad both doors don't have the option of using those sliding pins at the top of the veg door;) Should see my ghetto exhaust system for the 400W...holy mother of God is all I can say!!! I actually tied it into the AC exhaust. Like watching a one legged man in an ass kicking contest I bet it was that evening I worked in there LMAO Hope your weekend was great. Talk soon, MJ
ill be back to my garden on friday im expecting massive roots, ill be sending some pixs im really excited about this stuff im told it will double and sometimes triple ur harvest. we are trying to simulate dirt, without theas extras its just water with food init.

im thinking u want to stop the feed pump ? just un plug it at the top of the chanber. if u want to stop the air in the veg tank? put a t on the end of the air line add about 4 - 5 feet of ait tub and run it into ur flower side and add more air stones. that air pump inside the unit wont shut off from side to side. its one pump with three outlets. air stones will work just fine. one other thing always use the recommended amount of water, when i raised the water level thats when the mold started. the top feeders are gust to keep the tops of the roots from drying out.
i forgot to return my rocker switch back to the neutral position once, and left for the week 4 1/2 days . when u leave the switch in override like that the timer wont turn on the pumps twice a day, it wont turn them on at all. my plants were very wilted but thae sprang back. after seeing what thae looked like with out top feeders. i would never do that again.

u payed all that cash for that system why not use it all . it is a computerized system, it should be able to grow a weed better than we can.


Well-Known Member
ill be back to my garden on friday im expecting massive roots, ill be sending some pixs im really excited about this stuff im told it will double and sometimes triple ur harvest. we are trying to simulate dirt, without theas extras its just water with food init.

im thinking u want to stop the feed pump ? just un plug it at the top of the chanber. if u want to stop the air in the veg tank? put a t on the end of the air line add about 4 - 5 feet of ait tub and run it into ur flower side and add more air stones. that air pump inside the unit wont shut off from side to side. its one pump with three outlets. air stones will work just fine. one other thing always use the recommended amount of water, when i raised the water level thats when the mold started. the top feeders are gust to keep the tops of the roots from drying out.
i forgot to return my rocker switch back to the neutral position once, and left for the week 4 1/2 days . when u leave the switch in override like that the timer wont turn on the pumps twice a day, it wont turn them on at all. my plants were very wilted but thae sprang back. after seeing what thae looked like with out top feeders. i would never do that again.

u payed all that cash for that system why not use it all . it is a computerized system, it should be able to grow a weed better than we can.

Fishen, where ya at? You growing away from the house now? I'm confused... thought you were using the bathroom? It's late though so you know, LOL If those beneficial double or <gasp> triple your harvest I will never forgive myself for using H2O2. I've seen your plants though...beautiful!! So, if that's the case then you are going to have some primo grow right there!!

Hmmmmmmm, I did unplug that pump from the top of the veg side but I thought it was still on. I did figure out the air pump was singular cause I tried to cut it off in the back & everything went quiet...kinda weird, GRRRRRRR I'll pick up some tubing and a "T" at the PetSmart next time I'm closer to what we call "town." LMAO...gotta love some country livin for sure. Am stoked about having more stones over in that flower res;)

I've not seen any more mold >>>Whew!! I honestly believe it was the combo of seaweed stuff & that door being closed all weekend so no fresh air. I can see how more H2O would promote mold though. I know you've really battled it too. Actually I kinda think stopping top drips will help that rockwool dry up some & maybe help prevent the mold. We'll see on that. Were you ever successful in completely erradicating it? I have bleached that whole side out thouroughly & completely ...I will be one pissed off bitch if it comes back for sure:twisted:

You surely right on spending the cash... now it's time to give Momma back a lil somethin' somethin'! This ain't no free ride, LMAO It's a weed...HELLO?!?!?! Hope your day is great Fishen;) MJ


