

Active Member
Haven't had much luck with seeds lately. I started okay with 2 out of 5 with the paper towel on 2 plates. Next attempt I got 30 seeds from a friend that said to be Northern Lights. Did the paper towel trick again with no luck at all. I even added a heating pad 7 days in with lots of moisture. Around the 10th day I gave up and planted them in MG for the hell of it. I figured my friend may have had them for over 10 years so I wrote them off. So my 3rd attempt I purchased a Jiffypot7 to help my cause. Another friend who I see alot ;) gave me about 52 nice looking white seeds. He didn't have them long maybe a few months. So 5 days ago I put the Jiffypot7 to work. I have yet seen anything sprout. Pics provided below. Perhaps I'm jumping the gun here but thinking I should have at least some success here. Hopefully in a few days some will appear. I'm open for reasons why this could be happening. Perhaps lighting ? Not enough ? It is not in direct sun light. I did just add a UFO LED today but the seeds are still not in direct light once again. The room stays at 80. Added more water today then drained it so it has lots of water. Had CFL lights at a distance for acouple of days. Anyway suggestions are welcomed.

Peace ;)~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Well-Known Member
What do you mean "white seeds"?

Seeds don't need light to germinate, but warmth will speed up the process. Here's what I do, and I have had 100% success with germinating. Paper towel, folded in half once and wet thoroughly. Place the seeds on top with plenty of room between seeds. Fold the paper towel over the seeds so they are covered on both sides. Put the paper towel into a ziploc baggie and place it on top of a cable box or XBox that stays on all the time so it's warm. Open the baggie, remove the paper towel and open it once per day to give it some air and make sure it's stays moist. If the seeds dry out they will not sprout.

In two days tops you should have some sprouts. Plant them with the root facing down and cover the pots loosely with plastic wrap to help retain moisture. They don't need light until they break through the surface of the soil.


Active Member
Maybe not so much white but very light in color as to the big and dark seeds. If you read what I wrote I have done the paper towel trick twice and my question was directed at the Jiffypot7. The Jiffypot7 has a heating pad on the platform so it has heat 24/7. I put a dark towel over the Jiffypot7 and the first 3 days was in pretty much darkness !! Wasn't until yesterday when my UFO arrived and I moved everything to a new location. This will be day 6 so perhaps some have began to sprout. I have ordered some female seeds and I hope I have better success with those !!


Well-Known Member
they will all come up probally, well 80% at least. unless he gave u a bunch of dead seeds that is. i had 47/48 come up from my jiffy7


Active Member
they will all come up probally, well 80% at least. unless he gave u a bunch of dead seeds that is. i had 47/48 come up from my jiffy7
Thanks. May I ask your steps. I added the water so once they swelled I drained the water and place a seed on each one. Alot of the seeds have disappeared inside the pods while some you can see still from overhead. Should I push the remaining ones I see further into the pod ? Are you using any light at all ? One last question have you used the Jiffypot for cloning ?


Well-Known Member
take a toothpick or whatever and break up some of the stuff on top. bury the seed in it. put the whole thing on a heat mat in the dark or w/a light on whatever ya want its never seemed to matter to me. just keep the pucks moist and you'll be good.


Active Member
Thanks alot !! I will push the ones I can see down into the pods !! Thanks for your reply :)


Well-Known Member
After 5 days you should definitely already be seeing some action.

You typically want the larger, darker seeds because those are the mature seeds. The lighter colored seeds are immature and most likely aren't going to sprout.


Active Member
After 5 days you should definitely already be seeing some action.

You typically want the larger, darker seeds because those are the mature seeds. The lighter colored seeds are immature and most likely aren't going to sprout.
That is good to know thanks !! I can say the last 80 seeds are all light in color and small so that could be a factor :(

Thanks again ;)~~~~~~~~~~~


Well-Known Member
You're welcome =)

Good luck! I know that anticipatory feeling of waiting and waiting for seeds to sprout. It's enough to drive a person crazy!


Well-Known Member
That is good to know thanks !! I can say the last 80 seeds are all light in color and small so that could be a factor :(

Thanks again ;)~~~~~~~~~~~
it might take it a bit longer to sprout also so dont give up too soon and throw em out but try to get some more mature seeds next time.


Active Member
I will keep plugging away ;) I ordered some female seeds and plan on hitting my friend up again but this time I will take the dark seeds .. lol Thanks everybody !!