SoG Grow Room Discussion


Well-Known Member
started mixing nutes directly to the res, each by itself
using a sirenge and manufacture dosage per gallon

safer and better that way.

i believe the cal/mag turns to Gypsum when it comes in contact with something, cant remember what tho??

anyhow, in the past, i have added cal/mag before, after, in the middle, and i had no problems. I emailed my nute company and they said it wont effect THEIR product and their product could be added in ANY order. (i have been adding it first tho, and i kinda recall some grey cloudyness in the past at some point when i wasnt adding it first)

I'm thinking results may vary from brand to brand?... or no?


Well-Known Member
with each nutrients you mix, add some water with that nutrient and keep stirring it up.

you know what? i recommend a blue lab nutrient truncheon!!!! as its great for stirring nutrients and i havent even had to calibrated it once since i've had it, very accurate and instant.

i love it. great when stirring up my 5 gallon nute buckets when i need it.

SOG, you still havent answered. i think your inline meter is fudged up. i think you messed with the scales or something. you did didnt you?

i've never seen tds in decimal ppm readings ever.... unless you are referring to EC or different measure scales

what you doing?

dont we have the same meter?



Well-Known Member
i personally would use more t5's and have them like 2 inches from the plants.

and are u you sure you have enough oxygen to the roots? they look a lil weird, maybe its the nute thing... liquid karma or whatnot?


Well-Known Member
here they are in their new DWC home
root analysis anyone?

you know im not gonna lie to you, nor sugar coat shit.

plain and simple, the roots look HURT!!!!

i partly blame that on the rockwool if my eyes arent deceiving me. I also see the start of pythium aka root rot homie.

Third, you need to black out everything!!!!


AT ALL!!!!!1111eleven

i can see straight through your res lid, and clear bin/res.

Fourth, give them some Roots Excellator, stop bs'n


Well-Known Member
SOG, you still havent answered. i think your inline meter is fudged up. i think you messed with the scales or something. you did didnt you?

i've never seen tds in decimal ppm readings ever.... unless you are referring to EC or different measure scales

what you doing?

dont we have the same meter?
i saw that, i didn't think your referring to me
yes we do have the same tds meter
your right, i do know what i was thinking
the meter reads on the out @014 -025ppm
I'm not sure why it goes up between the RO res and the site res



Well-Known Member
your tds will rise as it sits and also if you are aerating it.

this is why i suggested (if you are really worried) to get a UV sterilizer but its not necessary. Keep the RO res covered, completely blacked out and in a cool spot and all should be well bra


Well-Known Member
you know im not gonna lie to you, nor sugar coat shit.

plain and simple, the roots look HURT!!!!

i partly blame that on the rockwool if my eyes arent deceiving me. I also see the start of pythium aka root rot homie.

Third, you need to black out everything!!!!


AT ALL!!!!!1111eleven

i can see straight through your res lid, and clear bin/res.

Fourth, give them some Roots Excellator, stop bs'n

thank you for confirming bra
at what rate should i give root exel?

the roots are hurting for sure,
that's why they are not going zero veg
i had to pull them out from a rock wool cube,
the GC (middle to half way to the left) came six in one rock wool cube
they are hurting the worst, noticed my water temps are getting bit high



Well-Known Member
your tds will rise as it sits and also if you are aerating it.
i suspect its the lil left over sitting at the bottom
decided not to keep my res full for now,
i fill it before it needs to be used!
takes 20-30min to get one res filled up

gonna oxy blast it later today
ill find the faulty res



Well-Known Member
you know im not gonna lie to you, nor sugar coat shit.

plain and simple, the roots look HURT!!!!

i partly blame that on the rockwool if my eyes arent deceiving me. I also see the start of pythium aka root rot homie.

Third, you need to black out everything!!!!


AT ALL!!!!!1111eleven

i can see straight through your res lid, and clear bin/res.

Fourth, give them some Roots Excellator, stop bs'n
i wanted to say something similar but i guess i didnt have the confidence to blast him with bad news, not knowing for sure that i was right.

LB your the man.


Well-Known Member
thank you for confirming bra
at what rate should i give root exel?

the roots are hurting for sure,
that's why they are not going zero veg
i had to pull them out from a rock wool cube,
the GC (middle to half way to the left) came six in one rock wool cube
they are hurting the worst, noticed my water temps are getting bit high


always apply Roots Excellator at 1.1mL per gallon. Its so concentrated you dont need more than that... and plus its too damned expensive.

use roots excellator with everything! it will rid root rot. i put it in my cloner, and use it in veg and up to the 4th week in flower and dont need to use anymore in flower after 4th week


Well-Known Member
i wanted to say something similar but i guess i didnt have the confidence to blast him with bad news, not knowing for sure that i was right.

LB your the man.

SOG is my homie, he doesnt want his hand held, he doesnt like sugar coating. He is a big boy, he just wants the truth, his options for the solutions and how to apply.

he's not the type to ask a question, then tell you its NOT the you know those types?

or ask you a question and then give you 50 zillions reasons on why and what not is right with a suggestion


Well-Known Member
started @72, its up to 76 now,
you cant see in the pic; there are two 54w strips right next for moms


if you are cloning, 72-78F res temp is optimal....the nute soup just needs to be changed out quicker/every several days instead of the 2 weeks


Well-Known Member
LB should sog be careful mixing rhizo and roots exl?? -just throwing it out there.

76 is not ideal and wont hold as much oxygen as slightly lower temps, but i would be okay at that temp... BUT im not doing DWC which probably factors in.... I'm sure loud could tell u how to remedy the sitch if needed.


Well-Known Member
i wanted to say something similar but i guess i didnt have the confidence to blast him with bad news, not knowing for sure that i was right.

LB your the man.

yea bra, don't stress; your looking at it wrong
see LB's answer ;)



Well-Known Member
i suspect its the lil left over sitting at the bottom
decided not to keep my res full for now,
i fill it before it needs to be used!
takes 20-30min to get one res filled up

gonna oxy blast it later today
ill find the faulty res


why not keep res full?

i guess you got such high flow rate it doesnt matter if you have a float valve or

i need to get me a merlin sooner or later

no need to oxy blast it much.... lol a little is find... as tds in ppm units will still be there, if not more because of the added h2o2....


Well-Known Member
LB should sog be careful mixing rhizo and roots exl?? -just throwing it out there.

76 is not ideal and wont hold as much oxygen as slightly lower temps, but i would be okay at that temp... BUT im not doing DWC which probably factors in.... I'm sure loud could tell u how to remedy the sitch if needed.
gonna move them to a different location
then throw one of my chilling cubes in there

I'm not mixing rhizo and exel
i figured since I'm starting a new round
ill need more rhizo any way soon
cut my loss and went with exel
