SoG Grow Room Discussion


Well-Known Member
never heard of it
what are you suppose to do with it
what are the benefits of this?
is this organic solution for accelerating roots?


Really? I've never heard of someone who's never heard of them. lol.

those clones look like there hurtin a bit, im sure they will be just fine, but quality products like rhizo and roots ex. will give you quality results.

i go for the rhizotonic myself.
i bet if you gave a foliar spray with rhizo, you could see them perk up over night... great stress reliever and makes thick fuzzy white roots like crazy.


Well-Known Member
Is there a difference in taste or smell of smoke though if organic nutes have been used?

Or 'Organic Based' Nutrients.


Well-Known Member

i've always called bullshit on that

i've even offered and offer still stands USD $5k for anyone who can pass a double blind test 3/3 times with organic buds vs non organic.

I just call it a scam. Just another industry fad to exploit our hobby and money


Well-Known Member
Hey LoudBlunts...when you switch over to the House & Garden nutes, would you keep us informed of how well they work with the Stink system? They sound pretty good...especially the root excellator.

rhizotonic is a stress reliever, root encourager... all kinda shit

however, im replacing all my nutes soon with all House & Garden...the best nutes out.

Root Excellator is some serious shit.

they have almost the whole line, in sample form at BGhydro


Well-Known Member
Hi boys & girls...

I've updated the SoG pdf since we just hit the 150 page mark and you know I try to do it every 50 pages. You can get it here...or in my sig.


Well-Known Member
Hey LoudBlunts...when you switch over to the House & Garden nutes, would you keep us informed of how well they work with the Stink system? They sound pretty good...especially the root excellator.

no offense to Stinkbud.... he's a good grower and all.....

however, i dont use stinkbud layout (too many moving parts and too tedious workings for my liking...not to mention he came out with his DIY way after i got into it) i build my own systems with the exception of the only prebuilt system i have which is the aquamist.

with that said..... they (nutes) arent system specific...they shall work with any system without discrimination.

moreover, im no fan of force air injection as it wildly fluctuates pH and EC by introducing spores and such into the nute soup.

for my aeration of my res' i just use mechanical force (waterfall, constant moving water) as well keeping my nute tanks at 65-68 for max DO (dissolved oxygen)

you may wonder why i brought up the air pump is cause House & Garden discourages use of air pump with their nutes.


Well-Known Member
also, did i mention House & Garden Aqua Flakes base main nute runs soooooo clean!!! no salt buildup....

i think thas why they called it aqua flakes....shit runs so clean your water will look like it has flakes in it its so sparkly clean


Well-Known Member
Yeah...I was just looking at that product on their website...very interesting.

also, did i mention House & Garden Aqua Flakes base main nute runs soooooo clean!!! no salt buildup....

i think thas why they called it aqua flakes....shit runs so clean your water will look like it has flakes in it its so sparkly clean


Well-Known Member

u ASS!!!! lol

btw im still using canna's line myself...

however the root excellator is more concentrated (even though more expensive) but you only need to use 1mL of root excell as opposed to rhizo's 15mL, just for future knowledge...

but for the rhizo...i normally put about 15mL to the gallon until i get a nice nice root system.....then i cut it all the way back to 1.5-2mL per gallon once the roots are happy.

do it fast cuz you dont want to be dosing at full dose the whole flower.

its like using SuperThrive through out the whole can, but just a waste of nutes and sometimes you can hurt more than help

best of luck brother!


Well-Known Member
and oh yea, if you decide not to add it to your nute soup and you are going to foilar feed

or hell if you gonna to add some to your res and foilar feed

im sure you already know this....but spray/mist the plants right before lights out so they dont burn the plant