SoG Grow Room Discussion


Well-Known Member
also.... i know you are into nuking and shit.

you want a nuke?

my suggestion is Physan 20. becareful with this shit though!!!! as sometimes plants will frown for real if you go too heavy with this stuff.

it will EAT pythium and just about any other cootie in your hydroponic res.

they also use this stuff to permanently take out that stupid mold/algae that grows on steps and concrete.

this shit is serious!!!

i always keep some of this stuff just in case as a last option. its cheap too. dont mix with nute soup. just mix up res with plain water and physan 20


Well-Known Member
fourth, you are correct. oxyblast will waste your money spent as if i are working with Pure Blend Pro? and mostly all of their stuff is 'organic based'.... you would be spending money (oxyblast) to kill your other monies (Pure Blend Pro)
i was thinking to run a quick oxy flush just to help eliminating the pathogens
or even right now on top the existing soup, since i'm going to spill it moving to new dwc res with a clean RO tank



Well-Known Member
okay im back.

i re-looked at your root porn SOG.

5 steps (dont mock my word on number count still a stoner too :p )

okay gonna try this in 5 easy steps.

go ahead and get your nute solution ready. Do you have anything like Canna Cannazym? House & Garden MultiZym/Multizen? Hygrozyme?

well you dont NEED it, but i use this for the enzymes. products with specific enzymes such as previous mentioned nutes above are essential and used for breaking down dead root matter. it also creates the prosperitous ground for new roots if that makes sense.

If you dont, dont worry about it. no need to go out and buy some. Just put some plain RO water in your dwc or wherever you want clones right now....mix RO water with your Rhizotonic. This is going to be your stress buffer after the following steps. Go ahead and get that ready. pH can be from 5.6-5.8 (dont flip out if you gotta chase the pH, DONT, pH is crucial, but not that crucial as these are not nutes they are stimulants and additives aka steroids :hump:

Now you need a bucket...dont matter 3 gal, 5 gal or a wide mouth/big ass salad bowl. Mix this with RO water and some oxyblast. i think oxyblast is 10% h2o2 and 90% deionized water.....
Use the 1tsp/ about 5mL per 10 gallons of water ratio. and that should bring you up to 30ppms of h2o2. This is your swish/decontamination bowl/bucket.

Step 1.

Trim above a half inch to an inch away from the cutting (can you understand that? am i making sense? ) . If not, i mean if you look at your roots...about a half an inch to an inch you have good new nice roots.... the rest below that level looks to be contaminated! cut off all roots that look to be diseased/infected as pythium will spread. if infected roots are in the water, it will just keep spreading. CLEAN CUTS ONLY!!!! NO JAGGED CUTS!!! CLEAN CUTS!!!

Step 2

Dip roots in the mixture, swish it around if you like.... 5-15 seconds should be good enough, you decide.

Step 3

RINSE OFF! then you can put into your dwc with the rhizotonic

Step 4

The rhizotonic dwc may be overkill, but you are making sure you dont stress them out but cutting roots/ transplant all that new shit you doing to them.

After the look okay for 2-3 days, I'd then start giving them a fresh nute batch of Roots Excellator and some nutes


Well-Known Member
last but not least SOG,

you can have TAD bit higher temps in cloning reservoirs, however, that is based on changing every several of days instead of 2 week increments.

BUT once they are in the main growing stage and not just putting out more roots to finish rooting.... that nute soup needs to be NO HIGHER than 68F. That will be your cornerstone


Well-Known Member
also, goto storage and pull out another t5, fire that motherfucker up.

drop both t5s ontop of the plants about 5-10 inches away from them max!

also they are looking pretty damn big. like almost 12" (the clones) i suggest if you dont want them too big to go ahead and top them.... they will have this time to grow and recovery, since im getting the feeling you want them to veg for a least another week or 2 and you arent in any rush


Well-Known Member
thanks for the info. i finally got some work.its been damn slow down here

good to hear!!!!

and for future reference most of the time, anything hydro will want pH 5.6-5.8 give or take of course. What i listed is 'optimal'

pH is pH in my opinion. so if you wanna pH it should be the same depending on what system/method you are doing and what is optimal whether it be from aero cloners, to main res on main system, to foilar feeding (which i dont even pH btw) in reference to hydro of course