White Rhino from Seed


Well-Known Member
What kind of soil mix are you using? it looks very dry and compact.
Those WR's are very stubborn during their first weeks, everything has got to be perfect otherwise they won't grow very well.
Make sure you add sufficient perlite into the mix I've noticed when growing WR's.

Btw. how did the previous grow taste and smoke like?


Well-Known Member
I'm using 4 parts FFOF to 1 part perlite. I know it looks dry and top but it was still damp below the surface and the leaves aren't showing any signs of wilting.

Honestly I don't remember the previous grow very well outside of the fact that I had a lot of problems. I only did the one grow and the weed is long gone, that's why I decided to try it again.

What kind of soil mix are you using? it looks very dry and compact.
Those WR's are very stubborn during their first weeks, everything has got to be perfect otherwise they won't grow very well.
Make sure you add sufficient perlite into the mix I've noticed when growing WR's.

Btw. how did the previous grow taste and smoke like?


Well-Known Member
Friday, September 4th 2009
Veg +8
Gave the plants their first watering, no nutes, and moved them into the veg cab with three bulbs in it. Two 55w 6500k bulbs and one 55w 3000k bulb, 14,400 lumen all together. Bulbs are ~7" off the top of the plants, I'll drop that to ~3" tomorrow.

Some of the plants are starting their second set of true leaves, I don't count the seed leaves. The runt still hasn't shown any new growth.


Well-Known Member
I'm using 4 parts FFOF to 1 part perlite. I know it looks dry and top but it was still damp below the surface and the leaves aren't showing any signs of wilting.

Honestly I don't remember the previous grow very well outside of the fact that I had a lot of problems. I only did the one grow and the weed is long gone, that's why I decided to try it again.
Ok good, if the plants are growing healthy then keep doing what you're doing ;)


Well-Known Member
So here's a couple more photos. Some are definitely doing better than others.

Here's a shot of all of them

Here's my three biggest, my luck they'll all be males.

And here's the runt.

I just don't see any new growth here.



Well-Known Member
Tuesday, September 8th 2009
Veg +12

Gave them their second watering yesterday, this time using ½ strength nutes.

So my big three are really coming along, the other three are all on their seconds leaves. Then there's the runt. Still doing nothing.

Close-up of the three big ones. I really hope that at least one of the big one's is a female.



Active Member
Hey Techno just saw your journal...and scribed!!! I also just started a new grow of kush from seeds they popped surface this Mon...will also start a grow journal so we can see how eachother's is doing.....Looking great so far...keep it up! ????for ya its ok to introduce nutes right away??? i heard to wait till the first leaves fall(round ones)....Thanks man..and what nutes u using???
P.S. I also have a runt...LOL


Well-Known Member
The are in 4.5" pots right now. Since these haven't been sexed yet I'll probably just use something like 6" pots for flower.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for lack of updates, it's been a rough month.

Tuesday, September 22nd 2009
Veg +26
Watered again, using full strength nutes. I also topped all the plants.

Since I don't know the sex of these I'm going to take a clone from all before I toss them into flower. I topped all the plants to give me some clone sites.

Here's what they looked like pre topping

Here's what they looked like post topping. I spun the tray around during topping so the plants in the front in the first picture are now in the back for this picture. I also took more off the top of the three bigger ones so they are all now closer to the same vertical height.

Even though these are all seeds from the same package there are some serious differences between the plants.

Three of them are much bigger than the other three. Two of the big ones and one of the small ones are a darker green than the other three. I've got all the plants labled and will also do so with the clones. Be interesting to see what happens when I throw into flower.

There's no WR3 because it never produced any new growth.



Well-Known Member
Subscribed, your "DOING" what I want to do :mrgreen: growing small bushy nothing but nugs plants
Your hash/lock plant is simply beautiful!!!
I will follow this grow because I really want to see more of your technique
Close ups and explanations desired!!!

Keep up the great work

and sorry to hear about the grief


Well-Known Member
Thanks riddleme,

I'll try to get more close-ups and just ask me if I haven't explained something thoroughly enough.

My flower cab is currently in use and won't be free for 3-4 weeks so the WR have that much longer to veg.

Subscribed, your "DOING" what I want to do :mrgreen: growing small bushy nothing but nugs plants
Your hash/lock plant is simply beautiful!!!
I will follow this grow because I really want to see more of your technique
Close ups and explanations desired!!!

Keep up the great work

and sorry to hear about the grief


Well-Known Member
Sunday, October 4th 2009
Veg +38
Watered again, using full strength nutes.

Grabbed some more photos. The effects of the topping I did is clearly showing and I have multiple sites on each plant where I can take clones from.

Flower cab isn't going to be ready for at least another three weeks so I'll probably be topping a couple of more times to keep the size down.



Well-Known Member
Wednesday, October 14th 2009
Veg +48
Watered again, using ½ strength nutes.

Things are looking good. The flower cab should be free in about a week. I'm going to take a cutting to clone from each plant this weekend and then let veg for a few days before I throw them in the flower cab.

I realized yesterday that I had been using the same bulb for 20 months pretty much constantly. Last time around I used a 270w Super Agro enhanced spectrum bulb. Good bulb but pricey. This time I'm trying out a bulb by GrowPower that's supposed to be comparable to Hortilux, Agrosun and Sunmaster brand bulbs but at half the price. We'll see. :)

I'm not going to bother re-potting these since I don't know the sex. On the next flower when I know which are female I'll move to bigger pots for the flower stage.



Well-Known Member
Sunday, October 18th 2009
Total days: 52
Veg: 52
Flower: 0
Took two clones from all plants and then stuck them back in the veg cab. My new bulb isn’t here yet so I’m just going to veg them until the flower cab is put back together. Watered again, using ½ strength nutes.



Well-Known Member
Just read all the way through! Great grow so far! +Rep and Subbing! I must see!

I just started a White Rhino grow myself. my second grow. I havint finished a grow yet though!

Looking forward to new updates! Thanks for being so detailed!
