SS420's new hydro grow - Blueberry, White Shark, ChemDog, OG kush


Well-Known Member
hey samy i just transplanted the samy seeds. yep they are allin one tote.8 little plants just 10 days in flower...thats there home to the end..... them litle fucks smellright now.... thats great..... thanks again bro...:hump:
aww they look so cute and happy... they will end up putting off a SUPER sweet smell in the end.... sometimes its almost too sweet if you know what i mean.. you'll love them.. and great for almost any medication needs you could want.. very much a mood enhancer..

cute lil fellers.. which strain is that from sammy in the tote? i gave my boy some crystal, and i havent seen it in a while but hes bout to flip em and sex em.. says they look lush.. i wuz debating started some crystal, gdp, or soma randoms. hmm. suks when u have #'s to abide by, and so many flavors to try.
hell ya bro.. glad to hear your boy approves!! thats my standard to know whether or not i have a decent strain and can produce good seeds.. if someone who has patients to make happy thinks its good, i must have done something right!!

one nice thing about not having patient #'s to worry about is im free to have as many or as few of whatever i want.. although i ususally stick with the same strain, i somehow am ending up with 10 this time :) a bud buffet for one and all after harvest!!

well i came to a thought last night,ya i was high also while thinking....LOL any way as soon as the last 2 seeds show sex and one is female im going to leave it in the dixie cup run 24.0 lighting then put ina dark closet of 12 hrs and keep doing this till flower is over.... just a little curios to what will happen.
lol you must have been high when you thought about this!! what are you thinking will happen?? im curious to see myself...


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
aww they look so cute and happy... they will end up putting off a SUPER sweet smell in the end.... sometimes its almost too sweet if you know what i mean.. you'll love them.. and great for almost any medication needs you could want.. very much a mood enhancer..

hell ya bro.. glad to hear your boy approves!! thats my standard to know whether or not i have a decent strain and can produce good seeds.. if someone who has patients to make happy thinks its good, i must have done something right!!

one nice thing about not having patient #'s to worry about is im free to have as many or as few of whatever i want.. although i ususally stick with the same strain, i somehow am ending up with 10 this time :) a bud buffet for one and all after harvest!!

lol you must have been high when you thought about this!! what are you thinking will happen?? im curious to see myself...
i don't know, hopefully bigger buds.. asi do see a great deal in bud growth after the lights have been out.. or maybe i willtry 12 hrs lights on and 24 hrs lights out.... yep thats the one 24/12..


Well-Known Member
that will be very interesting to see... i hope you get good results.. i should be just about to start flowering when those get done.. so if it works out nice i might try it on my grow?!


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
that will be very interesting to see... i hope you get good results.. i should be just about to start flowering when those get done.. so if it works out nice i might try it on my grow?!
its something you have to be on top of.moveing the plant back and forth every other day.. im sure i'llforget some were down the flower line......LOL:hump:


Well-Known Member
oh yea.. thats a good call... well i guess if it was an entire grow tho it wouldnt be a problem.. ill see how well things work for you assuming you remember to do it every day.. damn stoners forgetting shit all the time..


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
oh yea.. thats a good call... well i guess if it was an entire grow tho it wouldnt be a problem.. ill see how well things work for you assuming you remember to do it every day.. damn stoners forgetting shit all the time..
i can see it getting old moveing back and forth back and forth be4 me forgetting.....LOL:hump:


Well-Known Member
its something you have to be on top of.moveing the plant back and forth every other day.. im sure i'llforget some were down the flower line......LOL:hump:

I have been moving a plant each night from my veg room to the flower room and back again in the morning before lights out. I know im gonna forget to move it, I can't wait to get a bigger veg light.


Well-Known Member
i can see it getting old moveing back and forth back and forth be4 me forgetting.....LOL:hump:
oh yea.. im sure it'll get old way before you forget... it'll get old pretty fast.. LOL

I have been moving a plant each night from my veg room to the flower room and back again in the morning before lights out. I know im gonna forget to move it, I can't wait to get a bigger veg light.
i turn my lights on and off manually... it is a pain in the ass sometimes.. im gonna end up getting some timers once i have my flowering room set up... that'll just get to be too much..


Well-Known Member
oh yea.. im sure it'll get old way before you forget... it'll get old pretty fast.. LOL

i turn my lights on and off manually... it is a pain in the ass sometimes.. im gonna end up getting some timers once i have my flowering room set up... that'll just get to be too much..

Im surprised that with all the equipment that you have you don't have a timer....That would get super old after a week or so. Im gonna keep moving a grunk back and forth till I screw up.


Well-Known Member
i keep forgetting to mention.. i have some seeds that are popping up already... so far the powerkush, tundra, and bluehash are above the cubes, and the rest are close to popping up.. that was quick.. 2 days i think.. maybe 3?? what i didnt take into consideration is the fact that when i add the sprouts to the hydro system i have to have a weaker nute solution for them at first... this poses a slight problem because today is change day, and the next change wont be until next sunday... so i have to leave them in the tray for the next 8 days until i change the solution again and can put like a 1/2 strength solution in... or do you think once they have roots popping out they will be ok to go straight into the system?? well hell ill make it fuckin easy.. ill just make todays change around a 1/2 strength change.. that way once their roots are popping through the cubes i can put them in and not have to stress about it... growth might slow a little on the exsisiting girls.. but that will just give the new ones a little time to catch up.. although i dont see growth being affected to much... we'll see tho...


