There Is No Devil.


Well-Known Member
As I have said previously, why take up your belief of an aberhamic god with athiests? Are they the ones who threaten your gods existance? And if they do do that, your god wasnt worth a shit to begin with.


i am not making the claim, someone else is.

you dont get the point?

so you dont believe this?
Based on previous research
38% of natural scientists – physics, chemistry, biology, etc – said they did not believe in God, and only 21% of social scientists do not believe

No, I do not believe that data is accurate.


Active Member
No, I do not believe that data is accurate.
guess you dont have to believe but i am not making this up, about 40% believe in god but all that means is alot of scientist are going to hell :(

In the US, according to a survey published in Nature in 1997, four out of 10 scientists believe in God. Just over 45% said they did not believe, and 14.5% described themselves as doubters or agnostics. This ratio of believers to non-believers had not changed in 80 years.

LONDON, April 2 (Reuter) - Most U.S. scientists do not believe in a god,
but 40 percent do -- the same percentage as did in 1916, researchers reported
on Wednesday.

40 percent of scientists acknowledge there is a God or higher power behind everything

Collins said that about 40 percent of scientists believe in God, and my unscientific survey generally agrees, putting the figure at 38 percent


Active Member
I used to think like CrackerJax and Padawan in many ways.
One of the things I used to believe was that scientists didn't believe in 'religion', and that a Christian physicist was rare.
I was shocked when I got to grad school and found tons of fellow Christians who were getting their PhDs in physics like me. I still get shocked when I see, year after year, all the grad students that come in who are strong Christians.


New Member
Pew Survey: A Huge God Gap Between Scientists and Other Americans

July 16, 2009 02:18 PM ET | Dan Gilgoff | Permanent Link | Print
By Dan Gilgoff, God & Country
An eye-opening new Pew survey on science and religion reveals a huge God gap between scientists and other Americans. Eighty-three percent of Americans say that they believe in God, while just 33 percent of scientists do. Just 17 percent of Americans are religiously unaffiliated, while nearly three times as many scientists are.
The numbers are a testament to what an odd bird Francis Collins, the prominent geneticist and evanglical who is President Obama's nominee to run the National Institutes of Health, is.
This graph gives the full picture:


I used to think like CrackerJax and Padawan in many ways.
One of the things I used to believe was that scientists didn't believe in 'religion', and that a Christian physicist was rare.
I was shocked when I got to grad school and found tons of fellow Christians who were getting their PhDs in physics like me. I still get shocked when I see, year after year, all the grad students that come in who are strong Christians.

Give me some evidence in physics that suggests there is some sort of higher power behind everything. I must be missing something...


New Member
I highly doubt you have ever thought my way. Once you step outside of the myth and encounter the clarity, it would be impossible to step back into the fog. At least for me, certainly.

This Bozo got off the bus..... :wink:


Active Member
i think we all were raised going to school where they teach evolution so i think u have it backwards me and you might need to "step outside of the myth and encounter the clarity"

they kicked me off tha bus because i kept taking my helmet off so i could lick the window....:wink:


I highly doubt you have ever thought my way. Once you step outside of the myth and encounter the clarity, it would be impossible to step back into the fog. At least for me, certainly.

This Bozo got off the bus..... :wink:

I feel the same way. That's why it's so hard to take these "I used to be an atheist" stories seriously... It's kinda like that "once you go black you never go back" saying... "once you go atheist you never go back". I can't imagine how one would commit to acknowledging there is no God, or that it's highly unlikely that there is a God, then be shown some "evidence" (use that word loosly as fuck) and convert immediately... but then when someone like me asks "well what's the evidence?" all we ever get is anectodal sob stories that we have no problem rationalizing from a subjective viewpoint, but the guy experiencing Jesus can't ever see the difference...

You know what it would take for me to convert to Christianity? A little more than my own subjective interpretation of some experience I had, especially if I was in an unstable, emotional state of mind at the time...

There is nothing beyond personal experiences that points to a God's existence, which means as far as we know, it's imaginary.


Well-Known Member
I highly doubt you have ever thought my way. Once you step outside of the myth and encounter the clarity, it would be impossible to step back into the fog. At least for me, certainly.

This Bozo got off the bus..... :wink:

This Bozo got out of the clown car. :-P


Active Member
You know what it would take for me to convert to Christianity? A little more than my own subjective interpretation of some experience I had, especially if I was in an unstable, emotional state of mind at the time...

There is nothing beyond personal experiences that points to a God's existence, which means as far as we know, it's imaginary.
what kind of evidence would be you like to see to believe in a god?


Active Member
So I went out drinking with my fellow physicists, and I asked if they believed in any form of God. Of the 6 there were, 6 said that they didn't know and confessed to agnosticism. One said he was a militant agnostic and one said that he'd be an atheist if he really thought about it, but he didn't want to upset his mother. I was the only Christian.
So there, for whatever it's worth.


what kind of evidence would be you like to see to believe in a god?

You ever see the movie "The Knowing" with Nicolas Cage? Pretty recent movie..

If stuff like that started to happen, yeah, I'd become a believer no question.

If any actual evidence were shown to me I would become a believer. I am not choosing not to believe in God, I simply have not seen anything that will allow my brain to believe a God exists... Choice does not come into the equation.


Active Member
You ever see the movie "The Knowing" with Nicolas Cage? Pretty recent movie..

If stuff like that started to happen, yeah, I'd become a believer no question.

If any actual evidence were shown to me I would become a believer. I am not choosing not to believe in God, I simply have not seen anything that will allow my brain to believe a God exists... Choice does not come into the equation.
Now I need to see this movie.
I will say that if you saw what I saw, you'd either believe or go insane. But that's just me. You are right in that choice does not come into the equation.
I definitely did not choose to believe. I just couldn't ignore reality. The reality was that demons and angels were indeed real.
I didn't see anything that would allow my brain to believe a God exists. That is, until June 2nd 1994....