First CFL grow (Bubblelicious)


Active Member
Killed 1 Male today & repotted the fem that has been outperforming all the other plant's for compactness & growth. Female was beyond rootbound since i never planned on transplanting but thriving. (as long as you care for it a rootbound plant can thrive and produce mass cuttings for a very long time, i've known some that have had a rootbound thriving mother for almost 2 years)

Supercropped every single branch on the repotted fem & semi supercropped 1 of the other females,

1 of the females I pushed the top down and folded all new shoots & all branches into the center weaving them throughout each other creating a mass or branches & main shoots in 1 small center mass. (crisscross chaos). This one is just me fucking around, i am going to kill all remaining mothers except for maybe 2 or 3 and this mother is way too stretchy.


Active Member
This is what the remaining mothers look like after being thoroughly abused by major supercropping and a few of the plants I smashed all there new growth into the centers of the plants. The center plant is the best veg'n female so far. tight internodes, showed sex extremely early on, very receptive to supercropping & topping. Hopefully that tight internode spacing will carry on into the flowering stage.




Active Member
Well i was bored so i wen't and bought a $5 2.75 oz can of butane. took both males leaves that had been killed recently and tossed them into a dehydrator (ya ya i know you don't dry stuff like that but this was just some bullshit leaves). and about 45 mins later I have a smoldering bowl of Honey oil. I got probably about 3/4 of a gram thats not bad at all for $5 :p

The plant's were not very big but i did probably have at least an ounce of leaf between the 2 plants & the few times I had removed fan leaves from a certain few plants. I am sure i would have gotten more if I hadn't 45 min deyhdrated it & used a larger can of butane. But oh well there just leaves :)

Before anyone ask's that doesn't know....

Get atleast a 2.75oz can of butane
atleast 1ft long x 1/2" wide piece of pvc pipe (don't use metal for 1. its a bomb, 2. just don't use it.)
Pyrex dish, with a large flat surface. (pyrex is safe for extreme temperature changes etc. If you don't think the freezing cold liquid butane will break a normal glass plate then go for it..)
1 coffee filter
1 rubber band
atleast 1 oz of dry finely ground leaf material (if you use bud you get OMG results, but there is better types of hash to make with the bud & sucker leaves)

Ok cut a round O out of your coffee filter just big enough to wrap around the end and go up on the tube a little.
Wrap the coffee filter around the end & make it tight so the coffee filter is stretched nice and snug, now wrap the rubber band around the pvc above the coffee filter as many times as it takes to make the filter it really snug.

Now pour your finely ground material into the pvc pipe DO NOT PACK IT DOWN. you do not want to use more than 1oz for a 2.75 can. you also do not want to fill the tube to the very brim.

Now place your pvc pipe filter side down (hope you haven't accidental poured it out yet) onto the pyrx dish. Using needle nose plyers or something else to grip the tip of the butane can with grip the tip and point it down inside of the top of the pvc tube and push the can down until the butane starts being released into the tube. Continue until the can is empty, don't stop you want to empty the can before it reaches the coffee filter.

Ok the can's empty. now lift your pvc pipe above the pyrex dish & put one hand flat on the top of the pvc pipe & keep it there until you are all finished (so that you seal the top with the palm of your hand)

now grip the pvc with the other hand around the area that is just above the materials level inside the pvc tube, keep your hand there for a few seconds, now just keep holding the pvc pipe & different spots from the top of the materials mass inside all the way down to the coffee filter. The butane will start to boil from the extreme increase in temperature it will start to push out of the bottom (This is done because of pressure being built up from the butane going from a liquid state to a gaseous state. keep doing this untill no more liquid comes out of your pvc pipe. (You may have to switch hands once or twice to keep the heat up).

Ok now its all done flowing out of the bottom & you have a dish with a bunch of yellow stained goo on the bottom.

Congratulations!!!! Grab a razor blade & scrape it up. Put it on a nug in a bowl, smoke it solo. vape it. No matter what way you do with it you'll be glad you didn't toss it.



Active Member
Well its been like 2 days since I mass supercropped every single mother plant. They are all recovering very nicely & inner growth is sky rocketing. 1 of the supercropped mothers branches & leaf stems have all turned red though. The whole plant is probably going to turn rock hard :p


Active Member
i choped down one of my outdoor projects that was trying to mate with my females

i used a different method..using the stove, but yah i got about .8 of a gram of honey oil from a foot os so tall male


Active Member
Ok pretty sure this plant is going to be my mother plant. it is circled in the center. can't miss it. It is one with the shortest inter nodal spacing, fast growth & definitaly accepts supercropping, clipping like a trooper! its bounced back x10 since the supercropping just days ago.




Active Member
Just a little update on the veg area for the moms. I spray painted partial walls (like 12 inches taller than my plants). The bubblelicious is currently out mingling in another cell to get some light while the walls of there prison cell dry.

too funny, only took me erm eh like 40+ days to paint there walls :p rofl. Anyways.. X'n my fingers that when the lights of the clones come on tonight that there be lots & lots of hairs starting to show...


Active Member
Below is a pic of the Fem who I am favoring for being the mother. Some of her shoots have broken the top canopy after supercropping.

Below is just a higher view of the area. The fem that I am starting to favor has taken lead & control of the area and is by far the bushiest plant.

Low level area canopy shot. It is actually quite dense in there.



wow very nice man, those are some bushy ladys you got there, diggin the setup too
and not to metion a detailed journal so far taker easy


Active Member
so you only run 6 42 watt ? for your mother plants?
no a total of 10, there are 2 other sets one on each side of the middle 3 sets. They just get moved when i take pics or when i move the plants around. :p

once i get the guts up to kill all but the main mom I might drop down to 6 for a bit though. :)


I have a question about supercropping (I'm a noob), and I apologize for asking in a journal but the RIU search function is unsatisfactory, to say the least...
When you are talking about supercropping, you are talking about bending the plants over just below the nodes of good branches to increase the amount of light going to the center of the plant and also to stress the plant a little and make the hormones revert to creating a bushier - rather than taller - plant, correct?
When you do this, do the branches that you bend over right themselves upward again after x number of days? Or do they stay down and curve back toward the light again?


Active Member
When you supercrop you basically damage the stem. lets say

________________ is a stem between nodes (new growth but not too new that squeezing will pinch it right in two) now in the center of that stem place 1 finger on top and one on the bottom and sqeeze your fingers together if you put a bit of pressure and you don't feel it squish with almost a crunch feeling try squeezing it on the sides. If the stem is hard to get to squish you can slowly squish a little bit and roll your fingers so that a small area is being twisted back and forth a little. it will eventually become really limp and very bendable. Always try squishing the stem before rolling.. Anyways After either rolled or feeling the squish the stem can be bent, twisted to wherever you want it and it will grow a hard knot where it was crushed and always stay in that position. You can do some amazing things with supercropping.

I'm sorry that my explanation is probably more confusing than you have heard yet lol.


Active Member
3 of the remaining females were brutally tortured and topped to the point that 1 of the 3 looks like it was thrown around in a tornado then tossed into a blender for a bit.