A grow journal, nuff said.


Well-Known Member
fascinating ain't it? and then there are those that have it all hooked up to their computer producing these amazing images. Simply gorgeous. Like I said in another thread, the advancement of this "science" is producing amazing leaps and bounds in quality, and thinking back thirty forty years, and then thinking forward, and what will pot be like in another thirty forty years? pass the bong please. Thanks! Walk On!~


Pukka grow bro, im new on here and have found ur thread very interesting! ive recently purchased a HOMEBOX XL myself and am going to do a similar set-up to you, so finding this thread has gave me a good understanding on how they work and how best to set them up. Im new to the growing world and was just wondering how effective the carbon filters are, as im going tobe setting mine up in the out-house which is in the back garden of my house and is only just slightly bigger than the tent itself.

Also, ive been given 10 skunk No1 fem seeds from a pal, he sez there good for yield and fairly easy to grow, do you know if this is the case? Cheers bro


Well-Known Member
Pukka grow bro, im new on here and have found ur thread very interesting! ive recently purchased a HOMEBOX XL myself and am going to do a similar set-up to you, so finding this thread has gave me a good understanding on how they work and how best to set them up. Im new to the growing world and was just wondering how effective the carbon filters are, as im going tobe setting mine up in the out-house which is in the back garden of my house and is only just slightly bigger than the tent itself.

Also, ive been given 10 skunk No1 fem seeds from a pal, he sez there good for yield and fairly easy to grow, do you know if this is the case? Cheers bro
My carbon filter worked pretty good then it justed stopped being effective almost overnight so i got a new one and that ones fine, i paid a bit more for the 2nd than the 1st so hopefully it'll last a bit longer the 1st one lasted about 4 months and it was on 24/7.
I've never grown skunk no1 but if your mate says they are easy to grow then grow 'em but get some other seeds just for variety. thanks for stopping by

mr west

Well-Known Member
and the rest clear?

id say at least a week or two left on em. Keep checking the trichs tho so u can see em change its quite amazing. >>>>>>>>>:joint:


Well-Known Member
15% cloudy and 85% clear. I reckon about 2 1/2 weeks to go. they are so sticky. I'm defo gonna ring "that bloke" again even if they aint jh i think they are better than the original jh i grew. They are very similar so it might be a different/better pheno


Well-Known Member
pass the cheese. love it. share and share a like. I do need to be more proficient at using my lil'handheld scope. Thanks for that info. Always good! Walk On!~


Well-Known Member
I can't find the lead for my camera/phone so i can't do a pic update until i get a new one or find it. They are doing just fine, still growing and the buds are starting to get really hard and i mean really hard=) and the smell is like nothing i've smelled before. Its more like fumes than an odour. mmmmm...
I'm gonna give them another 3 weeks. Thats 11 in 12/12


Well-Known Member
I lose those and then buy and find and lose again ....I prolly have five on them in my house ! LOL! Walk On!~

mr west

Well-Known Member
thats ok oscar I cant find my glasses so i couldnt look if i wanted to lol. They sound great tho mate lol.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint: