First Time Home Grower, with questions?


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks,

I went out and picked up a few things and borrowed a decent camera, I have some pictures of my new set up and need advise if it will be adequate or any advise on how to modify what I have so far.

First here are some pics of my old setup,

Please let me know what you think of my following plan,

Here is what I have so far, I plan on putting lots of CLF underneath that hood, also I'm going to try to modify it so that come flowering time I would be able to replace the CLF with a couple HPS.

Hopefully by then I will be able to afford a couple of 250 or 450 watts, I looked for some today to price them and couldn't find any, I'm thinking my area doesn't carry them, I might have to go to the city.

Here is the lighting I purchased today, I only bought the one pack because I'm not sure if their the right ones, if they are I'm going to go pick up another two or three packages of those and for now a couple of the 45 watts that i I seen, although its cheaper to by three 26 watts, however I'm limited sockets.

I paid $7.00 for the three 26 and one 45 costs damn near ten bucks, Ouch!

This is the soil I picked up, it's organic and was recommended, what are your opinions on this soil, good or not good enough?

This is the bucket I'm planning on using, after drilling holes on the bottom do you think they will do the trick? I have access to as many buckets as I need.

Here is an update on my plants/sprouts,

They are actually looking better, however I don't know if I'm under watering or over watering, so I'm watering some more often and other not as often, from the images bellow I'm hoping someone will be able to help me determine how often i should water.

I feel I should water when the top soil is dry like some in the images shown bellow, but I just don't know, so far I haven't noticed any difference, however I don't want to deprive them of fluids.

Note: that the damage you see to them, I'm thinking its due to improper lighting when first started and now that I'm getting more efficient lighting they seem to be doing a lot better.

Late Bloomers!

Any advise, suggestions comments are and will be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, I went ahead and went to town on the new room/hood, now I have a starter and a growing room, it's coming together nicely, so I think, however I still need some more advise, see the following images and please let me know if I'm on the right track and what changes I should make?

Most of the light is not inside the hood and probably defeats the purpose of having the hood, however I plane on putting more lights deep inside the hood, I'm hoping with all lights total would be enough to grow at least two plants.

Third transplant hope they survive, and turn out female.

All the advise I can get will be greatly appreciated. Below is a couple of playlists of my favorite sublime songs.

Real Stoners Listen To Sublime!

I really love listening to Sublime when I'm high and I thought some of you might as well.

The Greatest Band That Ever Lived. The Good Die Young!

Play list 1



Ball & Chain

Date Rape

Bradley Gwen Stefani (Saw Red)

Slow Ride


Play list 2


Smith & Wesson

Waiting For My Ruca

40oz To Freedom


I Saw Red Acoustic (Rare)

Tim The Dinosaur (Rare)


Dr High

Well-Known Member
I Advise you to get stronger cfls 42 watts and bring your lights closer to 2 inches apart of your plants. other than that your set to have a sweet ass grow.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, I moved the plants closer to the lights, they seem to be doing awesome under the CLF, I plan to put as many CLF underneath that hood that I can, There is only three bulbs right now and there is two sockets left in the one strip,

I'm thinking of filling those with the 26 watts also I saw at the store an outdoor CLF porch, flood light fixture for only 34 dollars and comes with bulb, the bulb is huge and the description said something about a 500 yard spread,
I can't remember the wattage but it has to be way more than the 42 watts by the size of the bulb.

I'm thinking on getting two of them one for each side under the hood, I would try and mount them to where I could easily remove to replace with HPS come flowering, does anyone have any advise on watering, should I water when the top soil is dry?

In the cups it seems that when the soil is dry on top it's usually dry throughout and the ones in the big pots I think they hold moister better and when the top soil appears to be dry bellow is still damp, so I'm thinking I don't have to water them as much.

For the starts in the cups should I keep them watered as the tops are dry witch is usually within 24 hours, for instance I would water at night and the next night some would already be dry as other wont (I don't get it?) or should I let them thrive for and extra day before watering again?

I fear that I may kill my plants from over or under watering, please advise me on a good feeding/watering regimen.


Well-Known Member
Stick your finger in the dirt about an inch. If its dry an inch down you can water them. I myself prefer flo tubes but you can get y splitters to put 2 cfl bulbs in the place of one. The more the better. The floodlights sound cool. Just dont forget to cover the sensor if it has one.


Well-Known Member
hi there im on my 5th grow now and i have learned alot from this forum have u checked out the growfaq there is alot of info there if u take the time to look

you can get a 400 watt hps from this link for about 120$ us:hump::hump::hump::blsmoke: High Tech Garden Supply

i hope yuo have a great grow peace:peace:


New Member
Hello fellow HOME GROWERS!

Like a lot of you this is my first grow, unlike some of you I have medical consent and proof, otherwise I wouldn't be caught dead using forums such as these. (no offense to the forum holder)

I'm one of the growers that doesn't have CONSENT to cultivate cannabis. In fact, nobody does in my country.

