Virgin seeking experienced hand...


Well-Known Member
Ah Ha....I knew I'd find you, you ran off, leaving me and the kids! So who ya with now? Whaddya think, I wasn't gonna hunt you down? hahahahahahaha! ROFLMAO!! :hug: please we want you to come home. :peace:
Um Tahoe? How'd you get that pic of me?!?!? :shock: LMFAO Yep, I get that...been too caring, too over thinking, too anxious about it all. Maybe that's a girl thing? IDK That's over because I'm just not up for that long term stress level. Being new to growing doesn't help!! I figure it's just like going to college to learn a skill. You learn the basics but the most important stuff you learn from years of hands on experience, right? Thx for dropping by and for God's sake take my pic off your avatar!! LOL MJ


Well-Known Member
Ah Ha....I knew I'd find you, you ran off, leaving me and the kids! So who ya with now? Whaddya think, I wasn't gonna hunt you down? hahahahahahaha! ROFLMAO!! :hug: please we want you to come home. :peace:

Tahoe that's my line... If you love something set it free if it doesn't come back to you hunt it down & contemplate killing it LOL/J/K See ladies...just goes to show you that if you take pics for your guy he won't honor what he said at know!! The ole' "I promise I won't ever show anyone!!!" LOL We're onto you silly boys, GRRRRRR MJ


Well-Known Member
oh bring it. you ain't seen nuthin yet. jus' u wait 'till I git ma hands on ur bleached white butt. Oppps....prolly not supposed to say sh*t like that huh? hahahahaha! MJ - ur a hoot! and a hootin-annie to boot!kiss-ass:peace::peace::peace::peace::peace:


Active Member
im still new to this but i have germinated several seeds all i do is soak my seeds for 24 - 30 hrs in a black shot glass of distilled water and then i put them in a 3 inch jiffy pot filled with the same soil i will be using (so far a lot of people have too hard of a time getting seeds to grow in hydro , maybe clones to better) keep em moist not soaked ( this is why no dome at all) and mine have always come up just now got a good space to grow em so this time hopefully i will produce.
Any way I wood switch to soil (fox farms ocean mix seems to be best) and you prob. have much better luck.


Well-Known Member
Just a quick update...yesterday top drips were stopped & res level in flower chamber was brought to right under pots. All plants now have roots in water. I think the plants look awful but no worse than before. I think I am seeing preflower type growth on a couple but am still fearful all the stress will cause hermie plants. Looking around at other DWC grows has made me even more critical of my plants LOL I haven't been doing anything but checked the PH --it's 5.9. My cloner arrived but my leaves look so bad I'm not sure they are even able to be cloned. Maybe I'll post pics later.

Tahoe... I'm a hootin annie? LMAO That really did crack me up!!

Hi Growman... The jury is still out on DWC vs. soil. The only soil I have done is tossed a few seeds out in the woods & up they popped, LOL I'm NOT switching my grow a month into it but thx for your input. Good luck;)

Peace, MJ


Well-Known Member
Now that u have raised ur water level and lowered the light a bit give them a couple days see what they do.. Im guessing growth explosion u will notice..
Then from here u are gonna need to start upping the dosage of food. A safe number to roll by is 900 ppm by week 3. Obviously u have been set back but now that they are functioning properly to can start growing monsters.. My current girls where at 1800 ppm by day 30 since i went to 12/12 actually. All this is strain dependant tho.
But i seriously do think u are underfeeding. I think u would be ok bumping them up to 500 at least but wait till tommorow.
Hey tahoe thats a real nice pitch fork in ur Avy.


Well-Known Member
soil is more forgiving. opposed to hydro.

you make a mistake with hydro and you know it. but having said that, you can max your yield, and get some pretty ridiculous nuggets.

as for cloning, thats another tricky part. dont you want to wait until you know you have a strong female before you start running another grow? also, purchasing a cloning machine is kind of silly. its not too late to return it!

my "cloning machine" is a diaper box lined with panda plastic and 75 watt flouro from walmart.


