A real addiction


New Member
Hi, you may have seen many of my previous posts/threads and thought I was a happy person but I have a very dark secret. I do speed balls. I can't seem to talk to people in real life due to embarrassment
I started using coke to lose weight and then I got addicted and couldn't sleep so I mix it with H to be able to sleep. I spend $110.00 USD every day on black tar that I'm now addicted to. I have lost the weight obviously but now my life is in shambles. I didn't even really know I was addicted until I was out of the stuff and freaked out. I have constant mood swings and I'm often depressed and paranoid. If you know of a place that is a low cost rehab or have dealt with this please let me know.



that sucks. you should go t rehab. or atleast get some better h. lol tar is trash. thats str8 shooters dope


Active Member
jesus christ.... just go to rehab man... ive never been addicted to anything like that... or lean off onto ciggs and weed.... then just weed.. all i could think of... but i doubt that would work...

i hope u get threw this


Well-Known Member
Get in2 rehab .,.,hopefully you will be able to get ure life back on track,and be able to forward on with life in a positive direction


New Member
I've tried to get off it by myself and it physically hurts. You shit and piss yourself and keep getting hot and cold. Your stomach hurts beyond anything imaginable and you puke your guts out. If you've ever listened to alice in chains angry chair i think he may have been talking about withdrawl


Active Member
i mean... if u go into rehab... its just going to be the same thing... except ull have the emotional support and you know u cant get any heroin in there lol... i bet theres something out there for free.... if not u might have to just take it cold turkey


New Member
I feel like a down and out bum I collect cans to get money for my habit. I can't find anything for free in my area except for counseling and the dealers stand outside and after a couple hours you need it and it's like it's staring in your face. Sometimes I think it may be easier to kill myself then go through withdrawl. I know I may sound like a quitter but the physical pain is insane.

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
Rehabs not the fucking answer,until you decide you have had enough its never going to end.I Qiut everything from oxys to Methadone and methadone is harder than Herion.Its all upstairs and being mentaly strong.When you get sick and tired of being sick and tired you will stop.It took me ten years.Get you a few benzos and it will take a good week maybe more depending on how long and how much you used.I stopped 240 mg of methadone and 8 mg zanax cold turkey and almost died but Im hear today,If I had not got off that huge dose from the pain clinic I think I would be DEAD. Methadone is a 60 day withdrawell and Herion is a week so dont give up HOPE and GOOD LUCK (Ive been to four rehabs and thousands of NA meetings It does work for some, just not me)


New Member
Rehabs not the fucking answer,until you decide you have had enough its never going to end.I Qiut everything from oxys to Methadone and methadone is harder than Herion.Its all upstairs and being mentaly strong.When you get sick and tired of being sick and tired you will stop.It took me ten years.Get you a few benzos and it will take a good week maybe more depending on how long and how much you used.I stopped 240 mg of methadone and 8 mg zanax cold turkey and almost died but Im hear today,If I had not got off that huge dose from the pain clinic I think I would be DEAD. Methadone is a 60 day withdrawell and Herion is a week so dont give up HOPE and GOOD LUCK (Ive been to four rehabs and thousands of NA meetings It does work for some, just not me)
The longest i went was a week and a half and was still feeling it i do thank you for the advice though


you should get some help right away, i would go right to the hospital man good luck, and dont ever think about killing yourself thats the fucking coward way out, how would your mom feel or god forbid shes not around your dad, or sis or bro, gram, friends, ur girl dont be stupid dude, and although rehab may not be and usually isnt the permanant answer, you need to get help before you hurt yourself somebody else or even worse...


Well-Known Member
i tell you what you might think im crazy for saying this but it happens every day!! you know you want to get off of it if you cant get in a drug rehab because no one will help you go to your court house go in a court room when a court is in whip out a line and do it right there in front of every one then tell them i did this in front of you because I WANT HELP and dont have the cash for rehab i am going to die if i dont!!! BET YOU GET HELP!! true help im not saying this as a joke!! in this day and time thats what it takes!! sorry bro theres not a lot of help for the poor good help anyways!! your first step and bigest one is right there what you said yourself I WANT TOO quit!! right now people are going to jail just so thy have a roof over there heads and food!! sounds like you need to pack up and get the hell out of were your at!! thats what i like about were i live (small town)80%pot smokers!! rest is little meth and pills but no one pushing it on you!! cops here WILL beat your door in FAST over hard drugs!! not weed but hard drugs!!here thy find ONE PERSON JUST ONE WITH H thy will hunt the dealer down.


hey i kinda know how you feel i use to be a heavy user of some fire coke...didn't think i was addicted at all until similar shit happened. yea coming down off of it sucks there was a lot of throwing up and sleeping and smoking cigarettes. i think that its shit they its only free if your on meth. trust me ive been on that shit too. sucks. like everyone else said rehab...if ive been to rehab three times, talk to them and they should help you come up with some sort of payment plan. if not try something cheaper like some sort of outpatient program or classes. outpatient will be a lot harder with the grip coke has on you but hey its work a start. good luck with whatever you choose to do



Well-Known Member
my advice to you bud is get some vallium,plenty of pot,2 buckets,lots of sugary substances a tv and a locked room.you should be off in a few weeks,best of luck to you my friend.


Well-Known Member
Hi, you may have seen many of my previous posts/threads and thought I was a happy person but I have a very dark secret. I do speed balls. I can't seem to talk to people in real life due to embarrassment
I started using coke to lose weight and then I got addicted and couldn't sleep so I mix it with H to be able to sleep. I spend $110.00 USD every day on black tar that I'm now addicted to. I have lost the weight obviously but now my life is in shambles. I didn't even really know I was addicted until I was out of the stuff and freaked out. I have constant mood swings and I'm often depressed and paranoid. If you know of a place that is a low cost rehab or have dealt with this please let me know.

I've tried to get off it by myself and it physically hurts. You shit and piss yourself and keep getting hot and cold. Your stomach hurts beyond anything imaginable and you puke your guts out. If you've ever listened to alice in chains angry chair i think he may have been talking about withdrawl
I feel like a down and out bum I collect cans to get money for my habit. I can't find anything for free in my area except for counseling and the dealers stand outside and after a couple hours you need it and it's like it's staring in your face. Sometimes I think it may be easier to kill myself then go through withdrawl. I know I may sound like a quitter but the physical pain is insane.
detox is a bitch man, ive been through it twice, and its enough to keep me away from the hard stuff like dope because i dont want to go through it again. but you should take everyone's advice and go to a rehab if you have insurance. some suboxone or methadone will help you kick your habbits without getting sick and hopefully you can keep clean


Active Member
theres always time to change your path bro... but you gotta make it happen... no one can do it for you, not even some rehab... this is your choice!!! so decide now that you dont wanna find yourself in the same place collecting cans so you can make yourself sick...??? It makes no sense... Just stick to herb man... Good luck, I hope you can help yourself...


Well-Known Member
Ok, this is the golden bullet. You have one of them and only one. Rehab is a natural path right, it is they logical way to get off of a substance. But there are others, there is one chemical I am thinking of, from the Bwiti tribe in Africa. It is from the root Iboga. You should look into it, it have been shown to stop opiate withdrawal within 45 minutes after administration, and 12 hours after last dope up. As well it is not just an extremely powerful experience, there is evidence to show that after you ingest it a new neuro-transmitter called nor-ibogaine is created in your brain for like 4 months, it is thought to chemically stop any addiction symptoms.

I believe it is scheduled in the US though.
Check the wikipedia and erowid.