So, what's the difference between some jumped-up prick telling me what I need, and my KNOWING what I need? The difference is, I KNOW BEST.

I don't need a doctor to tell me what I need, nor do I need a fucked-up government telling me either. This is MY LIFE, I don't need fucking permission. I DO WHAT I LIKE.

So in your mind I am a fool. Fuck you too.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member

Obviously you took offense in my post, I apologize for this, however I posted what I posted for my own protection, I did not attended to offend anybody by it, now looking back I can see I should of worded it differently.

Marijuana is illegal and is a serious offence in the United States, I would honestly be afraid to post in a forum such as this if I didn't have medical consent, I've been locked up and don't plan on going that route again, I don't have anything against anybody, that grows marijuana without medical consent, however I think they have big balls growing and posting in forums such this.

Have you heard about Over Grow? the owner/operator got raided due to the site, I'm thinking posting in forums is one thing but to have a site concerning marijuana and at the same time having a big time operation, it just don't make since to me.

For those of you who took offence in my post, please don't, I did not mean anything by it, it's just my paranoia! I do not want to make enemies by any means.

Damn I wish they'd hurry up and legalize Marijuana, take away the booze and give me the herb, I think alcohol should be banned as it once was and make marijuana legal once again, however that will never happen, all I can hope for is in my life time marijuana will be just as legal as alcohol, makes no sense to me why alcohol would be legal and Marijuana not, it's definitely a crazy and messed up world.



New Member
How do you think posting on an internet forum gets you caught?

It doesn't.

How many cases have been built where the basis of evidence comes from a forum?

None. Only the forum runners themselves are likely for prosecution due to provocation.

The trick to not getting caught is to tell as few people as pos. about your grow.


Well-Known Member
Overgrow was busted because the owner - Heaven's Stairway, was also selling seeds. This was how they were able to get the warrants, it was just a bonus that they took the site down too. The only people arrested were the owner and some employees. They never went after people who posted.

I assume chose the .org to emphasize the fact that it doesn't sell anything, which is smart. They also don't record the IP's i'm told.

Either way, when you think about it, its really a lot of work for johnny law to bust a simple closet grower. Now if you are making millions and trafficking large quantities, then you might have something to worry about.

When I see people posting on here, I just go under the assumption that they are doing it with medical consent or live in the Netherlands. The cops can't rule that out either, if all they have is a picture of a plant.


Well-Known Member
Give it a few days and I'll write up a DIY HPS cooltube, combine that with a DIY HPS BALLAST and a DIY batwing reflector you can have one pimp setup for very little $.



Well-Known Member
It's just my own paranoia, it's good to hear other peoples opinions concerning this however this is not the place, I am more comfortable with it now, although there may be No or little arrests from posters alone but say you are under investigation for any reason, posting in forums just gives them ammunition if needed, also what if some prick within the forums gets mad at you for some stupid reason and decides to report your email or some shit, I'm just saying anything's possible, although the chances of these happening are slim to none, it's possible. I feel certain precautions are necessary.

If I had offended you by my post I apologize, please can we get back to topic?

Hey Humboldt, I'm very surprised no one had said anything yet after 4 pages... but it's CFL NOT CLF bro.
Thanks yo, didn't you know I was dyslexic? lmao sometimes I do that, most frequently with words such as trail I would spell trial or receive would spell recieve and so on.

Give it a few days and I'll write up a DIY HPS cooltube, combine that with a DIY HPS BALLAST and a DIY batwing reflector you can have one pimp setup for very little $.
I'm sorry I don't understand DIY but thanks and I will wait a few days to see what you write.

BTW my plants and sprouts are looking good! I will give it a couple more days before I take more pictures.



Well-Known Member
Thanks, I do learn something new everyday, can't wait to see what potlike comes up with, so far the CFL Lights are proving to be better than the standard tubes, I'm so stoked, this weekend I should have enough money to get some more CFL's


Well-Known Member
Holy crap their praying, I moved my plants closer to the lights and now they are reaching for glory, is this normal or not should I move them lower?

That's Too Wicked!

Please Advise as I don't want to damage them.


Well-Known Member
Watch them closely. Mine burn when they are that close. If they start burning move them until it stops. I have to keep mine about 5 inches away.


New Member
Watch them closely. Mine burn when they are that close. If they start burning move them until it stops. I have to keep mine about 5 inches away.
Wow. I can get a 400w almost that close. maybe not when they're that small though.

Sorry about all the drama, I just don't think it right that people should somehow feel paranoid about posting on a forum. The old bill just do not have the manpower to go around investigating things. Only the big law enforcement agencies can do that, and they're not going to be interested in little old you and me.

Anyway, thanks for clearing that up Humboldt. I can see where i may have misunderstood you.


New Member
Holy crap their praying, I moved my plants closer to the lights and now they are reaching for glory, is this normal or not should I move them lower?

That's Too Wicked!

Please Advise as I don't want to damage them.

get a fan, blowing a gentle breeze between light and plant