There Is No Devil.



Now I need to see this movie.
I will say that if you saw what I saw, you'd either believe or go insane. But that's just me. You are right in that choice does not come into the equation.
I definitely did not choose to believe. I just couldn't ignore reality. The reality was that demons and angels were indeed real.
I didn't see anything that would allow my brain to believe a God exists. That is, until June 2nd 1994....

Well what did you see? :?:


New Member
There is no way of knowing what is behind the Big Bang...if anything. It's a very far flung idea to take a creation point of the Universe (which is quite large I'm told) and come up with a personal G*D interested in our species. The first part (creation) is verifiable, the sentientcy behind it is not. Besides, we're in the Backwater,West Virginia location wise in the Galaxy.


Well-Known Member
Once I realized that the universe didnt just happen by chance is when i gave god a chance.
Honestly...i'd believe more that it happened by chance...rather than one being creating EVERYTHING...including the 100 billion galaxies? Or maybe the 10 billion trillion stars? Seems like a lot of work.


Active Member
kinda funny how, if your right, we evolved into what we are today and are able to think about if there is a god and how the universe was created. I consider myself luck to of been born a human. Its also kinda neat how we are the most advanced creatures by far makes me wonder how come there is nothing a step below us kinda like a half monkey half man, it just goes from monkey to man with nothing inbetween. on that thought would be neat if there was something above us like a more advanced man, maybe an alien if there are aliens why not something inbetween... is there anything between monkey and man? if not, why? ( i yahooed (<-- that right?) couldnt find anything)


Active Member
Honestly...i'd believe more that it happened by chance...rather than one being creating EVERYTHING...including the 100 billion galaxies? Or maybe the 10 billion trillion stars? Seems like a lot of work.

seems like a lot that happend by chance


Well-Known Member
seems like a lot that happend by chance
Still...more likely chance. Everything is in some way an reaction to something else...that's how things work.

Has anyone seen the previews for that show about the star that may explode and mess with earth? Don't think it's for a while...but damn...God must have been planning this one for a while, eh?


a veil of reality being torn....scales being lifted from my eyes, if you will....
Dude, it really seems like you're trying to dodge my question...

This is the third time now I've asked you to explain your situation to me, each time you come back more vague than the last...

I'm not asking you for metaphors, I'm not asking you for visions. I am asking you specifically what happened to you to make you believe in a God, the key word there is 'specifically', meaning in as much detail as possible. Everything. I want to put myself into your position and see if the same thing would happen to me or if I would find some other way to rationalize it out. That's simple enough right?

Once I realized that the universe didnt just happen by chance is when i gave god a chance.
Your statement doesn't make any sense. It's illogical to say the universe happened by chance. That's kind of like asking what the color purple tastes like.. The only logical way I can make any sense out of that is that if it is random, there is a 50% chance the universe would come into existence, right? Between the universe existing and the universe not existing... 50/50, those are the odds from the existence we sit. Seems pretty damn good to me...

It amazes me that you guys can give every single little supernatural explination for God and how he came into existence, but then when science hasn't discovered the mechanism for how something works yet, you automatically assume it MUST be God! Why is that? Why do you guys limit knowledge and give up like that? Just because we don't know the answer now doesn't mean we won't come up with it later. Saying God did anything is exactly like saying "I give up". It doesn't answer shit or explain anything.

kinda funny how, if your right, we evolved into what we are today and are able to think about if there is a god and how the universe was created. I consider myself luck to of been born a human. Its also kinda neat how we are the most advanced creatures by far makes me wonder how come there is nothing a step below us kinda like a half monkey half man, it just goes from monkey to man with nothing inbetween. on that thought would be neat if there was something above us like a more advanced man, maybe an alien if there are aliens why not something inbetween... is there anything between monkey and man? if not, why? ( i yahooed (<-- that right?) couldnt find anything)
There are tons of steps below us in intelligence, Dolphins, Chimps.. I'd even go so far as to say there may be a few animals out there who are smarter than a few humans... Half monkey half man wouldn't make any evolutionary sense at all. There are different stages of human that came before homosapiens, all the way back to around 4 million years ago. They're earlier anscestors, not quite fully human, not quite fully ape, a transition.