Well-Known Member
Im surprised that with all the equipment that you have you don't have a timer....That would get super old after a week or so. Im gonna keep moving a grunk back and forth till I screw up.
i used to have them.. but after they failed me a couple times i just said fuck it and did it myself... better part of 2 years now... its easy in veg cause i do 24/0.. and flowering isnt too bad.. it gives me an excuse to see the girls first thing when i get up :)


Well-Known Member
i used to have them.. but after they failed me a couple times i just said fuck it and did it myself... better part of 2 years now... its easy in veg cause i do 24/0.. and flowering isnt too bad.. it gives me an excuse to see the girls first thing when i get up :)
Alot of time I have no idea what time it is...I have been lucky to have a lifestyle not defined by the clock except when schools in...that fucks everything up. I would deffinatly need a good dedicated alarm clock to turn them on and off manually.


Well-Known Member
Thank You for letting me post my question in your journal. I know the pictures are not the best. I have a good camera but I'm having a problem focusing on the plant. This is bagseed. The plants have been stressed due to this being my first grow. I think I have hermis. If so, should I pull them or spray with DM reverse?

Thanks for the input



Well-Known Member
Alot of time I have no idea what time it is...I have been lucky to have a lifestyle not defined by the clock except when schools in...that fucks everything up. I would deffinatly need a good dedicated alarm clock to turn them on and off manually.
i have such an internal clock going its just as easy to turn them off and on... i think i do it so i stay in grips with what time it is... otherwise i wouldnt have any idea of the time or day... LOL

Thank You for letting me post my question in your journal. I know the pictures are not the best. I have a good camera but I'm having a problem focusing on the plant. This is bagseed. The plants have been stressed due to this being my first grow. I think I have hermis. If so, should I pull them or spray with DM reverse?

Thanks for the input
not a problem.. your more than welcome to stop in and ask questions and post pics if you need some help.. it all helps my thread count :)

those are male plants bro... sorry... i hate being the bearer of bad news... those are all pollen sacs you are seeing..


Well-Known Member
just wanted to post a couple new pics.. im trying to illustrate the amount of growth the plants are having in the hydro system.. its nuts.. seriously... and i especially wanted to show off the white shark.. as tall as may hand, wider than it for sure, and is starting to produce her 10th node already... yeah... she is a fucking bush... im impressed!! the blueberries are coming along wonderfully now too.. i think i might tune the nute solution down a little for them... it seems they may like less of an EC... and the og kush looks amazing after the supercrop.. she responded VERY well to it.. the blueberries didnt like the supercrop so much.. but the white shark bushed the fuck out from it... anyways... this will be the last pics i post for a while... gonna just do weekly pics..

so the first pic again will be the pic from the day i installed the water chiller.. which was 10 days ago... they had 3 weeks of growth (or lack there of) before i added the chiller.. you can see from the first pic there was almost no growth in the first 21 days.. and you can see how much has occured over the last 10... i am VERY happy with how they have come along...

i am pulling 2 og kush and the chemdog.. didnt post pics of them.. but need the sites for the new sprouts... ill fill in the empty sites first, tho, in case not all the seeds germinate... oh speaking of, i am up to 4 sprouts now.. the tundra, bluehash, powerkush, and strawberry cough.. just waiting on the white widow, gigabud, and super lemon haze now...

heres some pics... enjoy bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
very nice ss! pretty little ladies!

they do look much better...always exciting to have new strains popping up

thanks guys.. for them being so close to dieing and almost pulling them all i couldnt be happier now.. they are transforming into very lovely ladies... i love watching them all too.. the bb's show very different pheno's.. its crazy.. they all share the fact they dont seem to like super cropping at all tho.. i should have just topped.. and topped again later... ill wait a week or two before i top them tho and let them just concentrate on growing..

ive been spraying them the last couple weeks.. im alternating between using the diamond nectar and the floralicious grow... they seem to like that too.. the nice thing with my lights are i can just spray them when i want.. so i just am getting in the habit in doing it after i change my reservoir.. which is getting to be great.. the ph is getting almost spot on and staying there all the time.. very little fluctuation... and i am hitting about the perfect ec everytime.. or at least what i want it to be.. i have it down to between 800 and 900 ppm, which is a 1.6/1.8 ec.. everything is now officially together.. and the new seeds are going to be great.. i really want to get the most out of them and this system.. and i defiantly did not have the best start or give my girls the best chance...


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
I have been moving a plant each night from my veg room to the flower room and back again in the morning before lights out. I know im gonna forget to move it, I can't wait to get a bigger veg light.
theres a 1000wtt hps setup with a mh bulb for $100 just down the road. it looks just like my new one i just got.. irt a 2ft octagon hood.....:hump: