Someone made a statement in the "should guns be banned" thread
stating they don't believe gays/lesbians should have the right
to be married.
Lets get the discussion started and state your opinions
on the matter...
My opinion....
Lesbians/gays should have EQUAL rights under the law.
just for those who don't know, gay marriage was legal
in CA for a while, and then it was BANNED because of
the surpreme court decision resulting from the votes on
Prop 8.
I don't understand what bothers the people of America so
much about people with different sexual orientations
getting married. It will not infringe upon your rights as a citizen
and neither will it bring troubles to your personal life. So
why worry about what other people do in their lives?
Gays/lesbians are doing nothing wrong by wanting equal
rights. And I don't feel America's religious views and
beliefs on marriage should be forced upon the gay/lesbian
community under the law. That is why we have "Freedom of
Religion". That means that you can decide to believe, or not
to believe in a religion and no one, including the gov't
can do anything about it. But it seems as though that
freedom isn't really a freedom because the religious community
is forcing their views upon the gay/lesbian community by
banning them from getting married. How would you like
it if you were given a right to be married and it was
taken away in a few short months?
Let the discussions begin!!!