Active Member
Your statement doesn't make any sense. It's illogical to say the universe happened by chance. That's kind of like asking what the color purple tastes like.. The only logical way I can make any sense out of that is that if it is random, there is a 50% chance the universe would come into existence, right? Between the universe existing and the universe not existing... 50/50, those are the odds from the existence we sit. Seems pretty damn good to me...

It amazes me that you guys can give every single little supernatural explination for God and how he came into existence, but then when science hasn't discovered the mechanism for how something works yet, you automatically assume it MUST be God! Why is that? Why do you guys limit knowledge and give up like that? Just because we don't know the answer now doesn't mean we won't come up with it later. Saying God did anything is exactly like saying "I give up". It doesn't answer shit or explain anything.

There are tons of steps below us in intelligence, Dolphins, Chimps.. I'd even go so far as to say there may be a few animals out there who are smarter than a few humans... Half monkey half man wouldn't make any evolutionary sense at all. There are different stages of human that came before homosapiens, all the way back to around 4 million years ago. They're earlier anscestors, not quite fully human, not quite fully ape, a transition.

50/50 huh?

there are no "not quite fully human, not quite fully ape, a transition" but if you can show me evidence i am willing to believe


Well-Known Member
kinda funny how, if your right, we evolved into what we are today and are able to think about if there is a god and how the universe was created. I consider myself luck to of been born a human. Its also kinda neat how we are the most advanced creatures by far makes me wonder how come there is nothing a step below us kinda like a half monkey half man, it just goes from monkey to man with nothing inbetween. on that thought would be neat if there was something above us like a more advanced man, maybe an alien if there are aliens why not something inbetween... is there anything between monkey and man? if not, why? ( i yahooed (<-- that right?) couldnt find anything)
Man is little more than a hairless ape.

Scientists have sequenced the genome of the chimpanzee and found that humans are 96 percent similar to the great ape species. "Darwin wasn't just provocative in saying that we descend from the apes&#8212;he didn't go far enough," said Frans de Waal, a primate scientist at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. "We are apes in every way, from our long arms and tailless bodies to our habits and temperament."

Because chimpanzees are our closest living relatives, the chimp genome is the most useful key to understanding human biology and evolution, next to the human genome itself. The breakthrough will aid scientists in their mission to learn what sets us apart from other animals.

By comparing human and chimpanzee genomes, the researchers have identified several sequences of genetic code that differ between human and chimp. These sequences may hold the most promise for determining what creates human-specific traits such as speech.

"If people are asking what makes us human, they're not going to find a smoking gun [in this study]," said Evan Eichler, a genome scientist at the University of Washington in Seattle who was part of the research team. "But they're going to find suggestions for where to look."

The project was conducted by an international group of scientists called the Chimp Sequencing and Analysis Consortium. Sixty-seven researchers co-authored the study, which is detailed tomorrow in the journal Nature


Active Member

Scroll down to the bottom where it says Human Evolution.

There are pictures and descriptions of each one, starting with Ida 47 million years ago, the most distant known relative to modern homosapiens.

check out the pics at bottom this is the 2million year old one..i figured if this was close i would look at the rest but.....
java man they find a few bones (The skull-cap may have belonged to a large extinct ape, and the leg bone to an ordinary human)and reconstruct an entire head and face calling it half ape half man :clap: see pic below

Java turn out to be as young as 100,000 years, as some researchers believe, then erectus was still alive on Java at the same time that fully modern human beings were living in Africa and the Middle East.

no ancestor for man has ever been documented. The &#8220;missing links&#8221; are still missing. Here is a summary of facts relating to some of the most well known fossil discoveries.
  • Homo sapiens neanderthalensis (Neandertal man) - 150 years ago Neandertal reconstructions were stooped and very much like an 'ape-man'. It is now admitted that the supposedly stooped posture was due to disease and that Neandertal is just a variation of the human kind.
  • Ramapithecus - once widely regarded as the ancestor of humans, it has now been realized that it is merely an extinct type of orangutan (an ape).
  • Eoanthropus (Piltdown man) - a hoax based on a human skull cap and an orangutan's jaw. It was widely publicized as the missing link for 40 years.
  • Hesperopithecus (Nebraska man) - based on a single tooth of a type of pig now only living in Paraguay.
  • Pithecanthropus (Java man) - now renamed to Homo erectus. See below.
  • Australopithecus africanus - this was at one time promoted as the missing link. It is no longer considered to be on the line from apes to humans. It is very ape-like.
  • Sinanthropus (Peking man) was once presented as an ape-man but has now been reclassified as Homo erectus (see below).
Currently fashionable ape-men

