Who's Sick Of Obama Yet?

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Well-Known Member
another product of the liberal teachers union. and liberal public education systems.
i certainly hope you do not teach logic.
and yea..your thought process and your teachers unions have ruined the public education system ..you know it is ruined too dont you>?
why is it ruined? the school teachers unions..why is it that whatever the unions gets involved in it fucks up?
I dislike unions just as much as you do. And I did teach logic right after finishing my degree - I know the subject very well. If you'd like a good read, pick up Symbolic Logic by Kahane and Tidman. You're the one that needs a lesson.


New Member
The logical processes you are steeped in have no bearing in politics.....

Far better to follow numbers than words when it comes to the Government.


New Member
So the numbers don't scare the heck out of you? :lol:

Don't mind saddling future generations with our own debt? Do you think it is ok for the dead to burden the living?


Well-Known Member
So the numbers don't scare the heck out of you? :lol:

Don't mind saddling future generations with our own debt? Do you think it is ok for the dead to burden the living?
The numbers certainly frighten me. It's a nightmare, my man. I just hope for the best.


New Member
Still no proof regarding this "Obama is not an American citizen" nonsense? I figured as much. :lol:
There's tons of proof something is going on. I'm not going to beat you over the head with links to prove my point since I already know I am correct.
You want to be informed? Then inform yourself....:roll: I've already alerted folks to it. I'm not your google.


Well-Known Member
There's tons of proof something is going on. I'm not going to beat you over the head with links to prove my point since I already know I am correct.
You want to be informed? Then inform yourself....:roll: I've already alerted folks to it. I'm not your google.
You sound like a "Truther".


New Member
I do know something isn't right..... but I have posted it before and try not to chew my cabbage twice. The question is since it is all over the web, how can taint act like he hasn't a clue. The first thing necessary is to open your eyes.

It is quite obvious that something is very wrong with Obamas past.....


Well-Known Member
Everything I find via google is the same right wing ranting with no proof. I have googled this particularly accusation 'til I was blue in the face and all I found was conjecture and speculation. There's no legitimacy to any of this.
I only thought that maybe you were smarter than the bulk of your peers, CJ ...or at least that you might have had more information on the topic. Guess I was wrong on both counts. You're basing your assumption on the theory that Obama has spent a lot of money covering up his past and when I ask you for proof you just tell me to use google? :lol: :clap:
This is like arguing with those folks who believe the earth is still flat - pointless but fun as hell! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i'm sick of politics, there are NO winners. anywhere, ever.
I disagree. Look at GW Bush, for instance. He and some of his administratioin should be on trial for war crimes as I type this. Instead he's retired to a beautiful 1,600 acre ranch in Texas ...got off scott free. He definitely won. :peace:


New Member
So you can't find any reference to Obama spending money to keep his birth certificate sealed? Your not looking very hard. How about his college papers? Why can't we look at them? Do you have a good reason? Admission records? Nope, can't look at those either.... why? Really, why not? Not curious? I am. Someone submitting to be a postal clerk would have to provide more details than the president of The United States. This is the very FIRST time this type of background info has been denied by any president in modern times. Why? Again, not curious why?

The cover up is palpable..... and the DNC is complicit.


Well-Known Member
So you can't find any reference to Obama spending money to keep his birth certificate sealed? Your not looking very hard. How about his college papers? Why can't we look at them? Do you have a good reason? Admission records? Nope, can't look at those either.... why? Really, why not? Not curious? I am. Someone submitting to be a postal clerk would have to provide more details than the president of The United States. This is the very FIRST time this type of background info has been denied by any president in modern times. Why? Again, not curious why?

The cover up is palpable..... and the DNC is complicit.
what if he did find them? would you change your opinion? what if he doesn't? do you WIN? :hump:


Well-Known Member
I laugh at all the fools that were actually taken in by Obama's bullshit.
Still troops in Iraq.
More troops being sent to Afghanistan.
Still tapping your phone line, and god only knows what else.
All the things people were bitching about when Bush was in charge

And you were dumb enough to believe that things were going to be better under Obama, just because he said so. LOL!
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