A grow journal, nuff said.


Well-Known Member
I was gonna be pleased if i got 3 or 4 but getting 5 is great, i couldn't ask for more, thanks Sensi. Now i just gotta get 'em to break ground

mr west

Well-Known Member

heres my jf#5 as it was wen it was gifted me at 5 weeks veg. I couldnt of got it that big if id grown it lol. This was back in jan and It was the indi dom pheno, smoked nice but my one had to be chopped early cuz i fouund a boy narna on it at 9 weeks 12.

mr west

Well-Known Member
it was from fem seed. A mate had two identicle so he gave me 1 wen i went to visit lol. It was the first plant to do its full flowering in my tent.


Well-Known Member
I'm really looking forward to how they turn out. I just hope i've not been spoiled by that last grow coz those plants were INFUCKINCREDIBLE!! His phone still ain't on, i wouldn't be surprised if he's had his collar felt coz he was pretty stupid to let me see his op and he probably showed it to other folk that he doesn't know that well. I defo shoulda kept a mum i won't make that mistake again

mr west

Well-Known Member
well hopefully urll get a range of phenos including the goodie keeper sat dom, altho the smoke off the indi dom was full head and body stone, well rounded and strong lol.


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna try and keep 2 phenos, the 2 most different ones. I'm never letting any good genetics go again coz thats a massive mistake which i don't want to repeat. Can you tell i'm bitter? lol

mr west

Well-Known Member
LOL yeah, i know what ya mean, keeping two mums in my small vag room is crazy lol im gonne have to start another cupbooard grow for mums lol


Active Member
just curious those stems look really strong is there a fan in there at this young of an age? our journals look like they r gonna correspond to the same dates. what strain r u growin?


Active Member
nvm obviously its some JF thats cool i wish i had a known strain and known fems but i just have some bag seeds growin now


Well-Known Member
Bad news 2 of my jf haven't come up and when i took a closer look they were really deformed and dead so i chucked 2 ghsc ssh in, i've been let down by ghsc genetics so using the ssh is more of an experiment than an attempt to get some nice weed. I have high hopes for the jf from what i've read about it


Well-Known Member
I like growing from seeds coz its satisfying to know that you've been with the plants right from the start and the variation you get with seeds and hoping that you might get an amazing pheno. I'll be keeping the best pheno of these JF. I was speaking to a guy earlier and he reckons SSH is a really great strain, his favourite (and he knows his onions) but like i've said before i was let down with ghsc ww and that really put me off ghsc. I'm only doing 'em coz i've had 'em ages and two of my JF didn't break ground

