Best germination method


Active Member
Man I hope I put on enough protective gear to post to this thread.
And I believe that my mother must have be right about me not being quiet...well anyway.

Let me say here there are many ways to do everything and when people tell you are wrong you can quit reading their post.
If your method produces a good result that is all that matters this is a PROCESS not a POPULARITY CONTEST.

Having said that and ducking my head in paranoia a couple of times.
I am a bean "soaker".
I have done it for more than 30 years and will continue because I get very good results.
I will go on to say that I also use a technique known as scarification. WTH, I am a bit of a sadist. :fire:

The method I use is to take a razor blade and lightly scrape the edges of the seed where the 2 haves come together.
I only do this with thick hulled hard varieties not tiny seeds usually, unless I am having germination issues.

I then place my seed in a small container with a few ml of tap water at about 80-90 degrees F.
I like to use 35 mm film canisters for just a few seeds up to say a hundred.
I place this on top of my gas hot water heater and that seems to keep it warm and dark.
I check on the seeds at about 16 hours, usually some will have cracked by this time.
And then again at 24 hours and if most are cracked I drain and plant if not they may get to go another 8-12 hours.
I drain them onto a paper towel. (Ducks flying debris)
And plant them shallow (1/4") in my media.
I put them under my veg lights and let them do their thing.
I just started this process last night with 10 of Sannie's finest though two were pretty white, but in his defense they weren't particularly light
and they bounced like a good hard bean should. I would be willing to bet I will have all 10 poking their heads up with 3 days of starting them in water.(pretty quick)

Now my reasons for why not to follow nature in every way.

1. Has any of you done extensive research into the germination rates of wild seed dropped in my grow room? (Thought not.)
2. The reasons that our plants are so genetically superior (for our needs) to pure or wild strains is OUR INTERVENTION.
3. The whole point of indoor cultivation I thought was to greatly control the environment for our plants . Hopefully making it better than nature provides as a whole.
4. Speeding up the process so we spend more time smokin and typing on these kind and considerate fourms.(man I am so gonna get flamed)
5. Learning what works best with what we have to work with.
I used to be a soil guy cause it is the cheapest when you are truly broke.
A few used pots cleaned in bleach water in the bath, a couple of bent up t-12 shop lights and some MG ferts and I was in biz back then.
I switched to various hydro setups and HID as my income and time allowed.
And now am considering Soil and organic ferts again as I am more and more concerned about what goes into my body.
Go figure.

There are lots of ways to do things. FIgure out what works best for Your process.:bigjoint:

Let the flogging commence. :wall:


Well-Known Member

what do you mean fuck U! ????????????.
and no the grass/informant wont have to show you who he is in court or by any other means and what makes you think i aint a cop ??????.

didn't you just get banned?


New Member
No we have you grass, you know what you done, we,ll post your pic soon, and your home address, when you leaving grass.

what we do to people that talk to police, rat man

i already told you i was not leaving.
and your threats are a complete joke.
so go ahead and post my picture and address i will look forward to that.
you dont know anything about me so stop hassling me when i am working please.
thank you.


Active Member
I don't know if we wanted to still talk about germination here or not but just in case.
Of the 10 seeds that I scarified, and soaked 9 have popped the surface as of yesterday evening. The other has not even cracked.
We shall see if it is going to do anything. But heck it has only been 48 hours.


Well-Known Member
Fuck me man! This shit still running. Get a life the lot o you. The only ones being made to look ridiculous are YOU. None of you have any credibility anymore. Go crawl back from where you came.


Well-Known Member
is it just me or did things get kinda intense about a page back? lol YIKES. holding onto anger is so last century, embrace change, celebrate differences and if after all that someone still gives you the shits, just stay well enough alone man lol

A.S.C. No1

is it just me or did things get kinda intense about a page back? lol YIKES. holding onto anger is so last century, embrace change, celebrate differences and if after all that someone still gives you the shits, just stay well enough alone man lol
i know dude. So much hostility on here!

A.S.C. No1

So many people on here using more than 1 screen name. Take note admin. You can ban there peoples ip address. That would put an end to this once and for all!


New Member
So many people on here using more than 1 screen name. Take note admin. You can ban there peoples ip address. That would put an end to this once and for all!

what confuses me is that 1 person can change thier user name 11 times in 24-48hrs and still think its goes undetected.
now thats just crazy and i hope the mods pick this up.



Do what I do and I usually get 100% germanation.I take an oasis cube soak in water and shake 1 time to get out excess water.then poke a hole in it with a pencil and drop a seed in it.I place the cube in a zipock baggie and place it on the top of my hot water heater where it's dark and warm.In 3 to5 days their germed no longer than 10.I then place these in my DWC hydro.


Well-Known Member
what confuses me is that 1 person can change thier user name 11 times in 24-48hrs and still think its goes undetected.
now thats just crazy and i hope the mods pick this up.

what you getting at? Yes i have one more id. I posted 2 posts with it, and you know what id that is. Done that to prove a point. Nothin more. How can you think that? I have used my proper screen name in so many posts and RISKED GETTING BANNED. Getting barred from this site would not be something i wanted nor something i would risk, unless it was cos of the way you were being treated. I thought. No this aint right and i stepped in. You getting paranoid mate. What reason would i do all this? How would i know your name? Seriously man i am one of the good guys. Whether you accept that or not is down to you. Geo


Well-Known Member
this is still goin??? its fukkin germination.. i think shes probly already germed them by now anyways... must not be any good threads made in the past week


New Member
what you getting at? Yes i have one more id. I posted 2 posts with it, and you know what id that is. Done that to prove a point. Nothin more. How can you think that? I have used my proper screen name in so many posts and RISKED GETTING BANNED. Getting barred from this site would not be something i wanted nor something i would risk, unless it was cos of the way you were being treated. I thought. No this aint right and i stepped in. You getting paranoid mate. What reason would i do all this? How would i know your name? Seriously man i am one of the good guys. Whether you accept that or not is down to you. Geo

what i.d ????????.
(and i aint paranoid so dont make an accusation or assume i am paranoid).


Well-Known Member
Think about previous posts mate. In fact think about the CCS thing, come on man you aint stupid. Like i said man. I aint got no prob wi you. You have improved my growing skills with your advice.


New Member
Think about previous posts mate. In fact think about the CCS thing, come on man you aint stupid. Like i said man. I aint got no prob wi you. You have improved my growing skills with your advice.
so why send me 5 PMs talking nonsense ????????.
