Who's Sick Of Obama Yet?

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New Member
what if he did find them? would you change your opinion? what if he doesn't? do you WIN? :hump:
It's not about winning. There are no winners when it comes to politics. There is seeking truth. This Obama paperwork cover up smells. Why the secrets? This is supposed to be the Transparent govt.?

When Bush or Obama or any President, including Congress doesn't make economic sense I point it out. I'm not about Rep's and Dem's, not at all. I don't care where the answers come from, just as long as they are sound.

I do insist that a president be at least TECHNICALLY qualified to be the pres. It's already clear that Obama is an economic noob at best or a person who wants to make the US economy second rate.

Now I'm beginning to think this paper cover up goes pretty deep.


Well-Known Member
It's not about winning. There are no winners when it comes to politics. There is seeking truth. This Obama paperwork cover up smells. Why the secrets? This is supposed to be the Transparent govt.?

When Bush or Obama or any President, including Congress doesn't make economic sense I point it out. I'm not about Rep's and Dem's, not at all. I don't care where the answers come from, just as long as they are sound.

I do insist that a president be at least TECHNICALLY qualified to be the pres. It's already clear that Obama is an economic noob at best or a person who wants to make the US economy second rate.

Now I'm beginning to think this paper cover up goes pretty deep.


you said "truth in politics".


even i'm not that high. lol :clap::clap::clap:


Active Member
Screw republicans...screw them like they screwed this country. So now that tables have turned all you right wing dicks are unhappy....Cry me a river, it has only been a few months....OH WHATS WRONG IS MR.CONSERVATIVE'S WORLD IS CHANGING... I really give a rats ass to what any of you haters think, you would be complaining no matter who is in charge. Why don't you all move to texas, and form your own country, but wait no matter what you would be unhappy with what is going on, no pleasing you. You are the type of people who sit there and cry on your asses all day and don't do shit to improve anything. Like I said I don't really give a fuck what replies I get from this, Im not reading them. I just want to put it out there that you are only going to be happy when, oh wait you will never be happy no matter what. Oh and you are talking politics on a Marijuana website (which is suprising to me how many republicans are on here, knowing they support a group that hates people/tokers like yourself),so where does your opinon matter? You may get a couple of people on here who will march lock step with you, and they will type responses, post youtube crap, and flood me with messages, but really your word is as important as fox news is fair and balanced (It just isn't) Anyways I will leave you with what so many right wingers told people who didn't support Bush. WHAT ARE YOU UN-AMERICAN?!?! LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT! Now you can return your attetion back to the 700 Club, and Rush Limbaugh's news letter.


Well-Known Member
So you can't find any reference to Obama spending money to keep his birth certificate sealed? Your not looking very hard. How about his college papers? Why can't we look at them? Do you have a good reason? Admission records? Nope, can't look at those either.... why? Really, why not? Not curious? I am. Someone submitting to be a postal clerk would have to provide more details than the president of The United States. This is the very FIRST time this type of background info has been denied by any president in modern times. Why? Again, not curious why?

The cover up is palpable..... and the DNC is complicit.
I am not bothered in the least by Obama's lack of transparency regarding his background. It's not important given our countries current situation.
More important to me is the lack of his administration's transparency. The only more opaque administration I can think if is obviously GWs. Hell, his administration is still tyrannically opaque. :lol:


Well-Known Member
The new Star Trek is also pretty good. I liked it better than the others that I watched. Except perhaps the first one where Voyager comes back from the void.
I think The Wrath of Khan has been my favorite so far.
I'm glad you enjoyed the new transformers. I've heard very polar responses from friends. I had one friend walk out because he thought it was so bad but another friend already saw it twice! I can't wait to find out for myself. ;)


Well-Known Member
I think The Wrath of Khan has been my favorite so far.
I'm glad you enjoyed the new transformers. I've heard very polar responses from friends. I had one friend walk out because he thought it was so bad but another friend already saw it twice! I can't w3ait to find out for myself. ;)
Well, there is no experience like first hand experience. Of course, I also went with friends so that boosted the experience, too, as we all pretty much liked it.

Also went with friends to the Star Trek movie, which was fun.


Active Member
this may sound immature but fuck em' all,i dont care if stallin,hitler,mussolini,george bush and obama have a fucking white house party,its not gonna change my life


Well-Known Member
this may sound immature but fuck em' all,i dont care if stallin,hitler,mussolini,george bush and obama have a fucking white house party,its not gonna change my life
not immature. just ignorant :?

however, welcome to the site :hump:


New Member
Democracy.org is a shill of a website IMO. Just watching the coverage of Honduras tell me so... :roll: That Amy Goodman is a nutjob!!
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