These are the ones that adorn the evolutionary trees of today that supposedly led to Homo sapiens from a chimpanzee-like creature.
  • Australopithecus - there are various species of these that have been at times proclaimed as human ancestors. One remains: Australopithecus afarensis, popularly known as the fossil 'Lucy'. However, detailed studies of the inner ear, skulls and bones have suggested that 'Lucy' and her like are not on the way to becoming human. For example, they may have walked more upright than most apes, but not in the human manner. Australopithecus afarensis is very similar to the pygmy chimpanzee.
  • Homo habilis - there is a growing consensus amongst most paleoanthropologists that this category actually includes bits and pieces of various other types - such as Australopithecus and Homo erectus. It is therefore an 'invalid taxon'. That is, it never existed as such.
  • Homo erectus - many remains of this type have been found around the world. They are smaller than the average human today, with an appropriately smaller head (and brain size). However, the brain size is within the range of people today and studies of the middle ear have shown that Homo erectus was just like us. Remains have been found in the same strata and in close proximity to ordinary Homo sapiens, suggesting that they lived together.
There is no fossil proof that man is the product of evolution. Could it be that the missing links are still missing because they simply do not exist.



Well-Known Member
check out the pics at bottom this is the 2million year old one..i figured if this was close i would look at the rest but.....
java man they find a few bones (The skull-cap may have belonged to a large extinct ape, and the leg bone to an ordinary human)and reconstruct an entire head and face calling it half ape half man :clap: see pic below

Java turn out to be as young as 100,000 years, as some researchers believe, then erectus was still alive on Java at the same time that fully modern human beings were living in Africa and the Middle East.

no ancestor for man has ever been documented. The “missing links” are still missing. Here is a summary of facts relating to some of the most well known fossil discoveries.
  • Homo sapiens neanderthalensis (Neandertal man) - 150 years ago Neandertal reconstructions were stooped and very much like an 'ape-man'. It is now admitted that the supposedly stooped posture was due to disease and that Neandertal is just a variation of the human kind.
  • Ramapithecus - once widely regarded as the ancestor of humans, it has now been realized that it is merely an extinct type of orangutan (an ape).
  • Eoanthropus (Piltdown man) - a hoax based on a human skull cap and an orangutan's jaw. It was widely publicized as the missing link for 40 years.
  • Hesperopithecus (Nebraska man) - based on a single tooth of a type of pig now only living in Paraguay.
  • Pithecanthropus (Java man) - now renamed to Homo erectus. See below.
  • Australopithecus africanus - this was at one time promoted as the missing link. It is no longer considered to be on the line from apes to humans. It is very ape-like.
  • Sinanthropus (Peking man) was once presented as an ape-man but has now been reclassified as Homo erectus (see below).
Currently fashionable ape-men

These are the ones that adorn the evolutionary trees of today that supposedly led to Homo sapiens from a chimpanzee-like creature.
  • Australopithecus - there are various species of these that have been at times proclaimed as human ancestors. One remains: Australopithecus afarensis, popularly known as the fossil 'Lucy'. However, detailed studies of the inner ear, skulls and bones have suggested that 'Lucy' and her like are not on the way to becoming human. For example, they may have walked more upright than most apes, but not in the human manner. Australopithecus afarensis is very similar to the pygmy chimpanzee.
  • Homo habilis - there is a growing consensus amongst most paleoanthropologists that this category actually includes bits and pieces of various other types - such as Australopithecus and Homo erectus. It is therefore an 'invalid taxon'. That is, it never existed as such.
  • Homo erectus - many remains of this type have been found around the world. They are smaller than the average human today, with an appropriately smaller head (and brain size). However, the brain size is within the range of people today and studies of the middle ear have shown that Homo erectus was just like us. Remains have been found in the same strata and in close proximity to ordinary Homo sapiens, suggesting that they lived together.
There is no fossil proof that man is the product of evolution. Could it be that the missing links are still missing because they simply do not exist.
There's also no proof whatsoever of a God. Maybe because he simply doesn't exist?

There's still more evidence leaning towards evolution.


Active Member
well if you really want to believe your a fucin ape, go for it, thats on you :lol:

no god eh? you want proof, kill your self and see what happens