White Rhino from Seed


Well-Known Member
So I realized that I’ve been growing the same strain for awhile now so I decided to revisit White Rhino. I actually grew this once before back in 2007 but had some problems with the grow. I only used three seeds the first time around so I’ve got seven to play with and I figure I might as well just try to sprout them all out.

I use the damp paper towel method in gladware method. I’ve put the sealed container in the storage area of my flower cab where it’s dark. Keeping them in there will keep the seeds nice and warm. I’ll check them in four days to see how many have sprouted.

Comments, questions, discussion welcome.



Well-Known Member
I guess I use the paper towel method because it's the way I've always done it and it's always worked. I haven't done seeds in a couple of years and I always used fresh seeds in the past so I'm not sure how my method will work with older seeds. If I have any/all that don't sprout this way, I'll try the soak and plant with them later.


Well-Known Member
I guess I use the paper towel method because it's the way I've always done it and it's always worked. I haven't done seeds in a couple of years and I always used fresh seeds in the past so I'm not sure how my method will work with older seeds. If I have any/all that don't sprout this way, I'll try the soak and plant with them later.
I hear ya. Do what works for you seems to be the name of the game for cloning and seed planting.

Good luck with the grow.


All seven of the seeds sprouted. I planted the seeds in 4.5” pots and stuck them all under a humidity dome. Soil is 4 parts FoxFarms Ocean Forest and one part perlite. Lighting is one 55w 6500k bulb.

Photo 1: All the seeds planted
Photo 2: Under dome and lights
going to keep my eye on this:shock:


Well-Known Member
Subscribed, I only had White Rhino once, but it was the shiznit. What kind of lighting setup are you working with?


Well-Known Member
Nice I have 2 Rhinos growing outside right now. One of them is not growing too well right now but the other one is looking good.


Well-Known Member
I use CFL's for Moms/Seedlings/Clones/Vegging. The bulb I use is weird, I think it's more common in Europe but hard to find here in the states. It's a compact T5 that uses a 2G11 base. The nice thing about them is that the 55w bulb is only 21" longs but puts out 4,800 lumens. A standard 55w T5 is 48" long and puts out 5,000 lumens. I get almost as much light in less than half the space.

Right now they are under one 55w 6500k bulb. A couple of days after they break the surface I turn on a second 55w bulb that is 3000k.

Then once they are bigger I'll move them into my veg cab that has three of the 55w bulbs in it, two 6500k and one 3000k.

I've attached two photos. The first one shows my veg cab and the other one shows what my lighting looks like from below. You can really tell the 6500k bulbs from the 3000k ones.

To make the lighting I took one of the shelves that came with the cab, trimmed off a little width and length, screwed the ballast on one side and the bulb hardware and reflectors on the otherside. Then it was just a matter of some eyehooks and chain to hang it. Cab itself is just a cheap one from Home Depot (14x24x36").

For flower I use a 250w HPS. Right now I'm flowering two plants that I believe are a Hashberry/Lockdown cross.

Subscribed, I only had White Rhino once, but it was the shiznit. What kind of lighting setup are you working with?



Well-Known Member
So the last time I grew these was back in 2007 and I had a lot of problems with the grow. Basically new grower type stuff. From the day I switched to 12/12 till harvest day was 81 days which is almost 12 weeks.

I actually still have my grow logs and photos from that grow so:

Photo 1 is just a nice bud shot, taken on 12/14/07
Photo 2 show what the flower cab looked like on 12/18/07. It's hard to tell but that's 3 White Rhino and 1 New Purple Power
Photo 3 is what one of the White Rhinos looked like on harvest day.

How long do they take to harvest? How tall do they get?



Well-Known Member
Nice looking buds you had there Mage,
I'll be following your WR journal..
I have 2 growing myself.. Stubborn plants those Rhino's..
Not the easiest strain to grow, but like most things that take some effort to do, the end result is so worth it.
Smoke on!


Well-Known Member
Time for an update. Still haven't watered yet, soil is still damp about 2" below surface. I probably will water them tomorrow.

Took some more photos.
Photo one shows all seven of my kids.
Photo two is the four bigger ones.
Photo three is the four smaller ones.
Photo four is the runt.

Since one end of the tray had all the bigger plants I rotated the tray around to put them at the other end of the cab.

Runt looks really weird. You can see the seed leaves but it doesn't seem to have started any new growth. I'm going to give it a few more days.

