
Well-Known Member
coming along bro... getting there for sure... how are the temps doing for you?? i had to contend with 100 degree temps for about a week in the grow room.. shit sucked BAD.. res temp was up to 90+!! i was freaking out.. got a few things done and temps are down to 80 but with air movement it feels cooler.. i have a new fan and a water chiller coming too.. should be in today actually... hope your beatin the heat bro!!


Well-Known Member
coming along bro... getting there for sure... how are the temps doing for you?? i had to contend with 100 degree temps for about a week in the grow room.. shit sucked BAD.. res temp was up to 90+!! i was freaking out.. got a few things done and temps are down to 80 but with air movement it feels cooler.. i have a new fan and a water chiller coming too.. should be in today actually... hope your beatin the heat bro!!
ahh man there hasnt been anything that i can do, because of my setup i just pump the heat back into the outter room, so it slowly raises alllllllll day, it gets up to 95 at its hottest. there is almost nothing i can do because its in the basement and i dont have anywhere to run exaust to.. doesnt make since why its so high cause i have central air.. ive been biting my tounge very bad. this is the first summer grow where im at now so i didnt really know how it would come along with the heat.. im sure finding out though, wish it wasnt on a 1 of a kind.


Well-Known Member
it always "fun" trying a new grow in a new location.. where you have NO idea how the environment is going to react.. its all just somewhat of a guessing game.. i feel for ya tho.. i really do.. are there any windows in the basement at all to exhaust out of??


Well-Known Member
it always "fun" trying a new grow in a new location.. where you have NO idea how the environment is going to react.. its all just somewhat of a guessing game.. i feel for ya tho.. i really do.. are there any windows in the basement at all to exhaust out of??
see thats the thing there are a total of 4 windows, 2 windows are barred up so thats out of the question. the other 2 windows are along a wall that was expaneded above so i have a 3x3 crwl space along the length of the house.. but its all open rafters so it would come right back in though.. ive been at a lose of ideas, i have a portable standing ac, NO WHERE TO RUN EXAUST..


Well-Known Member
cut off them bars and free them windows up!! lol im sure if it was that easy you would have done it already.... i wonder if you could duct into your central air duct... yea, it would blow warm air into your houses cooling lines.. but the heat from down there would have a SHIT load of room to disperse plus the a/c would cool the air off before it really made am impact...


Well-Known Member
cut off them bars and free them windows up!! lol im sure if it was that easy you would have done it already.... i wonder if you could duct into your central air duct... yea, it would blow warm air into your houses cooling lines.. but the heat from down there would have a SHIT load of room to disperse plus the a/c would cool the air off before it really made am impact...
i was thinking of actually trying to seal off that crawl space and just pump the hot air into their but when it gets too hot im thinking to heat will try an "climb" back threw..


Well-Known Member
can you take a couple pics of the crawl space and how it is?? i might have a couple ideas.. just cant get the picture in my head...


Well-Known Member
you def have the right idea bro... here is my idea.. it will cost a little bit in supplies.. but nothing to crazy... i have a couple of them.. just see which one works for you..

first one would if you want to just air cool your lights and vent the a/c.... you would have to seal off 2 windows that are opposite of each other in the basement and are the closest to the the grow room... cut a hole the size of your exhaust fan into the plywood you would use to seal the window with... install flanges and run your duct from window A to your fan intake and another piece of duct from your fan exhaust to window B.. which also has a hole and a flange... this makes it so its pulling air from outside to cool your lights and not from inside the grow room so you dont need to worry about running the exhaust air through a carbon filter... you could use a Y splitter and run the a/c exhaust into the exhaust side of the lights too.. so that is one way to take care of the heat...

the second way would involve a carbon filter and shit.. so we'll start with the first idea.. and see if that works before i say the other one... so.. does it work??


Well-Known Member
just some eye candy and more pictures on friday.
well i picked up the humbolt big up powder flower finisher im going to start that tomorrow an prey for the best.

update on clones. well i kept a mother of her at another spot and puled the other clone because another trip is coming up and the span is alittle longer then i would want to risk losing one i leave shortly after harvest, but i plan to switch over to a bomb 6 site hydro setup when i get back
hey re3f, u seem like a nice guy...not trying to knock ur journal. But u have some serious issues going on with that plant. Looks way overnuted. What are the temps in the room. PH the soil and stop giving it nutes and flush it. Personally, i'd just scrap the thing and start over, but if u want to keep going u really need to address some of the its issues. What kind of soil are u using, get some PromixBX its not really that expensive and works quite well. What kinda light do u have and how close is it to the plant. That fan is huge and right next to the plant it will dry the plant out and make it work for everything. They need some wind, but not a ton, learned the hard way on that one. Really not trying to make u feel bad or just trying to help. Go look at some of the more experienced soil growers and get some ideas. Most importantly, don't give it too much attention, let it do its thing,


Well-Known Member
not to sound like a dick, but im fully aware of the problems that im going threw. please take your time to read threw the entire post. it not over nutes, ive yet to feed with a full dose.. its havin to contend with 100+ temps combined with a N def that caused many lower leafs to fall off. the burn parts you see is from many attempts to get rid of pesky mites. which I GOT THEM ALL

my soil ph is just under 7 and for the past month the water ph has been on 6.3 much of the def was caused from a business trip i took she was feed for a month with un-ph'ed water and came home with a pest problem.


Well-Known Member
glad he read your journal and knows what was going on reef... that was a real jewel of wisdom he dropped... lol its amazing what a little bit of reading on back stories can do...


Well-Known Member
glad he read your journal and knows what was going on reef... that was a real jewel of wisdom he dropped... lol its amazing what a little bit of reading on back stories can do...
LOL, for real. i read that this morning in disbelief, not for nothing im always open for ANY advice. but geesh these guys need to read the whole story. ss420.. i wish my digi cam didnt break to get you some close up detail pics. she is spittin out flowers like crazy an hairs are returning the looks from last week to this one, like night an day. cant wait to see her tonight so see the effects the humbolt had, like any noticable sprouts.


Well-Known Member
LOL, for real. i read that this morning in disbelief, not for nothing im always open for ANY advice. but geesh these guys need to read the whole story. ss420.. i wish my digi cam didnt break to get you some close up detail pics. she is spittin out flowers like crazy an hairs are returning the looks from last week to this one, like night an day. cant wait to see her tonight so see the effects the humbolt had, like any noticable sprouts.
i was almost offended by it... cant imagine how you felt... giving advice is one thing.. but its about approach and tact... and being dudes first and only post thats a real shit way to start a line of communication... or to extend "advice"...


she is looking a LOT better... starting to pick up and move through everything.. the nutes are giving her life again!! wish you could get some close ups too... looking forward to seeing some pics here soon after she is all perked back up!


Well-Known Member
i was almost offended by it... cant imagine how you felt... giving advice is one thing.. but its about approach and tact... and being dudes first and only post thats a real shit way to start a line of communication... or to extend "advice"...


she is looking a LOT better... starting to pick up and move through everything.. the nutes are giving her life again!! wish you could get some close ups too... looking forward to seeing some pics here soon after she is all perked back up!
oh shit i didnt even notice, that was the first post. but yea its funny though, it aint nothin though, i know what im doing just findin very hard because this basically is a new grow.. i really didnt expect it to get this hot. the other crib is kept at a constant 73, only if i could get it that cold :-(