Well-Known Member
So I checked my lil ole (hopefully) ladies this morning & they're still looking pretty good. The big fan leaves are still curling down though like too much watering.. WTF??? ALso, there seems to be a gelatinous mass on one of my plants kidding. Kinda looks like a big slimy snot ball >>>EWWWWWWWWWWWW<<<<< What is that? Can't I just have some peace??? GRRRRRRRRRR PH went up during the nite so I kicked it back down to bout 5.9. Roots are still white but they don't seem to be flourishing as much since I put them all in the water mix (res). Just my thoughts for the day & as always all comments, thoughts, criticisms, etc... welcome;) MJ


Well-Known Member
OK, so I just passed through my grow cause the smell was unbelievable through about 3 rooms & well that's unacceptable, LOL Dealt with!! Anywho, as the day has progressed this snot gel goo is now on a few of my plants roots...see first 2 pics. Sorry still using the crackberry for pics:( Also, my plants look bad to me today....leaves really curling under, etc.... Also I've noticed that new growth from top & bottom has yellow color (I know HPS light doesn't help in pics to see this, GRRRRRR) Am really wanting to conquer DWC but if I hafta put these plants in soil to finish the grow I will... this is kinda getting ridiculous. I know I am at fault for F*cking them up but did I really do all of this damage? Is is reversible? Kinda seems like I'm losing the battle & I'm none too happy bout it. +rep for any & all advice even if you tell me to take them to the dump!! Peace, MJ



Well-Known Member
Since ur into spending money MJ. Go right now and get some subculture M and B. U may possibly be able to get rid of that goo by thoroughly cleaning out ur buckets and adding a little peroxide but u may have to do this a few times.
Sorry to see the goop. Unfortunetly this happens to alot of people especially using AN and GH products in DWC that i can see..
Hope that helps. Subculture M an B will get rid of that tho.Its a little more expensive.
Hang in there..
soil should be last resort either way lol.. but if u have to u have to.. First grows are always the learning stage.. Get thru this one the next will be a breeze..
Fact of the matter is u simply arent going to harvest the yield u would in hydro in soil.. And u will be waiting alot longer for the smaller yield.


Well-Known Member
OK for all you guys out there laughing at the virgin female grower lemme just break it down a lil bit. I am not a complete idiot!! Actually BS educated in a science field & until now pretty good with gardening, plants, & pretty much all life forms.. I live in the country...HELLO?!?!?! This Grow box was purchased by my husband who thought he was buying the cadillac of stealth systems with all the necessities to grow & harvest in one package. He's not around to help with the grow...Long story I really don't wanna talk about!! I know I sometimes come across as a lil ditzy & yah, I've been pretty distracted actually lately; however, I just wanna say that this is important to me!! If what you were smokin turned your stomach you'd completely understand where I'm at:( I really don't wanna spend any more $$$$ on this & I'm ready to settle in to this growing. Not growing for any medical condition or for a family member with medical problems. Not growing to beat the streets either... Just growing for myself & maybe a friend or 2 here & there who enjoys a toke. I appreciate everyone who has been gracious enough to help me....THANK YOU!!! You know who you are;) Peace, MJ


Well-Known Member
Since ur into spending money MJ. Go right now and get some subculture M and B. U may possibly be able to get rid of that goo by thoroughly cleaning out ur buckets and adding a little peroxide but u may have to do this a few times.
Sorry to see the goop. Unfortunetly this happens to alot of people especially using AN and GH products in DWC that i can see..
Hope that helps. Subculture M an B will get rid of that tho.Its a little more expensive.
Hang in there..
soil should be last resort either way lol.. but if u have to u have to.. First grows are always the learning stage.. Get thru this one the next will be a breeze..
Fact of the matter is u simply arent going to harvest the yield u would in hydro in soil.. And u will be waiting alot longer for the smaller yield.

Hi DL :hug: My first instinct was to PM you & chat you up; however, for any other newbs lurking on my thread I decided to ask the ???'s here. First WTF is that on my roots? I'm using Connossieur flower nutes...AN? GH? Not you know? Second, I REALLY am tired of throwing money at this & have no hydro shops within 100 mile radius of my house so I can't just run right out & purchase anything. What's subculture B & N? Third, with this type of system do you think I'm gonna be able to maintain growing with H2O2 or do you think I need to do the beneficial bacteria route? Fourth, would it benefit the plants to change out res H2O now (just done what 2 or 3 days ago?) & do you think I need to flush my rockwool? My goal is this: Perpetual growing with as lil work as possible!!

