I have just spent the last two hours reading through all the posts and looking at the "facts" put forward by each point of view and not one person from the religouse community will waver from their beliefs in sight of overwhelming evidence against their point of view, where as those of the scientific are open to being proved wrong and admit to a posability, no matter how small, that they could be wrong.
An argument can not be won if who your arguing with is not open to being proved wrong.
I think thats why its called blind faith as you have to be blind to the evidence to carry on believing in religion.
Why do most religouse types think that science is trying to disproove the existance of God, its not, its just trying to understand via evidence how and what we are. Science does not disprove god, in some cases it can be used to say thats how he/she/it created things. What science has done for us however is put more than seriouse doubt in the claims of religouse orginisations. Religion is not God but how someone believes in God.
Personally don't believe in God but I am open to the idea that there could be.
Sorry to be picky, I am actually on your side of the argument Padawan. But you can be absolutley certain that eventually we will all die.
This was a Good Post, but Flawed..Firstly 90% (guesstimate) of the posts have been by Fish, 5% (guesstimate) by OP who admitted he doesn't know shit so thought he would manipulate a thread to gain some understanding... & the other 5% (guesstimate) by people who have religious/mysticism based concepts whom appear more than logically opened to scientific views...
Fish, although outspoken and likes to share doesn't account for everyone
Vice versely 90% of the posts by the Evolution base (guesstimate) are completely Closed to the notion/concept of a god being or, atleast care not to discuss it, and only waiver to the possiblity once science uncovers what is said to be truth... The only problem with this is that Man will discover the truth, not religion or Science, tools of the Man and Woman
10% (guesstimate) are by those who place their trust in Science and are simply open to the facts, understanding, and truth..
Other than that I completely agree with your post, however, being closed minded doesn't discriminate, but more so a Choice,
So it's the 10% and 5% that will move Us forward, and the Rest simply needs to be recycled
addendum: Sorry to be picky, I'm actually on nobody's side, but technically you can't be absolutely certain that we will all die, technically speaking..
+Rep for everyone, very good posts.
First congrats on your degree! We need more scientist in this country.
I am curious though which things are you talking about that don't stand up?
I would imagine you mean things like conjecture (connecting the dots when there is not a dot to connect). But in absence of evidence and a 3 billion year old video camera there would be little that you can do other than constantly fit the facts and evidence that you get into the theory.
I think that I more look at it like a math problem. Think a function. You do the math for the few points that you know and come up with a formula. That allows you to plug in the formula you had just seen with the evidence and get the graph. Now for every piece of evidence that we find it would need to fit into that formula, or the formula is void. And if it is void, you now need to get back to work and figure a formula that works for all the new information. And with that you redo it. And redo it when something else comes up. Everytime you may/will not be right, but you are closer to the answer.
See I think that the discourse you are referring to is more about the methods and evidence, and not that they happened. There can be other things that caused the changes, but what has more facts and evidence evolution or religion? I would say to the people that would argue that evolution doesn't stand up but religion does to really explain their point of view.
And the religious people jump on the disagreements, and say: See they cannot agree that it even happened! Instead of actually learning about what they are disagreeing about is more about the method, not the actual evidence.
Good Post as Well, however, I believe Evolution is Real but the science is flawed, just as God is REal and the religion is flawed... It's a hard and unjust comparison for me to compare the "Do Overs" of Science with the Misguided steps of religion, Man's approach to Theory eventually gets the Science Right, Just as Man's honest attempt to understand Himself and the World around him, finally get's the Religion right... Remember We are simply a Chemical Formula of thought, sometimes We have to simply start over as Well, Be Born Again!
I also enjoyed this statement
"See I think that the discourse you are referring to is more about the methods and evidence, and not that they happened"
this is very True and it doesn't discriminate neither,
Anyhow, I enjoy reading your posts, I get a fulfillment of Growth instead of stagnation as with most others...