Well-Known Member
soil is more forgiving. opposed to hydro.

you make a mistake with hydro and you know it. but having said that, you can max your yield, and get some pretty ridiculous nuggets.

as for cloning, thats another tricky part. dont you want to wait until you know you have a strong female before you start running another grow? also, purchasing a cloning machine is kind of silly. its not too late to return it!

my "cloning machine" is a diaper box lined with panda plastic and 75 watt flouro from walmart.
so totally true....soil is very forgiving.

DIY at its best. Innovation and creativity rule. Walk on!:peace:


Well-Known Member
Well here I am just rolling with the punches. Just popped in to take some pics of plants. I also gave them a lil speech about being tough gals & not bad boys!! Roots still look great & maybe grew a tad:hump: Thx guys for all your're the Bomb's Daddy!!! LOL Soil may be more forgiving yada yada but this is what I've got & I am gonna learn this DWC or die trying one LOL Stealth is important to me but I do feel a closet done with DIY would've been perfect for me & possibly a lil easier to manipulate. IDK As for cloning ...the machine was cheap & will actually fit in the veg chamber under the CFL perfectly. My Bloombox came with a clone dome & rockwool for cloning which I could prolly manage with some help. I just think this will have a higher success rate given what my plants have already been through;) I am soooooooo about getting some clones once they declare their sex to me. As you can see I've lost most of my lower leaves but have new ones growing in their place. Of concern is that some of the new growth is looking kinda yucky...tell me what you guys think?!?!?! Please? Also of huge concern is the fact that I'm having to toke crap & I'm TOO sick of it. Absolutely makes me wanna gag!!! HATE being in an illegal place. Anyone have some nice pics of preflowers? I've googled & looked here but am still interested. Anyone wanting to learn lots about DWC needs to check out the DWC grow club....thx for the info DL;) Peace, MJ

May possibly be getting some Sensi seeds in a few weeks...any opinions? I want some Jack Herer, Jack Flash, & possibly some Ed Rosenthal, Fruity Juice, & Mother's Finest. Any thoughts?

Growman: Take not do this to your plants;) I am definitely the poster child for now on what not to do for sure, GRRRRRRRRRR MJ



Well-Known Member
I am definitely the poster child for now on what not to do for sure, GRRRRRRRRRR MJ
You haven't looked at too many people's grow journals. They mess stuff up way worse than you. You plants are alive and 'well'. I think I had a little easier time than you, but fighting the feeling of wanting to nurture them constantly is, well constant. They like some attention, but us first timers can worry too much and stress the plants with our stress.

I think you are doing good.


Well-Known Member
MJ were u spraying ur plants with a food mix? If so it just looks like they may have gotten burnt by the mix. Yes looking at them now i think thats exactly what happened. By the saggy leaves.
Some of the new growth Prolly got burnt with the spray mix as well and are now showing it coming in..
Give them a week on this new and improved twist. They look just a little stressed. May take a couple days to come out of it.. But u will be surprised how resiliant these things can be once a system is running proper..
Keeping it real i like that LOL.
Patience now in a month ur gonna be yelling at me cause u cant handle them haha.
Hey u know all i do now is make sure i change my water on time. Watch my PH like a hawk. And talk dirty to them seriously. they like it when u treat them bad. But love u at the same time. U know like if a dude is coming on too strong MJ. Play hard to get with um.. LOL U know that.
Alright then. Just chill MJ.


Well-Known Member
You haven't looked at too many people's grow journals. They mess stuff up way worse than you. You plants are alive and 'well'. I think I had a little easier time than you, but fighting the feeling of wanting to nurture them constantly is, well constant. They like some attention, but us first timers can worry too much and stress the plants with our stress.

I think you are doing good.