Thx for all your help DL...seriously wish you were here to lay eyes on this & help a bitch out, LOL

Peace, MJ


Well-Known Member
Hi mj. Conorsouir (sp?) is by AN. I don't think there is a more expensive nutrient... good job there. I think your husband may have run into the best salesperson in the history of the hydro industry. I'm looking at the three different pdf's documenting how to use the "most user-friendly machine on the market" (from bcnl website).

I don't have experience but think that 'just' using h2o2 will keep things a battle through out. You might need bigger guns. However, if you can only get h2o2 for now, that's all you can get right, so use that.

I don't think it would hurt to change the water out... or rinse the rockwool. I don't know if it will do much, but if it's not too much trouble I would do it.

I know you've probably told us a few times but it would help to have all the chemicals you are using now... (what's in the tank)?


Well-Known Member
hi mj, that realy looks like pythia to me. h2o2 will steralize it but u need something that will eat it. did your hygrozime come yet? it may be to lait for theas if u are smelling oders like urin or sh*t coming from ur tub? u have it bad. what coler are the stems at the base?


Well-Known Member
Hi mj. Conorsouir (sp?) is by AN. I don't think there is a more expensive nutrient... good job there. I think your husband may have run into the best salesperson in the history of the hydro industry. I'm looking at the three different pdf's documenting how to use the "most user-friendly machine on the market" (from bcnl website).

I don't have experience but think that 'just' using h2o2 will keep things a battle through out. You might need bigger guns. However, if you can only get h2o2 for now, that's all you can get right, so use that.

I don't think it would hurt to change the water out... or rinse the rockwool. I don't know if it will do much, but if it's not too much trouble I would do it.

I know you've probably told us a few times but it would help to have all the chemicals you are using now... (what's in the tank)?

Weed Pimp!!:hug: LOL Thx so much for your response. Well, another duh moment by MJ...everything I'm using is AN, GRRRRRRR Hey, I'm not knocking BCNL for trying to make a buck. My husband isn't gonna do much labor wise except write a check or throw out a few bucks on anything... >sigh< I know he thought this would be stellar & once I work out the kinks & my own style maybe it will be fabulous. For now all I see is the problems (yah, glass half empty/half full...who cares...I pretty much call it like I see it!!) . The box is sturdy and covers the basic bases but there are some serious flaws too... even a new grower like me can see that! The manuals pretty much suck & tech support isn't much better (that's why I'm here!!)

What's in my res...
AN Connoisseur Part A: 4.9-0-3.6
Part B: 1.8-5.1-6.4

AN Liquid Carbo Load

H2O2 1.7ml/gal

Used as needed:
Hth Brand (from the Wal-Mart):

PH down (sodium bisulfate)
PH up (sodium carbonate)

That's it!!!

Lemme say this...Jig, your 10 day old clones have a better root system than my month old plants ...rock on & keep on growin' Puffy break time.....MJ

PS. Why is there a pic of a naked woman on my post..."Why toke alone?" How bout cause those ho's prolly have something you can't give back???? And really you know we all look just like that pic!! LOL Gimme a break already, GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR


Well-Known Member
hi mj, that realy looks like pythia to me. h2o2 will steralize it but u need something that will eat it. did your hygrozime come yet? it may be to lait for theas if u are smelling oders like urin or sh*t coming from ur tub? u have it bad. what coler are the stems at the base?

How you? :hug: Beautiful day here & I wish I were fishing right this very minute instead of dealing with all this BS, LOL Thx for your reply... here's the skinny:

Pythia? I surely hope not !! Still awaiting Hygrozime...any day now already!! Can I use both 35% H2O2 & the Hygrozime together you think? Hell no there's no sh*t or urine smells in there... HELL NO!! LOL My water is clear & sparkly with no floating debris of any kind. Bases of my stems are green & kinda peeling like they are growing out of their skins in places (think that'snormal though).

