as much as we disapprove of what LEO does ................

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Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
I am not going to read all this thread...but thanks LoudBlunts for posting this. For those who did not open this link...I highly suggest anytime you feel sorry for the few pigs who lose their pathetic lives in a freaking WAR!!!! you read the truth.

Here is a nice example...from the WAR:

"Substitute Sunday School Teacher Cheryl Noel possessed a registered handgun, which she kept in her bedroom (9 years earlier, Cheryl has lost her 16-year-old stepdaughter in a shooting murder). On January 19, just before 5 am, police burst into her home using flash-bang grenade and battering ram looking for drugs. Both Cheryl and her husband were asleep in the master bedroom. Suddenly awake and fearing an armed intrusion, Cheryl grabbed her gun. Police kicked in the bedroom door and shot her 3 times."

These pigs are addicted to adrenaline (drug addicts) and are constantly violating our 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th amendment rights. This is an unnecessary and highly dangerous way to make an arrest or serve a search warrant.

These pigs know full well what they are getting into, they put their battle gear on every day. They do it because they like it. There wives know full well what they are getting into also, besides the abuse that trickles down off the poor dog when it is not convenient.

I do feel sorry for the children (piglets) it is not their fault Daddy was a prick.

LE has been at war on our own citizens for my entire life, over a freaking plant. They are the enemy, not your friend. They are all just glorified meter maids, revenuers. When they end their own declared war on me and other like minded citizens, they will then be able to earn the respect of the it is they garnish fear even from the law abiding...everybody's heart stops for a second when we see a cop on the road as we quickly check our speed.

If you want to get all warm and fuzzy with cops...try joining LEAP (Law Enforcement Against Prohibition) These pigs know what they have done to the public's perception of the police and how the war on drugs has completely changed Law Enforcement.

I do not lock my door out of fear of crime...I lock my doors out of fear of the Police!

That story lacks the part where they did find drugs in the house.. :roll:


Well-Known Member
That story lacks the part where they did find drugs in the house.. :roll:
Who cares. Men i n black military uniforms kicked in the door and entered with assault rifles (WAR).

Did this woman deserve to be shot in her own bed? I do not care if she was injecting meth into her big freaking toe!

Why did these pigs not simply park down the street...wait for them to leave for work...Sunday School...and simply make a traffic stop, make an arrest, and use the keys to execute a legal search warrant while nobody is home...this could be done in regular blues or khakis without having to go home and change into the G.I. Joe costume.

They did it because they wanted to. They like it. The guys that get to do this are veterans...they no longer get off on pulling over citizens, wasting their time in some power trip that is tolerated because of the need for local hire more cops. It is a game. They think they are at war, and do not see the people as citizens with rights of due process. Filthy animals...swine (sorry BBQ...nothing personal)



Well-Known Member
That story lacks the part where they did find drugs in the house.. :roll:
And another thing, If that particular story was about a Substitute Sunday school teacher that was dealing poison to babies and may or may not have gotten what she deserved...then click Loudblunts link on the bottom of the first page of this thread and read about all the people who did NOT have dangerous horrible drugs that cause little white girls to succumb to the advances of the over sexed natives..oops sorry...all the people who were killed when the warrant was for the house across the street, or with there hands in the air, no weapons around, the house does not even match the description on the warrant...

The luckier victims of this WAR just get sent to places like Chino, Ca to be housed with ACTUAL criminals. Can you imagine how terrifying it must have been for our brothers locked up in Chino for victimless crimes? Not only is their regular day a living hell, but then an all out riot takes away the last thread of security of your nightmare...all so self-righteous pricks can go around justifying it because they broke some law...what about natural law...humane law?

This is a free freaking country, NOT a police state. They are there to serve the public, not pursue their own agenda of targeting un armed pot smokers in lieu of real criminals. The public wants the police to police the neighborhood for Car thieves and burglars, vandals, rapists...on the look out for something strange...not stoned. Targeting drunk motorists not free flowing traffic. And picking on criminals in stolen cars instead of kids on skateboards.



Well-Known Member
What you don't seem to get Duke... is that "un armed pot smokers" ARE criminals by law... why should we be treated any differently than say someone making and selling their own moonshine without permits... that's against the law. Until the law is changed, you MUST accept the fact that police can and will arrest you. Since you admitted that you're not helping in any legalization effort... I think your complaints are void, you do nothing for anyone... except your self. My point? You seem to think police specifically are out there looking for potheads and they're not... but if they see one they can't turn a blind eye, that would be favoritism and corruption. Turn a blind eye to one crime but not to the next. And to stop blaming the law enforcement for doing their JOBS... Enforcing the law! Start blaming the lawmakers and politicians, instead.

No need in wasting any more time with you Duke... you've got your head so far up your ass it's impossible to remove it now. That's okay though, I don't have to deal with you. :peace:


Well-Known Member
No it is not against the law in California. some pigs still choose to do as they please. I still do not understand why you are here since you accept that possessing and using a plant is a crime...maybe it is because you have your head up the ass of some shitty pig :finger:. As far as I am concerned anyone who wants to be a pig might as well be one. You admitted in another thread on the same topic that if you could have your dream job of being johnny law dog, you would enforce the "Law" against cannabis. Only thing worse than a pig is a the kind we had in HS before they put some real badged flunky with a damn gun on campus.

Again what is a guy who supports marijuana prohibition and enjoys conversing with cops, doing on a grow board?

Since you like cops so much why don't you look into LEAP. They are current and former LEO, and they fully understand mine and others negative perception of cops and know why.