Thx for your vote of confidence! Yep, just let that female nurturing instinct get a bit out of control. Reigning it in & am hoping all will turn out well LOL My grow is nothing compared to yours Jig but I'm staying positive about the whole experience!! MJ


Well-Known Member
MJ were u spraying ur plants with a food mix? If so it just looks like they may have gotten burnt by the mix. Yes looking at them now i think thats exactly what happened. By the saggy leaves.
Some of the new growth Prolly got burnt with the spray mix as well and are now showing it coming in..
Give them a week on this new and improved twist. They look just a little stressed. May take a couple days to come out of it.. But u will be surprised how resiliant these things can be once a system is running proper..
Keeping it real i like that LOL.
Patience now in a month ur gonna be yelling at me cause u cant handle them haha.
Hey u know all i do now is make sure i change my water on time. Watch my PH like a hawk. And talk dirty to them seriously. they like it when u treat them bad. But love u at the same time. U know like if a dude is coming on too strong MJ. Play hard to get with um.. LOL U know that.
Alright then. Just chill MJ.

Hi you? I think I know what happened now. I had some seaweed liquid and I added it to my res the week all this shit started. Also in my ignorance I added a bit to my spray bottle when I misted them...I know!!! I'm so through with that!! LOL I sincerely hope I get to the point where I can't handle them, GRRRRRR dirty to my plants. Granted, I think I have some male tendencies but I'm not sure this is gonna happen. I get the abuse's a friggin' weed HELLO!!!!!! I think I do all right when it comes to playing hard to problem is once I get em' I usually realize I don't want em' LOL


Well-Known Member
LOL hey man The ones that are naughty and play hard to get..Those are the ones that get tied up till they submit lol man i like S and M for plants.. Wait a sec oh we are talking about plants my bad.Haha.. Thanks MJ seriously ur girls are gonna be sweet real soon ur fine now.


Well-Known Member
LOL hey man The ones that are naughty and play hard to get..Those are the ones that get tied up till they submit lol man i like S and M for plants.. Wait a sec oh we are talking about plants my bad.Haha.. Thanks MJ seriously ur girls are gonna be sweet real soon ur fine now.

I sure hope so DL...I bet it won't be long I'll know if I have gals or not;) MJ


Well-Known Member
Well here I am just rolling with the punches. Just popped in to take some pics of plants. I also gave them a lil speech about being tough gals & not bad boys!! Roots still look great & maybe grew a tad:hump: Thx guys for all your're the Bomb's Daddy!!! LOL Soil may be more forgiving yada yada but this is what I've got & I am gonna learn this DWC or die trying one LOL Stealth is important to me but I do feel a closet done with DIY would've been perfect for me & possibly a lil easier to manipulate. IDK As for cloning ...the machine was cheap & will actually fit in the veg chamber under the CFL perfectly. My Bloombox came with a clone dome & rockwool for cloning which I could prolly manage with some help. I just think this will have a higher success rate given what my plants have already been through;) I am soooooooo about getting some clones once they declare their sex to me. As you can see I've lost most of my lower leaves but have new ones growing in their place. Of concern is that some of the new growth is looking kinda yucky...tell me what you guys think?!?!?! Please? Also of huge concern is the fact that I'm having to toke crap & I'm TOO sick of it. Absolutely makes me wanna gag!!! HATE being in an illegal place. Anyone have some nice pics of preflowers? I've googled & looked here but am still interested. Anyone wanting to learn lots about DWC needs to check out the DWC grow club....thx for the info DL;) Peace, MJ

hy mj , thay look a litle strested, but i have seen worse. not to wory thay will pull threw. u should have seen mt first grow. mine looked just like yours with the light around the outside of the leafs , thay still did ok.

i just left my grow, and all loogs good. i started using for the first time scorpion juice, beracade , perana and terantula , stupid me dident read the entire recipe and didnot buy the humic acid and the floric acid. im hoping it will be ok intill friday when i return. friday night there were 1 root coming from one pot. after adding the extra nuits i have roots in all pots hanging 2 - 3 inches overnight. im stoked. i cant wait till i return at the end of the week. here is my first pix.



Well-Known Member
o by the way . if u are not using bolth sides at the same time ( flower and veg ) that black ruber seal in the midle , it runs from top to bottom and the small door seals aganst it, u can remove it and increase ur air flow. take it out but dont throw it away u may need it again. also i use all three air lines and i put all the air stones i can inside the res tub. if that seal is not there u can extend ur air lines and run them threw were the doors sealed at. i have 4 air stones inside my 3 gall res tub , it looks as if the water is boiling. more air more air more air.