Side note...getting the T's & the tubing tomorrow to extend those airstones... can't wait!!

Peace, MJ


Well-Known Member
How you? :hug: Beautiful day here & I wish I were fishing right this very minute instead of dealing with all this BS, LOL Thx for your reply... here's the skinny:

Pythia? I surely hope not !! Still awaiting Hygrozime...any day now already!! Can I use both 35% H2O2 & the Hygrozime together you think? Hell no there's no sh*t or urine smells in there... HELL NO!! LOL My water is clear & sparkly with no floating debris of any kind. Bases of my stems are green & kinda peeling like they are growing out of their skins in places (think that'snormal though).

Side note...getting the T's & the tubing tomorrow to extend those airstones... can't wait!!

Peace, MJ
defenatly dont want to use them together h2o2 kills them microbs inside hygrozime. if it was me id stop with the h2o2 and just go with water. the only time i was using h2o2 is when i wanted to clean the system.


Well-Known Member
How bout cause those ho's prolly have something you can't give back????
you make me laugh mj.

I was just thinking about your issues and knowing nothing, I would try to not add carboload for a couple weeks. Like I said I have no idea what the snot is, but I would guess that it may be alive, and if it is I'm sure sugar in the water helps it live and thrive. So without better advise from someone who has any idea what they are talking about... I would try that???

And you getting t's for the airlines... does that mean more airstones? I think that might help as well. I have no idea, but if I was alone and in your situation that's what I would do.

I would also scrub the tank (if possible).

I know you are getting hygrozine (or whatever, I don't know what that is), and going to use h202... but maybe for next grow you might want to check out something I use... Zone by ducth master... it helps keep the water nice (as far as I understand).

I have to eat dinner... good luck. I am thinking of your little plants constantly.


Well-Known Member
Hmmmmmm, knowing lots about how sugars etc.. work I think you might be righ Jigfresh. Yah, I'm thinking it's prolly alive too & EWWWWWWWWWWW!!! Unless it's just some type of chemical reaction occuring on my roots which still isn't cool with me, LOL DL seems to see this with ppl who use AN or GH nutes. I still have no clue what the B & N is but I'm gonna Google it (funny post I saw was this>>>>Yah! Google it Mutha Fucka!!, LMAO...completely cracked me up!). So I just Googled Hygrozime & this is what I friend Fishen loves it but has also started using LOT'S of beneficial microbes & is having stellar results. Am feeling particularly zen just now so I'm headed to the hot tub but I'll check back in;) MJ

Sipco Industries Ltd. was incorporated in 1974 and began development/production of Enzymatic Biotechnologies over 15 years ago. Headquartered in Delta B.C., Sipco is a recognized industry leader in the development of Enzymatic formulas as "bio-solutions". Sipco's expertise spawned from its work in Marine and Wastewater Treatment, Land Reclamation, Pharmaceutical and Medical grade enzyme technologies and of course - HORTICULTURAL PRODUCTS. When asked "is HYGROZYME just another overnight success for Sipco?" Boris Del Mar of Sipco's Plant Science Division answered, "We wish it was. HYGROZYME is the result of over 10 years of research, testing and approvals to get it to market." HYGROZYME was developed, perfected and field-tested with the help of hydro growers, farmers and industry professionals such as: members of various grower's co-ops in California, Pacific Agricultural Research Center and B.C. Research Council chemists.
HYGROZYME may well be "the greatest breakthrough in Horticulture in the last decade." Simply explained: it is developed using a proprietary bio-fermentation process, made from ALL NATURAL ingredients that produce a supply of BACTERIA-FREE enzymes and complex chains of amino acids.
With HYGROZYME there is no longer a need to introduce or create crop vulnerability by introducing a foreign germ culture to your sterile growing environment. After reviewing current enzymatic market products, it was determined that HYGROZYME actually incorporates all the benefits and capabilities offered by leading enzyme products AND MUCH, MUCH MORE - all in one Powerful Formula! With HYGROZYME though, there are NO concerns of a limited shelf life or spoilage.


