Blue Cheese, PPP, Thai SS...Jerry's Second Grow

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. I just finalized my seed order, and my selections expanded a little...I purchased:

6 Reserva Privada OG Kush Feminized
10 TGA Jack the Ripper
1 Barney's LSD
1 Big Buddha Chiesel
1 DNA Genetics Chocolope
1 G13 White Widow

I figured if I am going through all the trouble to order some nice genetics, I should get a variety of strains now and save myself a heap of trouble. So I supplemented my primary selection of JTR and OG Kush with some pick n' mix...the seeds are a little more pricey individually, but its way cheaper than ordering packs of each one. And now I'll have a nice variety to play with!

Oh, and I get 5 Dinafem seeds free...Moby Dick, Blue Widow, Roadrunner (autoflowering), Cali Hash Plant and a Power Kush.

So really I've got 11 different strains from 7 different breeders...should be fun!

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Nice! That DNA chocolope is one I want to try for sure. Don't expect big yields but the buds look incredible and I hear great reviews. I was following this thread on another forum on it. The guy said the buds are A+ quality and you can kind of tell from his blurry pics LOL. But look how it grows. Plan accordingly. You're gonna want to top and get multiple main stalks with it.


Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Yeah the Chocolope was one I had my sights set on initially...I wanted regular seeds in the event I ever try my hand at breeding, but my current setup doesn't seem conducive to such activities...I don't really have anywhere to grow out a male and not pollinate everything in my house. So I figured screw it, I'll just get some fem seeds and be content with that.

The growth of that plant in the pic is nuts. The buds look nice and frosty, but there is so much stem! The internode distance is like 5 inches! I'll be trying to keep that sucker as bushy as possible...

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Everything is looking good in the flowering portion of garden. There are 7 plants total in there now under my 360w hps conversion bulb. The 3 bagseed plants probably have another 3 weeks or so before they get the ax. The 2 Blue Cheeses, PPP, and Thai Super Skunk have been flowering for about 2 weeks or so and are beginning to form some nice little buds, which you can observe momentarily.

The veg/clone room is also doing nicely. All 5 clones (2 BCA, 2 BCB, 1 PPP) have successfully rooted and have grown at least 1 set of nodes. They're still on 24/0 in the clone chamber so I'll probably keep them there until they get too big (or my seeds arrive, which should happen any day now...a topic I'll address at the end of the update).

The first clone I took of the PPP (PPP, Jr.) is looking good, vegging under 4 26w cfl's at 18/6. Fimming this plant resulted in 4 main cola's...sort of. It's fimming, so who really knows what's going on. There's a little yellowing of the lower fan leaves and some of the stem is turning purple, but otherwise it's growing like a champ. I think this plant may grow better untopped though...the node spacing is much tighter.

Enough words, lets get to pics!

Two of the topped bagseed plants. These are struggling a little, but I don't care. If there were more plants to move into flowering I would cut these bitches in a heartbeat. But I don't, so they'll probably make it to harvest.

The 3rd bagseed plant. Much nicer looking than the others. Hands-down the best of the bagseeders. Should have an OK yield all things considered.

The two blue cheeses. A on the left, B on the right. The leaf curl has seriously dissipated since being moved into these new containers and into the flower room...some have even straightened out!

Here's a couple close-ups of the tops. The one in the background is BCB, the foreground is BCA.

Next, the PPP. Beautiful plant. Very strong growth.

Here's the PPP top. I think I got a good pheno.

Thai Super Skunk. Not the best pic but my camera was dying. She's looking a little haggard at the moment, but that's because I just supercropped her (or more accurately bent her in half) to fit under the lights. As you can see the top on the left has clearly made the turn and is heading back toward the light. Everything you hear about these plants being tall is true. I let them get that way though, so whatever. I might be able to get 2 crops of blue cheese before that Thai is done...ha.

Here's PPP Jr. Shooting out preflowers like a mofo. Actually, it was under 12/12 for a few days while the other prepared to move into flower, so I've been messing up its schedule pretty hardcore. But it's back to 18/6 for another couple weeks I reckon...then into the flower room.