So again, why does LE choose to dress up like the fookin village people and do mock home invasion robberies to serve a freaking search warrant? Is it because it is the safest for the Cops? The residents? their kids? The neighbors? No they do it because they are pigs. period.

We need to get back to protect and serve. Their gestapo mentality has my children's entire generation viewing the police as the enemy rather than would think this would be a clue that these public servants have made a wrong turn in how they deal with the general public...quit acting like freaking storm troopers and serve the community.:fire:



New Member
Hayduke, get back on ur meds...... :roll:

Cops don't do anything that hasn't been handed down from on high.

It all starts from the top, not the bottom.

You've got it upside down.


Well-Known Member
Hayduke, get back on ur meds...... :roll:

That's what I'm saying... I'm done with the guy, he's kooked beyond kooked. :clap: I mean he has to be if he thinks I support marijuana prohibition... LOL, all I said was it's against the law and until it's changed you can't blame the cops for arresting you. But, with his kind of mindset, no telling how his brain twisted the words.

And thanks for the + rep Warlord! Don't tase me bro!

Oh yeah, I guess serving the community isn't what police do during 95% of their time... most of the times when you see a cop going somewhere, they're not patrolling... they're enroute to a call for help, etc... I know from my cousin that his department receives over 1200 calls for service during any given day.

Look at this:

Tampa's Police Calls for Service log of the past WEEK, 11,407 calls!


I thought you lived in Alaska?

johhnie would you kindly tell dude how not sweet shit is in the chi? about the high ass crime rate crocked politicians at all levels its like chicago is its own little country. fuck them all


Well-Known Member
You two are complete fucking idiots... and I hope your genes are removed from the pool as soon as possible. The number of police you hear about doing criminal things are only 0.03% of the police in this world. It would make my dick super hard to hear about you and anyone with your point of view being put on a firing line in front of your family and gunned down like the idiots you are.

Sorry fdd... you let this thread go too far. :peace::roll:

Yep... I love the police, smoked plenty of ganja and never, ever had a bad experience with one... so, to all of you thinking like the two ignorant schmucks above... make it easy and pull out a gun on your next traffic stop, they'll take care of your idiocy for ya.

why you gotta blame me? :sad:


Doesn't matter, everywhere you go no matter what city there will be bad shit happening, with police and with citizens. Like I said... New Orleans/Chicago... one in the same. But my POV hasn't changed, because I know for a fact for every 1 bad officer, there are 1000 good ones.

lol the city of new orleans is small has shit its like the size of one bad neighborhood in chicago

now look i have met a few cool off duty cops but no were near the amount of ones i wish death on you feel me. for like every 1 good cop i k now like 100 bad you feel me


Well-Known Member
You two are complete fucking idiots... and I hope your genes are removed from the pool as soon as possible. The number of police you hear about doing criminal things are only 0.03% of the police in this world. It would make my dick super hard to hear about you and anyone with your point of view being put on a firing line in front of your family and gunned down like the idiots you are.

Sorry fdd... you let this thread go too far. :peace::roll:

Yep... I love the police, smoked plenty of ganja and never, ever had a bad experience with one... so, to all of you thinking like the two ignorant schmucks above... make it easy and pull out a gun on your next traffic stop, they'll take care of your idiocy for ya.
Wow you actually said that!!!! Yep CrakerJax it is me who needs to be on meds (well maybe, nothing official, but you may be on to something)

And wow in front of their family...and they really would not let you be a cop? I really think they have no idea what they are missing out on, cuz damn you talk the talk for sure. Already do the drugs you will enforce/steal...that is actually walkin the walk also...dude! you actually smoke pot?

I quit for a year or so in the late 80's...bought a .357 actually talked to a tool of a pig who used to date a friends sister, and was "helping" my roomate by having her "clean his house" which evidently is code for post nude pics on line, while her BF was in jail. I thought about going to U of NM to study criminal freaking toke of cannabis completely eliminated such foolish thoughts.

But I guess I should just say I am done with you...but as a last little you some bad names and wish death upon you and all those like you and hope that you are murdered in the street while your family watches (but got the love for the police!)...Maybe I would do something like that, but I take my medicine (cracker) before it gets anywhere near such dangerous rhetoric....hold on a minute...there that was easy...:peace: Socata...see much better. Here dude:joint: keep it, I got plenty.



Well-Known Member
how typical.....

i get threaten for trying to weed out misinformation on growing and im threaten being banned...

yet i see all kinda disrespect and name calling over this petty shit.

how typical


lol population of chicago 3 million. you got more then 7 millions people in cook county. population of new orleans 300 thousand


Well-Known Member
why you gotta blame me? :sad:

It's always your fault man! :weed:

Truly, I wasn't blaming... just saying this thread is now going way too far with all the "seeing a cop getting killed makes my dick hard" crap. But, then again, not everyone is in the reality of the real world, they've been skewed off course by close-mindedness and insecurities. :clap:

lol population of chicago 3 million. you got more then 7 millions people in cook county. population of new orleans 300 thousand
Well, you said small... in my mind that means in size, or area... not population ;) You're right on that fact...

Here dude:joint: keep it, I got plenty.
Why thanks...


It's always your fault man! :weed:

Truly, I wasn't blaming... just saying this thread is now going way too far with all the "seeing a cop getting killed makes my dick hard" crap. But, then again, not everyone is in the reality of the real world, they've been skewed off course by close-mindedness and insecurities. :clap:

lol i can have my opinions and beleafes, and my real world is diffrent from yours
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