Well-Known Member
OK so not everyone knows what these 2 agents are.... I've googled it & here's the results. Sounds like I'm needing some beneficial bacteria & fungi. Also for anyone like myself who can't just run down to the hydro shop I found a great store on line called The Big Tomato .com it & you'll be there. Also many retailers on Ebay are offering huge discounts, free shipping, & even "Make an offer" on supplies so you can find some really great deals there as well. If you're like me you could use a bargain in your life right about now!! Peace, Love, & MJ

General Hydroponics SubCulture M & B

SubCulture-B is a probiotic inoculum of beneficial microorganisms that will help increase the vitality and yield in all plants. Whether in soil or hydroponics, our proprietary blend of bacteria and trichoderma fungi colonize the root zone and media to form a symbiotic relationship with your plants. Root systems will increase, as well as nutrient absorption; thus creating bigger, healthier plants. Start with SubCulture-M, add SubCulture-B to establish root systems.

Bacterial Root Inoculant
• Selected microbes are cultured to live in high salt environments
• Biologically aids nutrient absorption

SubCulture-M is a biological inoculum containing a wide diversity of endo and ecto mycorrhizal fungi that colonize plant roots. These beneficial fungi form a fine network of thread-like strands that serve as an extension of the plant's root system. Use on any type of plant and with any growing method - soil, or hydroponic. SubCulture-M can be applied throughout the life of your plants from seed germination through harvest. It may be used with SubCulture-B to create a diverse microbial community beneficial for plant health.


Well-Known Member
ok im so sorry i havent been reading and posting ....mj did you notice that your roots started to slime up basically right after you put roots in water .........i would have kept drips on ....i am not a real dwc type of person but i know alot about slime monster and what it can do ........

i dont know who told you to use both but if you do use a biological like subculture m or b ...and h202 ...the h202 will kill it

i wouldnt spend anymore myself....

maybe lets post some pics of our current systems to make sure no one is giving false info .....or novice info

if you were to have kept drips on you wouldnt have slime problem .....i would have waited for roots to drop in water then worry bout the dwc part of it ........i dont have slime problems .......

let me get some pics for ya ........i do know my stuff and have been doin this for a living for at least 2 years ......solely on my greenthumb i am sure i can help someone grow for just personal and maybe a few extra ounces a month for friends

i have tryed many systems and i know dwc is a rad way of growin but ther really is a reason for the drip system is of course too bad you dint use a small rockwool cube and then rest hydroton ...then you could have driped more often .........

and if you have been sprayin leaves and stuff ...... i dont spray anythin but neem oil on my plants and then plain water in last week to help flush em

so if there is any kind of ....snake my name for all that expensive shit that you dont really need .....
that you used in spray or stuff .....spray leaves with room temp water one last time when it is lights off cycle to clean em up .....then no more sprayin ...unless you have a bug prob

because think of this .......does slime grow in air? heck no ....i would stick to drips and get those roots out of the water ...if slime is not in water how will it survive ........if you have a thermometer u need to watch temps of rezervoir ...and if they get to hot ...say above 75 ...then cool it down with ice cubes ....little fishtank thermometer real cheap 2 bucks ....and they float around in rez ......slime doesnt like colder water .....water should idealy be around 65 degrees

i use to throw money at everythin and try to get stuff for all kinds of probs i was havin ......and then about 4 thousand dollars and 2 years later i realized what it really takes for mass propagation

ill stay posted mj ..i had to go thru my inspection and move a whole 2x1000watt system aircooled,with two 4x4 trays ....8 bucket units .....rainforest unit .......cloning box ....and all the ventinlation and wall panda film o and like 2 3x3 trays with 400 watters above each

.....i know about that slime monster.... and i dont know who quoted that soil sucks ..but sometimes ill tell you what ......what sucks more a plant that is destined to die or one that goes in soil and takes off slower............ther are alot of options and i would like to say that your plants look ok but they are on a downhill run mj .....and i know for a fact i can help you out ....

here are some pics of my work i would like to see some other pics from peeps givin advice .....i prlly grown over 2000 plants in my lifetime and harvested over 5 pounds in last two years ...indoor many diff methods ...lots of learning and ....lots of fuckups ...

i wouldnt have ranted so much if i dint see you kinda gettin led in too many diff directions mj .....i am very good at engineering things to work ...i have had to for survival ...we can get you back on track u just need to stick to a really simple rule that i have found to be very true ......