Finally, the next generation of sexy ladies. The two on the left are Blue Cheese A, the middle is PPP and the right two are Blue Cheese B. I didn't realize how nice they look until I just checked back at how small they were when I took them. Compare it to this --------------->

So everyone is healthy and happy (enough anyway). The outside temperature has begun falling into the lower 80's recently, making for some pleasant temperatures in the grow rooms. I can't say enough though how much I love that air-cooled reflector. The reduction in temperature is unbelievable. And if I ever want the heat, like in the winter when it's cold, I can just remove the glass or shut off the vent.

Seed order update: I don't have them yet. I've been tracking constantly online, and to my dismay the USPS website has said the same thing since September 4th! It has said "your item has arrived in ISC New York" for the last week! I can only figure that the tracking just got screwed up (never updated) and that my package is really out for delivery or much farther along than the website indicates. In the meantime I'll be tracking away...



Hi Fella great reading threw your thread as i got 5 big budda blue cheese just three weeks from germ myself and was good to see what they might look like in the future!. I also can not belive how tight the nodes on mine are, they bunching leaf like there no tomorow and throwing roots like a good un out the bottom of a 7.5 liter pot after only 3 weeks. I using CANNA COCO along with there full nuet package pricey but good.

Good luck fella and thanks.


Well-Known Member
great job jerry...the original PPP is truly a beautiful plant...kudos on her. I like the last shot of the next gen...reminds me of that cell phone companies bars in the background commercial (here in the US that is)...peace:leaf:

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Thanks eyeco, stop by anytime.

arcticvapors, I didn't even notice that till you said think it's att who does those. It's funny because my Blue Cheese A was a much slower growing plant through veg, and I guess it has held true with the clones. The Blue Cheese B's just grow so much quicker (and they took root quicker)...of the two pheno's I've got so far I like that one more. But I guess the quality of smoke is what we're going for, so we'll see which one I end up keeping long(ish) term.


Well-Known Member
Jerry - Beautiful work! These plants look awesome. I look forward to hearing your results. There ought to be some stimulus money for hemp farmers don't ya think??

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Things are looking better than ever Jerry. I know we've discussed the leaf curl thing a couple times now but after my expiences with my Lemon Skunk plant I'm pretty sure we're having the same issue which is nitrogen toxicity. Leaves very dark green in color and curling dowards like an upside-down canoe. Yours is not as severe as my LS was but by cutting way back on the N in early flower I've kept the leaves almost completely flat the second time around. My nutes were AN Sensi which had N plus AN Big Bud which has no N (0-2-4). So I fed nothing but Big Bud for the first 4 weeks. I don't know if your nutes work like that but try it out. Pay close attention to the color of the leaves. Not the bottom ones that are already yellow but the ones around the budsites. If they are very dark green you have too much N and the curling will start again. My LS is some kind of freak of nature and the leaves stay super dark green until week 4 when they get lighter again. You might need to only trim down the N, not cut it out completely. I'm pretty sure this is it especially because your plants improved so much after a transplant. It looks like the PPP can handle the N you are feeding but the Blue Cheese and bagseed got too much. I'm finding some strains just cannot handle any early flower nitrogen. Just food for thought.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Jerry - Beautiful work! These plants look awesome. I look forward to hearing your results. There ought to be some stimulus money for hemp farmers don't ya think??
In a bill they are proposing to medically legalize marijuana in North Carolina is a bit that says over the next 10 years it will bring in $60 million. I think that would be a conservative estimate too...

So yeah, some stimulus money to get that enterprise up and running and there's no more economy trouble. Imagine if every state could bring in some figure like that...and that's just medically legalizing it...:wall:

