SoG Grow Room Discussion


Active Member
It's all good, bro. I went to the walmart website and they were going for almost $200! Good chance they are trying to clear inventory. I got a humidifier for $15 at walmart, regular price was around $100. I had to ask someone to scan it for me cause it seemed too cheap. It's no joke when they wanna get rid of old stock. Be nice if we had the inside scoop on those deals. It's hard to resist a really good deal, especially when you need to get one anyways. Well, keep us informed Blunts.


Well-Known Member
your makin some steps now bro. its good to see that eventho youve had some crap thrown at you that youve had to handle, you still got things goin. my heart goes out to ya buddy, i hope (and would bet) your crop turns out badass.


Well-Known Member
yes they will be fine.

if it was me, i'd cut all those ugly leaves off....but thas just me cuz im ocd like that.

plus they're gonna die off anyway.


Well-Known Member
if it was me, i'd cut all those ugly leaves off

the leaves are the sugar plant production for the plant
they should not be removed until mid flowering; as this will slow growth
shadowing a bud trumps sugar production though



Well-Known Member
rhizotonic is a stress reliever, root encourager... all kinda shit

however, im replacing all my nutes soon with all House & Garden...the best nutes out.

Root Excellator is some serious shit.

they have almost the whole line, in sample form at BGhydro


Well-Known Member
rhizotonic is a stress reliever, root encourager... all kinda shit

however, im replacing all my nutes soon with all House & Garden...the best nutes out.

Root Excellator is some serious shit.

they have almost the whole line, in sample form at BGhydro
i saw the jar sitting on the table over at Bell location
i wasn't going to try something new before i finished my 5 gallons first
they were mad expensive to ditch now (about 1k)



Well-Known Member
oh no doubt!!!

use up all your prepaid nutes for sure first!!!!


the root excellator can be used in conjunction with your other nutes.

if you root system is should really invest in root excellator or canna rhizotonic


Hi one and all,
I am trying SOG for the first time. My finishing room is 8m x 3.5m = 250 plants @ 1 per square foot.
I am running 8 x 400 watt HPS lamps kept at 18 inch from crowns.
4 x wall mounted 12 inch oscillating fans.
2 x extraction fans which will vent the total finishing room area in 30 minutes thus allowing a constant suck of fresh cool air piped into the room at a level under the level of the plants crowns.
I am growing in soil in 6 inch x 6 inch pots.
Room is at an average OF 83 degrees.
I am not using CO2.
My strain for this is Skunk no 1.

Any Idea what yield I should get when the stigmas withdraw ?

Thanks BB