K.I.S.S. stands for keep it simple stupid ...but as i am not a harsh person for you let say it means .....keep it simple stona ....hehe .....

so yea just keep postin pics and updating us ...... o and im not sayin just listen to me ..i am just curious ..if anyone else here can at least try to prove that they know whats up ....and not just like 3 or 4 grows or somethin stupid ...we talkin bout real farmers

peace ...doktor



Well-Known Member
mj... wow. long post. I guess I am one of the people leading you in different directions, but I am just trying to offer ideas. I feel like it's better than watching you flail on your own.

What I was thinking about last night was I this. I told you I was reading BCNL's documentation on their bloom box and I remembered reading this:

"Your environment - Ambient room temperature should be 68 to 72 degrees."

They are referring to the room of the house it's in. I know that it is not that cool in my house, and I live in a rather cool part of the country. So I figured it was probably hotter where you are.

So.... are you checking water temps??? If not you should. And if they are above 72 or 74 that could totally be it.

Hope I'm not just complicating things for you. I'm just a newb, but figure every little bit helps.... it did for me.

pics are of current system... however it is my first grow.

Sorry I can't Prove anything. I hope you still want my advise.



Well-Known Member
sorry guys dint mean to come off real harsh ....jigfresh obviously knows whats up ....for a first grow that looks really nice bro .....he is right about temps totally ...i went thru my inspection today and need to set up everythin agin they were here for like 5 minutes ......and it took me like 2 days to break down system and prlly another 2 to set back up yea just keep us all posted ......i wish i could help you out more with slime problem but i just dont get it anymore and i am actually gonna set up a dwc system in next few days so i can figure it out with you step by step ....mine will be closer to the setup that jigfresh has u sure that your first gro jigfresh i bet someone was ther to guide you or is that totally self taught first gro...? kudos for sure .....anyway mj i will be makin a dwc just for you and i will go thru the motions with you .....

temp is really important tho .......

and thanks jigfresh for showin some pics of your op great job of topping those plants


Well-Known Member
Hi there!! Dok, you & I are a lot alike... just say what's on your mind & oh well whoever likes it great if not tough!! LOL My friends say... MJ!!! Those of us who know you, we love you!! I read somewhere on here that if we were all sittin around tokin' it up we'd prolly get along fabulously. Sometimes when you only write/type & post you don't get those voice changes, gestures, posture, emotion, etc... that really let's you have a reciprocal conversation with someone. I think it's sweet you gonna build a DWC & grow with me... If you wanna do that then by all mean get after it but I know what my problem is. I found it on another MJ forum with pics & everything... the prognosis isn't good but I will go down fighting. I will have more seeds here in a few weeks if I fail. I do believe in the inherent good in people (I know, a sucker born every minute, right?) & that's not always worked in my favor. In fact, I've been walked all over many times over due to my trusting nature. However; when my rational mind thinks about this I can get it all in perspective: Most of us are growin', right? We're all here to learn & help one another. And we're all scared of being found out, etc... I really don't think anyone is trying to step on anyone else's toes..just trying to help each other help ourselves. Thx for everything Doktor... I trust you & I'm listening. Also glad your inspection went well & that totally sux you had to work so hard for 5 mins. Did you take all your exhaust & scrubber down too? That musta really really sucked BIG TIME. Dear Lord Baby Jesus (that's for you Dewey) thank you I live in my own house MJ :hug:

I need to apologize to everyone for the scattered complexity of my thread... another grower read it & said Wow!! So much complexity...just relax & grow!! I have been very distracted lately for lack of a better word & sometimes it takes me a while to get my thoughts together enough to put them down here. I promise I'm working on it!! Now, a puffy break for me & then I'M gonna tell everyone what's wrong with my plants;) Stay tuned!! MJ