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Things are looking better than ever Jerry. I know we've discussed the leaf curl thing a couple times now but after my expiences with my Lemon Skunk plant I'm pretty sure we're having the same issue which is nitrogen toxicity. Leaves very dark green in color and curling dowards like an upside-down canoe. Yours is not as severe as my LS was but by cutting way back on the N in early flower I've kept the leaves almost completely flat the second time around. My nutes were AN Sensi which had N plus AN Big Bud which has no N (0-2-4). So I fed nothing but Big Bud for the first 4 weeks. I don't know if your nutes work like that but try it out. Pay close attention to the color of the leaves. Not the bottom ones that are already yellow but the ones around the budsites. If they are very dark green you have too much N and the curling will start again. My LS is some kind of freak of nature and the leaves stay super dark green until week 4 when they get lighter again. You might need to only trim down the N, not cut it out completely. I'm pretty sure this is it especially because your plants improved so much after a transplant. It looks like the PPP can handle the N you are feeding but the Blue Cheese and bagseed got too much. I'm finding some strains just cannot handle any early flower nitrogen. Just food for thought.
I think the high N may be a result of me adding an extra bit to try and keep those lower leaves green, but there just isn't the light penetration to keep them healthy. The Blue Mountain Organic nutrients I've been giving it are 5-2-5 "grow it big" for veg and 1-8-7 "flower power" for flower. Once in a while I give it some 2-4-2 "foliar harmony" but that is supposed to be administered separately as a spray.

So I'll probably drop the "grow it big" from the mix for the next feeding, and they'll get only water at least once more before they eat again. I don't think the leaf tip curling down that I had before (and still sort of have) was nutrient related. But the claw-like rams-horn curling down leaves are most likely too much N...thankfully there aren't more than a handful on each plant.

As far as the bagseed plants go...let's just say they've been to the brink and I'm impressed they're alive at all. I mean, there was a period where I neglected them for days...letting them go without water and drooping to the point I thought they were toast...but they keep plugging along. At this point I'm not going to let them die, but they were experimental bagseed from the get-go, and didn't cost me anything more than a few pots of soil and a months worth of hps lovin'.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
As if a Saturday full of football needed anything to brighten the day, my seeds showed up a few minutes ago! I now have a wealth of genetics at my disposal, but must fight the urge to germinate them all right now! I may start one or two tomorrow morning...maybe an OG Kush and a Chocolope...



mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Hell yea bro, you are an official strain whore LOL!!!! OG Kush or Chocolope sounds awesome... then again JTR is a legendary strain. Decisions decisions. LOL @ the TGA package. I didn't get that with mine. "This product may cause severe munchies."


Well-Known Member
hey jerry...nice genes man, nice genes. i've got a dinafem cali hash going right now at three weeks veg. i just switched it to 12-12 and started LSTing three days ago. see pic...

any one of yours will be sweet...peace:leaf:


Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
So I just planted 4 seeds to germinate directly in 24oz clear plastic cups. I went with: OG Kush, Chocolope, LSD and Moby Dick (one of the Dinafem freebies).

I expect them to be breaking the surface in ~36 hours.

I'm going to move the 5 clones into the veg room, and probably go ahead an move PPP Jr. into the flower room and stick it on the shelf (if it will fit). I'm considering putting the clones into flower untopped/unfimmed and growing them into 8-12" single colas, as if it were lollipopped. This way I can flower them in the little plastic cups on my flower room shelf without detracting from the other 7 plants.

But who knows. My plans constantly change and adapt. For instance, I was only going to germinate 2 plants right now, but somehow talked myself into 4...


Well-Known Member
So I just planted 4 seeds to germinate directly in 24oz clear plastic cups. I went with: OG Kush, Chocolope, LSD and Moby Dick (one of the Dinafem freebies).

I expect them to be breaking the surface in ~36 hours.

I'm going to move the 5 clones into the veg room, and probably go ahead an move PPP Jr. into the flower room and stick it on the shelf (if it will fit). I'm considering putting the clones into flower untopped/unfimmed and growing them into 8-12" single colas, as if it were lollipopped. This way I can flower them in the little plastic cups on my flower room shelf without detracting from the other 7 plants.

But who knows. My plans constantly change and adapt. For instance, I was only going to germinate 2 plants right now, but somehow talked myself into 4...
Well, hey Jerry....long time, no see.

I just want to let you know that I would be MORE than happy to babysit those mommas for you. :bigjoint:
Say you took yet some more clones of PPP before flowering, yes?
I swear I don't know how you manage veging/cloning AND flowering in that space!!!

What are the dimensions you are working with again? :peace:


Well-Known Member
its been a minute since i stopped in but the girls look great jerry! and u got some killa beans i wanted some ripper too and the og18 but it was sold out:(